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I was granted my wish of staying the merch girl. I was so happy I went out and bought a puppy named Princess. She is a blue pitt, with blue eyes. She is potty trained and everything. I decorated my room in paw prints and taught Princess how to get onto my bed. Then that my purse was a place he would be in a lot. Then not to bark while in the purse. She got everything down rather fast. I then came up with a new thing for the Host Club. It was a tiara for the Tamaki Fans. I thought it was good to think I made a lot with names printed on them, of with birth stones. I packed every one of them up into a different bow and labeled them. 

I picked up Princess and put her into my big purse that matched my hot pink crop top, black leggings and blue jean short shorts. I grabbed my hot pink bandanna and tied it around my head like a headband. I then walked to school. Princess was being so good. I was petting her the whole time. ''Nikki what do you have?'' asked Yuki me usual. I smiled. ''Here made specially for you.'' I smiled and handed her hers. I made my usual Tamaki costumers one with a name. 

I finished selling the regulars there Tiara's then gave then sold the remaining tiaras. I smiled and walked to the Host room. I sat on a couch with Princess. I got permission from the principal to have her. I tickled her and let her run around. Tamaki walked in and Princess started to follow him head held high with a huge smile on copying Tamaki's look. The other Hosts died of laughter. Tamaki looked at everyone and the puppy did too, it had it's toung out head turned to the side all confused like. 

Even Mori was laughing now. Now just Kyoya. ''Tamaki your left out!'' I shouted her went into his Emo Corner and Princess did to, she sat head down just like Tamaki. That's when I heard it the best laugh ever. Kyoya let out a chuckle. I smiled ending my video and whistled. Princess' head snapped up as did everyone else's. Princess ran to me and jumped into my lap. I pulled out a treat. ''Good job Babe you were perfect, Here no go wait for us to go.'' I smiled she took the treat and jumped into my purse. I picked up my purse. ''So, I wanted to show Kyoya my stock charts then I'm out of all your hair.'' I smiled and walked to Kyoya showing him my charts and giving him notes. ''Very good profits from what I see.'' said Kyoya I smiled and nodded. ''Yup I was hoping to share some thoughts with you.'' I said to him meaning ideas for money he smiled. I heard it then. 'She likes him, like the way Tamaki likes Haruhi.' I heard from Hikaru I turned in a swift movement toward him. 

''Listen you have your opinions others have there own, you have no right to judge me.'' I said to him. ''What do you mean Nikki he didn't say anything.'' said Tamaki. I looked at Hikaru them realized it was a telepathic field. ''Crap Crap Crap.'' I said then backed up. ''Alex Help there going to figure it out what do I do?'' I asked her. 

((Honey I'm on my way, try to explain it.)) She said I will freeze 

''B-But I s-s-stutter and'' I stopped and locked up and began to wheeze I do this when I freak out truly. I shuffled threw my bag. Princess grabbed my inhaler and I took it. I inhaled a few times till I layed on the floor scared to death. ''Nikki what just happened?'' asked Haruhi. I looked at the twins it is starting to click. ''No NO no you can't! No just No!'' I shouted and pulled out my book of hate. I flipped to there page. 

'It we ever see you again you will regret it. We will make your life a living hell. Never Return!' I ran a hand over that paragraph. I looked up to the Host Club. I closed it. ''Is that your book of hate?'' asked Haruhi. I looked at her. ''Yeah, I need to go.'' I said picking up my things. I went to go out the door as fast as I can when the twins grabbed me. ''You shady twins let my daughter go!'' shouted Tamaki. ''Triplets!'' they yelled and I dropped everything except my purse. I got Princess out. ''Idiots your twins there isn't three of you.'' said Tamaki. ''No We are Triplets.'' they said together I slowly turned to look at the scene Tamaki holding there shirts with them shouting at them. 

''Haruhi I need to get out of here now!'' I said she nodded and helped me with my stuff than we went to her house. I loved it so much. I used to have a place exactly like it. ''SO my dad is a bit different.'' said Haruhi. ''I think we are all different in one way or another.'' i smiled she did too. She invited me to stay for dinner so I was helping make dinner. When a man dressed as a woman walked in. I smiled. ''Haruhi honey I'm home.'' said the man. Father got it he is really cute. ''Dad hey I invited a friend for dinner is that okay?'' asked Haruhi. ''Yeah sure.'' He said I smiled. ''Hello Sir you look awesome I wish i could do my makeup that awesome.'' I smiled he did as well. ''I could teach you a bit if you wanted.'' He said I smiled then it faded. ''I would love that more than anything, but I am leaving soon to France.'' I said tone a bit sad to miss such an opportunity. 

''That is so fine, maby when you return.'' He said I smiled. ''Okay thank you so much.'' I said to him I had told Haruhi just prior I was going home to my father. I later helped clean then went home. I went straight to my room. I began to pack. I finished soon after and started my last item. I finished the Host Club poster not to long ago and am taking it into school tomorrow my last day. I made one of the last items a shirt with all the Hosts plus there roses/ flowers. I put the bid up the added a YouTube Vid. I than dyed my hair Black. I am changing my personal. 

I woke up and got dressed. I put on a crop top and Short shorts with pumps and all my anklets and bracelets with a necklace that said Born together torn apart. I made it myself. I grabbed Princess and walked to school with nothing but the T-Shirt. I got in and pulled on my Honey Beanie. I walked straight to the Host Club. I opened the door. ''Hello Princess how can we help you?'' asked Tamaki. I smiled ''I brought the last Item it should bring good profit, here is what I've earned already.'' I said dropping a lot of cash. ''What are you doing Nikki? were are your usual leggings? and why black?'' asked Tamaki. ''And why are you giving us this stuff? your to use it for future outfits.'' said Honey. I saw a look finally drop in all there eyes. ''Your quitting? Why Nikki-chan?'' asked Honey. I looked at him. ''Have to it's for the best, Oh if you see Haruhi tell her I'm sorry.'' I smiled sadly and walked out.

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