Break-up (excluding Alaric)

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Stefan: You pulled up to the Salvatore's house and headed inside to meet your boyfriend. When you get inside, you hear a girl. You pass it off as one of Damon's findings and walk into a room. What you see you did not expect, Katherine has Stefan pushed against the wall, and they are kissing. You had started to leave and you heard Katherine say, "Looks like your girlfriend caught you." She laughs. Tears start to drop and you run to your car. In seconds, Stefan is standing in front of you. "I can explain." He said. "I don't want your explanation, I want you to leave me alone." You say and walk to your car. He lets you go and when you get into the car, you see him crying. You feel a pang in your heart, but then you remember it is his fault he lost you.

Damon: This whole supernatural thing Damon brought you into wasn't fun. You were just a human, that had no idea the animal attacks were actually vampires and werewolves. He didn't want to bring you into it, but you both fell in love and were willing to take that chance. It was a 60's themed dance and you went with a couple of friends. You knew Damon would be there, but he wasn't your date. He needed to focus on Klaus, and you just wanted to enjoy the dance. When you were walking to go use a bathroom, a man came up behind you and bit you. You screamed in pain, but he covered your mouth. He let you go, compelled you, and sped away. You didn't recognize him and he also didn't know you had drank vervain. You sat up against a wall and started crying, it hurt so bad. You heard footsteps coming towards you, it was Caroline. "Oh my god (y/n), are you okay?" She said. "Yeah I guess.."
"He wanted to hurt Damon.. I just didn't think he'd come after you." Caroline told you. "This is because of Damon?" She nodded. You decided to get up and Caroline helped you to your car. You were able to drive home and once you got home, you went straight to bed. The next morning, you woke up to see Damon sitting next to you on the bed. "Are you okay?" He asked, with worry in his eyes. "No, I'm not fucking okay. This is because of you." I pointed to my neck. I was quite frustrated and angry right now. "I can't do this, Damon. I thought I would be okay, but he could come after me or my family again and I can't risk this. I love you Damon, but I can't." I looked up at him with tears in my eyes. He also had tears in his eyes. "I'm sorry." He said and flashed away.

Klaus: You had just recently found out about what Klaus has been doing to the doppelgänger and her family. You couldn't take how evil he was. You loved him and he was the only one you had left, but you couldn't love a monster. You had packed up all your stuff, and left, driving away as far possible before Klaus got the letter you left him, and went looking for you. Tears flooded your eyes as you drove down the windy road.

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Matt and Tyler, on next chapter. Maybe even Elijah.

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