The Dream And The Letter

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Florysila's POV


It was dark. The silence was overwhelming and my body was engulfed in fear. Why? I noticed that I was sitting and I stood up and walked around in the abyss of darkness. I saw a small glint of light and I ran towards it. As I was a foot away, I bumped into something clear and hard.


I looked through it and I saw Daniella tied to a chair with duct tape over her mouth. I screamed her name over and over, but nothing happened. She seemed so scared. Beads of sweat tatooed her face as she squirmed in the chair. The room was made from stone and there was a table of knives, scapels, bats, machetes, and scissors. My body shuddered at the thought. I suddenly felt uneasy.

Suddenly a person in a black robe and a red splattered cross approached Daniella. I waited in suspence as he got closer. He gently caressed her jaw line and traced down her collerbone to her chest and he tugged on the shirt. Tears streamed down her face as the cloaked person started tracing her cheekbones with the edge of a knife. That's when I started banging on the glassware.

" DANIELLA! DANIELLA!" I screamed as more tears stained her cheeks. I felt a tear stream down my face as I watched her, helplessly.

The robed being started cutting her cheek, blood trickled and dripped off her jawline. Her screams were muffled from the tape as were of mine echoed into eternity. The mystery person started slicing her collerbone, earning another muffled shriek from Daniella and a scratchy one from me. My legs started trembling and my eyes felt swollen from crying. I took another glance at Daniella and there where two fresh slits on both of her wrists. Her face, chest, and arms were bloodstained. The cloaked person ripped the duct tape off her mouth. Only one word came out of her mouth.

"Why?" She asked, her voice hoarse and dry.

I started crying as I watched her keep asking the same thing. Why? Why? Why?

I saw a mischievous smirk under the dark cloak. Suddenly, he slapped her cheek and it left a blood stained handprint. The person grabbed an aluminum bat and he bent his arms and swung. I squeezed my eyes shut and covered my ears with my hand, but the screams seemed to go on forever. Then everything went black.


Daniella's POV

I laid faced down on my bed. I didn't tell them about my letter and I haven't opened it yet. I let out a giant sigh and teared the letter open. I pulled the paper out and neatly unopened the sheet of yellow parchment. The letter was written in fancy words.


Dear Miss Henry,

I believe it was August 7, 2007 that your mother vanished. The Blood Cross has your mother hostaged and she is alive and healthy and we would love to see you two together again, but the Blood Cross wants a examination of intelligence, strength, and cleverness before we can return her to the Magical World. You will be given four riddles. If you survive, you will be given another riddle. If not then you will most likely result in death. Only Florysila, Kalighla, and two other comrades can know, if we figure out an extra they will be eliminated immediately. You have one whole year to finish it and if you are able to complete it all, the last fourth riddle will be your mother's location. This is the game of life. Follow the rules and there will be no blood shed.

Goodluck, The BloodCross.

P.S. One of your comrades are given the ability to see the future. Use that to your fullest.

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