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Who here has been insulted either online or in real o. O? 

I have (: multiple times. But here's the real question for you, have you ever been insulted by both a guy and a girl? Aka a female and male. Hopefully (not that its a good thing) you have been introduced to both and know it enough that they loovvee to insult you over the damnest things.

I dont really care if they insult me, honestly its them wasting their time, not mine, because I pay no attention to. 

The one thing that, over these years, has caught my attention, is this tiny little fact here:

When a dude insults a girl, its either "Haha blow me you whore" Or "You are such a slutty cunt!" Eheh? Am I right? Its about his dick or your invisible dick all the time when coming from a male to a female.

As for a male to a male its either about the other dude being gay. Whats the dude gonna do when the guy really is gay? It makes me laugh really.

Then you have girl vs girl. Have you noticed girls always use the term "Bitch" for everything they use? For fucks sake! Use something else you desperate attention seeking people o.e"

Do you guys notice this too? Please don't tell me that Im the only one that has noticed it :c 

It just urks me that people dont use their brain capactiy for things other than trying to make others feel bad about themselves when it clearly doesnt work with the same insults over and over and over...

and over... and over 


Fucking get some new insults before I rip all of you new ones :< 

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