In The End

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My mom put on the radio in the kitchen the minute we got home. I ran through my house breathing in all the smells and taking in all the memories. It felt like I was gone for years. I got to the top of the stairs looking down into my room. The one I used to share with Gerard. My heart splintered a bit. I could almost see the two of us playing video games on the floor and reading books on my bed.

"Hey you good?" Christofer asked from behind me. I hadn't noticed him following me around in my reminiscing.

"Oh uh yeah I'm fine. Just thinking." I smiled and turned to him. I draped my arms around his neck and he kissed me softly.

"How about I show you around instead of you following me around like a lost little puppy?" I asked.

"Sounds nice." He smiled.

So I took him down to my room first. I had to eliminate the old memories I had with Gerard. So I took his hand and flipped on the light switch. The room was practically empty. I had no idea how much stuff was Gerard's in there.

"Mi dormitorio." I gestured. He laughed at my crude Spanish.

"Muy Bueno." He responded going over to my CD case and looking through them.

"Ah." He said and pulled a disc out from its spot holding it up. "You never told me you were a Bob Dylan fan!"

"Forgot to mention it." I chuckled.

"If it's possible, I like you even more now." He set the album back and wandered back to me while still looking around.

"What's that mean?" I asked a little confused.

"It means I like you a lot." He put his hands on my hips and pulled me closer to him. I zoned out for a second, lost in his eyes, then I snapped back to reality.

"So moving on with the house tour." My face was red so I headed back to the doorway. I heard him snicker as he followed me.

I showed him the rest of the house and we ended in the living room staring at all the family pictures displayed on top of the television stand.

My mom had taken down the pictures of Gerard an I, thank god or else that would have been hella awkward.

"Holy shit." Christofer laughed as he carefully picked a frame up and held it in his tattooed hands. It was a picture of me and my mom. From ten or so years ago, around the time my dad disappeared. Miniature me smiled but it was painful, my mothers smile was even worse. What did he think was so great about this picture?

He smiled at it.


"It reminds me of one my mom has of me and my siblings. I'm missing them. Haven't seen 'em in a while." His smile was sad now too.

"You'll see them soon though, right?" I asked. He set the photograph back in its original place.

"I hope." He turned and gave me a hopeful smile.

"Hey kids, dinners ready." Mom stuck her head out from the kitchen and called to us.

She has specifically looked up a vegan recipe and cooked it. I wish she had followed her culinary dream. Instead of wasting her career behind a desk in a cubicle.

The three of us ate together and we all laughed and had fun. Meals hadn't been like this in forever. I think Mom really liked Chris. He was kind and respectful and acted just as friendly as he did with everyone else. Deep inside we knew it was only a day closer until I would be driving him back home. Then who knows how long until I'd see him again? Was long distance even worth it?

Hazel Eyes (Christofer Drew)Where stories live. Discover now