Elijah pt.2

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"I never got your name." You told him.

"Elijah. Elijah Mikaelson." You nodded your head. It suited him.

"And may I ask, what is yours?" You had just reached the door when he asked you that.

"(y/n)." He took your hand up to his mouth and kissed it softly. "Pleasure to meet you, (y/n)"


You blushed. No one has even been a gentlemen like that to you before. It was something you don't see nowadays. You both enter the house and as soon as you walk in you see a beautiful blond women sitting on the coach.

"Who is that?" She asked Elijah.

"This is (y/n) She helped me in the park after I had a little accident. Rebekah, will you join me in the foyer for a minute. (y/n), "Please excuse for us for a moment, take a seat." You nodded and sat down on the soft coach. Elijah and Rebekah, you found out, walked out of the room. While you were waiting, you could faintly hear them talking. The curious person you are decided to sneak and listen to them.

Walking up to the door and putting your ear against it, you listened in.

"What do you mean she's your mate? That's not possible. That's for werewolves."

"I'm confused about it also, but I already feel protective over her and when we touched.. It was electrifying."

Mate? Werewolves? What are they talking about?

"What are you going to tell her?" Rebekah asked Elijah.

"I don't know.. I have to tell her the truth." All the sudden you heard footsteps so you ran back to the couch and sat down.

"(y/n) would you mind taking a walk outside with me?" Elijah asked you.

"Sure." You stand up and walk over to Elijah, he extends his hand and you grab it. He takes you out to the garden out back and you both sit down on a bench.

"This is a lot to tell you, but I can't keep it from you... I am a vampire. An Original to be more specific." He looked at you dead in the eyes, waiting for an emotion.

You burst out laughing. "Vampire's don't exist." He was scaring you with this information. You wanted to leave, but something was keeping you.

"Perhaps I will have to show you then. Don't be frightened, I will not harm you." He stepped back and all of the sudden veins popped out of his face and teeth extended.. Like a vampire.

Now you decided to leave. You turned around and ran to the gate, but as soon as you reached it, two arms snaked around your waist and stopped you.

"I told you not to be frightened, my love. I would never lay a finger on you."

"I can't believe your a vampire.. How is that even possible?" He slowly turned you around so you were facing him.

"There are lots of Supernatural creatures. I am one of the first vampires. My whole family is."

"This is really confusing and I need to think about this." You pulled away from his arms and leaned up against the gate. "I'm going home."

"I have a guest room you can stay in. We can talk about it more in the morning."

"Okay." You rubbed your face while he guided you back to the mansion.

I've fallen for a vampire.

I will write more soon. High school and swimming is hard to keep up with and I don't have a lot of energy to write or even read.

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