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Imagine for @FandomGirl_704
Stefanxreader you have feelings for him and are scared to tell him

It was another boring day at school. You had gotten up, and drove to school.  You had just gotten into the building when your two best friends came up to you.

"Y/N! Have you heard about the new guy?" (Y/bf/n) asked you.

"I literally just walked into the school.. So no." You start walking towards your locker with her.

"I haven't seen him yet, but I heard he's tall, dark, and mysterious." She giggles.

"Well, have fun stalking him.. I'm heading to class."

You were in the class and only a few other people were also. You sat down in your seat and got out all of your homework and papers you needed for the class.

The bell had just rung and people started rushing in the class.

While the teaching was talking, someone entered the room.

You looked up and made eye contact with him.

This must be who (y/bf/n) was talking about

"My name is Stefan Salvatore. I'm new here." He said.

"Come on in. You can take a seat behind (y/n)." The teacher said, then pointed at you and the empty desk behind you and began talking again.

He smiled at me when he saw you were looking and took a seat behind you.

You looked around the class and noticed all of the girls staring at him. I don't blame them though, he's gorgeous.

The class was over and you were putting away all your stuff, but you dropped your notebook on the ground.

You were about to grab it, but someone grabbed it before you. You looked up to see who it was.

Stefan. "Thanks." You said.

"I'm Stefan Salvatore." He told you and put out his hand.

"I'm (y/f/n)." You shakes his hand.

"Nice to meet you, (y/n)" He smiled and started to leave.

"Uh.. Stefan?" He turned around, "would you like to have lunch with me and my friends?"

"Sure, I would love to."

You smiled and walked out the door and to your next class.

~Lunch Time

You sat down with your best friends at the table in the back.

"IInvitedStefanToSitWithUsToday," you asked really quickly.

"Slow down," (y/bf/n)," did you just say you invited Stefan Salvatore to sit with us?"

"Maybe," you said.

"Oh my gosh.. He's walking over here right now.." (Y/bf/n) said.

"Hey, (y/n)." He said.

"Hey. Come sit down. This is (y/bf/n) and (y/bf/n)." You said.

"Nice to meet you." He said.

"Are you going to eat?" You said him.

"No, I'm not that hungry." He said.

The rest of the lunch, you got to know him better and you knew you liked him.

~~~ Couple of months later

You had known Stefan for a couple of months now, and your friendship had developed and so had your crush. You thought you loved him.

You didn't want to ruin your friendship so you tried to not make it obvious.


When you were bored, you decided to walk over to his house. You rang the door bell and his brother, Damon opened the door.

"Well hello, (y/n) come in." He said and smirked.

You came inside. "Stefan isn't here right now. He should be come soon." Damon said.

"You can come sit down with me." He walked you to their "living room" or whatever you want to call it and he poured himself a drink.

You sat down on the couch and waited for him to sit down.

"I know you love Stefan." He said.

"What?" You asked him. Crap.. He knows.

"Don't act stupid. I know what's going on. You love him. He loves you. You two are too chicken to tell each other."

"He loves me?" You asked him.

"I've read his journal. It's all about you," you were about to say something but Damon cut you off, "Hello brother."

"You know it's not nice to read other people's journals." Stefan said. You looked at the floor.

"I'm not nice." Damon said.

"(Y/n), Could I talk to you?" Stefan asked.

"Sure," you stood up and walked outside with Stefan.

"So you know.." Stefan says.

"Yeah I guess.." The conversation was awkward.

"I understand if you don't love me like I love you." He looked at you. You didn't know what to say, so you just kissed him. It was a short and passionate kiss.

"I do love you, Stefan, I've just been afraid to tell you."

"Hmm.. Well I guess this means you are my best friend and my girlfriend now." He smiles and kisses you.

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