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Imagine: A man harasses you and Tyler helps 

Written by: CaitlinJohnson-  

You were having a drink at The Grill with a couple of friends after work, just like you had done every Friday night after you had moved to Mystic Falls three months ago.

"I'll get the next round." You said, getting up from your seating and making your way over to the bar.

"Hey, Sexy." Someone next to you slurred.

You turned and saw a very drunk man, obviously attempting to hit on you. You ignored him and turned back to the bar, waiting for the bar tender to finish serving another customer.

You felt a sweaty hand grab your wrist, you jumped in surprised and turned to see the man with his face only inches from yours, his alcohol-soaked breath filling your nostrils, you trned your head away, trying to get away from the smell of beer; it was like he had drowned in a lake of beer, was resuscitated, and then went for a swim in the aforementioned beer lake.

The man clearly wasn't happy with you ignoring him. His grip on your wrist tightened, he tugged on your arm, forcing you to face him.

"Wanna get outta here?" He asked drunkenly.

"No thank you" You answered, putting on a brave front, but on the inside you couldn't help but be a little scared about what this ma could do to you if youu got on his bad-side. He wasn't 'ripped' by any means, but by the tight grip on your wrist you knew he was fairly strong.

"What was that, sweetheart?"

"She said no." A voice behind you said.

You turned your head to see none other than Tyler Lockwood. You had seen Tyler around town, and some of your friends occasionally spoke about how hot he was, but after only living in Mystic Falls for a few months you had yet to speak to him.

You couldn't deny what you're friiends had said; Tyler Lockwood was very attractive and, apparently, also willing to help out strangers being harassed in bars.

"Who are you, her boyfriend?" The drunk man slurred. 

"No, but neither are you and she clearly doesn't want anything to do with you, so I suggest you beat it." Tyler said threateningly to the man.

The drunk man got up and left, although disgruntledly, clearly not happy with Tyler raining on his parade.

You turned to Tyler and thanked him.

"No problem." He said with a shrug.

"Seriously though. I don't know what would've happened if you didn't help me out."

"Well, I can't just leave a damsel in distress now, can I?" He joked. "I'm Tyler by the way."

"I know." You said, but soon blushed in embarrassment once you realised that you sounded like a stalker. "I mean, you're identity has been pointed out to me on a previous occasion." You said, attempting to fix the situation but ultimately making it much worse than it should've been.

Tyler chuckled at your awkwardness.

"Well, unfortunately, your identity has yet to be pointed out to me."

"Oh' you said, surprised that Tyler had managed to make such a smooth recovery after your horrendous fumble. "I'm y/n."

"It's nice to meet you, y/n" Tyler smiled. "Can I buy you a drink?"

"Yeah, that's be great." You smiled, knowing your friends would forgive you for ditching them once they found out who you were ditching them for.

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