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As a treat since I haven't updated or replied back to your comments in literally 4 years, I've decided to do a few parts while I'm playing a game on the side this evening. Enjoy.


So for those of you that are old enough to drive, assuming you are reading and enjoying this thus far, you surely understand my incredible pain on the road. 

You know, when some asshole decides to cut you off, or worse.

They do some crazy fucking shit that makes you put your hand off the steering wheel, and direct it towards them with the whole "WHAT THE FUCK" face painted on your expression.

I will never understand why some people are allowed to drive if they don't even do the most simple of things that all human beings at least attempt to learn in their life time. If you can't drive properly (YES I AM TALKING TO YOU FUCKS THAT GO 10 MILES AN HOUR IN THE LEFT, OR THE LEFT, LEFT LEFT LANE ON THE FUCKING HIGHWAY) then why are you on the road with an ID? 

Its understandable if you are learning, I'll give you an apple for effort, but if you have been driving for more than 2 years ITS NOT UNDERSTANDABLE.

So my dear, beautiful, fellow drivers. I shall say one single thing to those of you that go 35 in a 45 zone. *Ahem*


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