Sinking In These Seas

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Chapter 8.)- Sinking In These Seas

"I swear I'm about to lock you in the bathroom." I threatened Ry as she continued to bother me from last night. She sighed and shook her head.

"I'm just confused because you told everyone you didn't like him, then you kiss him?" She asked as we left the bus and walked a distance away from the crew.

"Well I don't like him."

"Now that's a lie if I've heard one." She laughed. "I know you November, I know you wouldn't have kissed him if you didn't like him, because that probably would have broken his little hippy heart and then you would have felt like a shitty person."

Damn, she knows me well.

"Just be glad I was the only one who saw."

"Well the others wouldn't have bothered me about it nearly as much." I said.

"Listen can you just drop this for a bit? I don't want Gerard somehow finding out." I whispered.

"I will, but why would he care?"

"I don't know, just-" I cut myself off as we neared the stage we would be performing on.

"Girls get ready." Our tour manager said as we neared. Ry and I nodded and we headed to the back stage. After everything was set up we returned out front to do signings just like every other day from here on out.

We were summoned to head on stage.

"You really need to date him like I can pictures your guys kids." Ry-Sky went on and on and on, she walked backwards as she talked.

"You're going to walk into something and I'm going to laugh when you fall." I joked.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." She swung around and walked smack straight into a guy. I stopped and he grabbed her before she fell backwards.

"Whoa sorry." The dark haired guy chuckled. "My fault."

"No no, it's fine." Ry said slowly.

"My names Pete. And who are you?" The guy asked as I sat back and watched with a smirk.

"Hey." I turned as Chris walked up and stood beside me with his hands in his pockets.

"Hey there." I smiled. He smiled back at me, then looked over at that Pete guy and Ry-Sky hitting it up. He pointed.

"Oh how the tables have turned." I laughed and shook my head. "What's up?"

"Nothing much, just thought I'd come and watch your show. And maybe ask you out on another date? Even though there's not much to do on Warped." He offered.

"I'd like that." I smiled and looked at the ground with a laugh.

"Well then I'll have to think of something while you preform." He pointed to Dylan coming over to us.

"I never thought I'd get this far." He laughed.

"Well whatever you think of will be fine with me. I like hanging out with you." I laughed and started to turn.

"I'll see you after the show." I smiled. We waved to each other as I left.


"Another good show Nova." I was met at the end of the ramp by Christofer.

"Why Thank ya." I said.

"So, there's an after party. It's not much but there's no nice date spots around here, we should, um, go together." He smiled awkwardly. I laughed.

Hazel Eyes (Christofer Drew)Where stories live. Discover now