Lies.. or tagging. BOTH SUCK

1.2K 125 6

Holy fucking shit. 

Just looked at my book five seconds ago, and it said my book had 34 reads. I look again, and I have 41 reads. 

Holy mother fucking jesus on crack you people read fast!

Why can't this happen all the time? Is it some kinda timing that you gotta perfect or something like that? I mean, this doesn't happent to my *cough* better books.

This just proves the human existance is based on cursing, and raging. Something everyone seems to love. 

I don't know whats going on, (I kinda like it) but all I have to say is:


I don;t understand how Wattpad can give my rant book like SO many reads when it isn't even like 20 pages long..

While my 15-20 page (or so) books get maybe 50 reads in a year if they're lucky. :)

What is going on here?

Fuck my life.


I'd like to thank everyone for all the voting, and commenting! I love the readers and I love hearing your feedback! I also love that you're taking that extra step and voting. c: Please keep it up! <3

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