Ain't It Fun?

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Chapter 5.)- Ain't It Fun?

The minute we got back on the tour bus we hit the road once again. I was sitting in my bunk while everyone else was playing some game system in the living space. I decided I should call my mom and fill her in since I hadn't talked to her.

She picked up almost instantly.

"Hey, honey! How's the touring going?" She asked and I heard the soap opera in the background.

"Good, I'm having fun. It could be going better though."

"What? Why?" She asked.

"Well, Gerard and I broke up." I said heavily.

"What?" She gasped. "How?"

"Well, he saw me hanging out with this other dude that's on the same tour as us and he like flipped shit and tweeted out that I was a whore and I was cheating on him or some shit." I said sadly.

"Oh honey, I'm so sorry. But you didn't did you?" She asked.

"No mom! I loved him. I would never do that." I said starting to feel the sadness rise in my chest.

"You two were so compatible together for such a long time. Maybe he'll understand if you explain it to him?" She replied.

"I've tried. He just won't listen and keeps ragging on me every time I'm near him." I sighed.

"Well maybe he'll come to his senses and you two will be back together."

"Maybe, but I don't think I'm gonna want to date for a while after all this." I shrugged even though I knew she couldn't see. "Especially him."

"It's a good thing he never really spread out around the house huh? Now we can just shove his stuff out on the sidewalk." She laughed.

"Yes please." I chuckled in return.

"Is that your mom? Hi mom!" Ry-Sky shouted as she walked past the bunk.

"She says Hey kiddo!" I passed on the message to my friend.

"Did you tell her about your little Christofer boy?" She said stopping next to me.

"What the shit Sky. We aren't dating now shoo." I waved her off and scowled at her. It really wasn't funny anymore, it sort of hurt a lot. Just because she hated Gerard doesn't mean she can push me towards someone else!

"Who?" Mom asked.

"Oh it's nothing. He's a friend. Ry-Sky thinks it'd be good for me to date him and move on from Gerard. But he's kind of the reason Gerard did that." I said closing my eyes.

"Oh." She was quite.

"He's a nice guy and all. And a great person and friend but I can't really think about anything more than that at this point." I sighed once more, letting out a breath longer than usual.

"Yeah, I totally get it. Well, I'm going to let you go honey. Have a good night and try to forget about Gerard." She said.

"I'll try." I laughed. "Night mom, love you."

"Love you too Nova."

The line went dead. I sighed heavily again and pulled myself from the bunk and off to find the rest of the band. They were still playing Mario Kart when I walked into the room.

"I'm gunna go grab a drink, Nov you take over for me." Dylan handed me his controller and went down the long bus and into the kitchen. I lost every single round putting Dylan in last. I wasn't interested in the game and I was quiet. I felt the sadness in my chest getting heavier and heavier. I needed to get out of here before I lost it. I started to panic and looked out the window as we pulled into another rest stop.

Everyone cheered and jumped off, while I stayed where I was, staring at the ground feeling the tears forming. I feel like I'm losing everything. I had lost everything that meant something to me. He was my world, and now he could have any girl on this earth at any time he wanted. He was a stranger now, all those years straight into the sewers. Everything I was and am are because of him.

I got up and left the bus. There was a large food and information center and a liquor store. I knew where Ry would be.

I found a cold bench to sit at and I held my knees to my chest and put my head against them. I cried. I hadn't had a good cry in a long time but here was one. Who wouldn't cry at this time and what had happened? Why, how could he do that? He was so quick to throw some shit out there, I hated him and I knew it.

"The tour life gettin' to ya?" I looked up to see Christofer. I wiped my eyes and looked down at the ground.

"Um, yeah." I hesitated. He sat down next to me.

"Now, I know its not tour bothering you." He said. "What's wrong?"

"I'm just tired." I shrugged.

"Lies!" He half shouted. "You can trust me, tell me."

I looked up at him. "It's him."

"He's a douchebag if he makes you cry." He growled, "If you really love someone you shouldn't make them cry. You should pick them up when their feeling bad."

I looked at the side of his face, he had been hurt too. He finally turned to look at me and he locked eyes with me.

"I'm sorry he's doing this to you."

"It's not him or you. It's my own feelings, they're making me linger over him and I hate it, I hate him!"

"And you have every right too." He said still having his eyes on mine.

"I wish I never met him." I hugged my knees tighter and looked away from Christofer. He was quiet but I knew he was still looking at me. He put his arm around me and pulled me to his side and hugged me.

I was taken aback. I was struck with a feeling in my throat. He cared, he cared a lot about me, within these few days. He had befriended me and been a crutch to me. He listened to me talk about my broken heart constantly and didn't mind when I did.

I straightened out my legs and hugged him back. He then whispered something that I didn't catch.

"Huh?" I asked. He pulled away with a red face.

"Nothing, um never mind. You wanna go grab some actual food instead of that stale bus shit?" He asked quickly changing the subject.

"Sure?" I wanted to know his story, but more importantly what he had said under his breath because I thought I had heard a love somewhere in there.

As we left to get ready to go back on the buses I hugged Chris again quickly before Ry saw and shouted something across the parking lot.

"I know I've said this a lot today but thanks for being there for me. You've helped a lot." I smiled at him then pulled away.

"Anything for you." He smiled.

"Night Christofer." I waved as I turned for my bus.

"And you, November. Remember I'm always a phone call or text away, and I'll pick up at anytime of the day for you."

"I will."

I quickly retreated to my bunk and willed myself to sleep which came quickly, thankfully.

Hazel Eyes (Christofer Drew)Where stories live. Discover now