I'm In Trouble

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Chapter 6.)- I'm In Trouble.

I had received word from a spy, just kidding Ry knows how to find anything out, but I had received word that Gerard had met a new girl on this tour. And they were supposedly a "thing". That only made my heart die a little more knowing how fast he got a new girlfriend. He was eager to move on, maybe it just wasn't meant to be. We were just a couple of teenagers, what could you expect? I apparently expected a lot. If he moved on that fast why couldn't I? Because i knew I still loved him.

Ry had stayed up most of the night with me, that I hadn't slept, and we talked about everything and nothing. Just like we used too before the band started.

"We need a plan to get that ass outa your mind kid." She said. I sipped my Monster and shrugged.

"How about a club? Some hot guys?" She winked.

"No! I hate clubs and you know that!" I grimaced.

"Well you think of something too!" She said returning to her thinking state. She spun the her Gatorade bottle on the floor in front of her.

"We are going to be so tired for tomorrow's show." I laughed.

"That's not going to help you get over him, think of ideas."

"Damn, Ry I don't think I can get over him. I just need some time." I shrugged.

"Time heals bullshit. The longer you waste crying over him is just going to make it worse."

"Well I'm not dating anyone after that!" I half shouted, trying to stay quite and not wake up everyone who was asleep.

"I know that!" She defended.

"Then I don't know where you are going with this." I sighed and rubbed my eyes, feeling the cloud of tiredness.

"I'm trying to confront the feelings you have with Christofer." She said flatly.

"What?" I said a little loud.

"Do be stupid November," She said quietly to Neal didn't shush us again. "I see the way he acts with you. And I see the way you act around him. You may not know it but you do distinctively act like you like him.

"He never takes his eyes off of you. Not in a creepy pedo way but like, whenever you're talking he directs all of his attention to you. I also saw you two hugging earlier at that rest stop and when you were crying on the bench he appeared out of no where and just hugged you and cared about you."

"You don't see it do you?" She asked leaning forward. "He adores you Nova. That's why I think you should give him a chance."

What she said sat in my mind for a couple minutes. Now that she pointed that out I realized it. I mean I had realized it somewhat last night but not to the extent she did. I looked at her and she nodded.

"And you act the same way towards him."

I do? I just acted the way I felt comfortable around him, myself.


"Remember the campfire thingy?"

"Sure." I said pushing her to go on because I really didn't want to think about how Gerard interrupted that night.

"You leaned your head against his shoulder no? Were you not relaxed around him? You flirted like holy shit that poor kid must've been in wonderland." She laughed and I did too.

Now everything was coming back and I did flirt a lot. Whoops?

"So, are you going to go after him?" She asked. I thought for a minute.

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