The annoyance of that smell.

915 63 5

College can be a drag, truly. I sort of miss when I was in highschool, and everyone had 1 seat, and sat in that bitch or the teacher would like say: "NO NO YOU GET IN DAT SEAT NAOW OMG LIKE AGH" .....

Firstly, shut the fuck up teach. Does it really matter that much?

Also, getting to the point of this specific rant, lets start talking about what happens when you sit down, hoping to have a pleasent class that afternoon/morning. However, instead of that happiness, you are greeted with this... smell..

No, it isnt BO. So what the fuck is that smell?..

Turns out being cig smoke.

AGHHH It smells AWFUL. It makes you gag and lean over, trying to get a breath of fresh air. Worst part of all is?

You cant get away from it, so you eventually get used to that smell. YOU GET USED TO IT!

The. Horror.


I just wanted to say a big THANKS! You guys really helped out with this rant! It's because of y'all that I'm starting to gain a little ground in this wattpad world, but I still have a while to go!!! <3

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