All That Ive Got

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Chapter 11.)- All That I've Got.

We left the pond as it got darker and other people headed into their campers.

"Shit, I'm really sorry for making you walk all of this." He apologized.

"It's fine." I laughed. "I like walking."

"I would catch us a ride, but we're almost there now." He shrugged. We shared a cigarette in silence as our pace was matched in the orange light. We turned down a nice street with large yards and really nice houses.

"Welcome to JoMo." He laughed and took my hand and started to run. Running was something I didn't do but I kept up pretty well because goddamn was Chris fast.

He stopped in the front lawn of a nice house and we panted in the cooling air. The lights were on in the house and a figure moved in the window.

"And this is my old house." he smiled at me and we walked up to the door. He didn't even knock and the door popped open. A woman a little taller than me with Christofer's brown hair and same smile stood there. She hugged her son and welcomed us in.

"So, this is your...Friend?" She asked with a light laugh.

"Yeah, Mom this is November, November this is Mom." He said, she shook my hand.

"Oh please, call me Nancy." (A/N I don't know I just picked a name. Leave me alone.) She mused. Chris smiled at me.

"Come into the kitchen!" She said turning and walking into the room behind her. Before we even reached the doorway I could smell the food, and dear god did it smell good.

"It smells like heaven." I laughed then realized how awkward I must've sounded and remembered I was trying to leave a good impression and that I wasn't around my friends.

"Well I'm glad." She laughed not taking any notice to my pure awkwardness. "It still has a while to finish, let's catch up?"

We moved back into the living room that smelled of all the best spices in the world. It was also very homey and comfortable and reminded me of my old home in Boston.

"So, how's tour going?" She asked looking at both of us.

"Real good." Chris responded and i noticed he glanced at me quickly.

"Yeah, it's actually like my first festival like tour." I said and smiled.

"Really?" she asked. "Right you're in that new band, Chris was telling me about that. He even messaged me some videos of you guys playing. Always talking about you." She chuckled.

I narrowed my eyes at Chris then we both laughed.

"Your band is very good!" Nancy said.

I blushed and looked down. "Thanks."

"Amazingly good." Chris added looking at me again. With his cocky smirk and happy eyes. Nancy just smirked at the two us and I looked up at her and she wiggled her eyebrows at us.

"You're mom is rad." I laughed and the two of them joined in.

"She is, Nancy you're rad." He said to her.

"Hey I said she could call me Nancy, that's mom to you, Mr. Ingle."

"Ooh she used your last name." I said like a fifth grader. He shoved me playfully. A beep went off and Nancy stood up and went into the kitchen.

"I think she likes you." Chris whispered to me. I smiled at him and he returned it.

"Okay kids come on in and sit down!" Nancy called from the kitchen and we followed her voice into the nice little modern kitchen. Christofer argued with his mom about how he wanted to serve us and she argued back with how she had invited us and I just enjoyed the Chandelier until Nancy won the argument and Chris seated himself next to me with a huff.

"Dammit, Mom. I was just trying to impress the lady." He laughed.

"Oh I'm sure you've impressed her enough." She handed me a plate full of amazing looking food which made my mouth water. She then gave Chris a plate and herself and sat down across from us. I noticed the several other seats around us and smiled to myself at how Chris had chosen the one right besides me.

The dinner was amazing and Nancy was so nice. She reminded me of my own mom, who I hadn't been keeping in touch with very well. I made a mental note to call her later on tonight. She'd have lots of questions as to why I hadn't been updating her on my current events.

"Hey, thanks mom." Chris said to Nancy before turning to look at me. "But the buses are leaving soon and we don't want to get left behind or hold everyone up."

"Oh, Please, let me drive you two." She offered. "You guys walked all this way just to visit for an hour or two, it's the least I could do."

"Thanks!" Chris said getting up and I followed his lead. We put the dishes in the sink and headed out to Nancy's car.

The car ride was just like the ones I had with my friends. I got shotgun, and Nancy told me in her household shotgun controlled the radio. So I plugged in my phone and blasted some Pierce The Veil.

"I'm pretty sure those dudes hate me too." Christofer chuckled.

"Why?" I laughed lightly.

"They're pretty close with Kellin and his friends so they probably share the same reason." He shrugged. I turned back to the front, then back to facing Christofer.

"Yeah, but what is that reason?"

"You know as much as I do." He shrugged again. There was something inside the pit of my stomach that told me he was lying but I ignored it.

When we got to the grounds where the buses were parked Nancy hugged us goodbye and told me she enjoyed meeting me which I returned.

"She's a keeper!" His Mom yelled as she drove off. Chris laughed and shook his head, taking my hand in his and we walked in the quiet dark.

We didn't talk as we neared our buses. He just squeezed my hand when we stopped between my bus and The Ready Set's.

"I had a ton of fun." I said happily.

"I'm stoked you did." He smiled widely. "I did too. I like spending time with you."

"God damnit there you are-" Neal burst through the buses door, then stopped quickly. "Whoops, never mind sorry to interrupt." He disappeared back into the bus.

I laughed and shook my head. Chris chuckled lightly, then put his hands in my hair and pulled my face close to his. Our lips met and the fireworks went off in my head. It felt so much more longer than it really was.

"Thanks for tonight." He said when we separated.

"Hey, thanks too." I laughed.

"We'll be in touch." He smiled and backed away.

I waved in return and he turned to the direction of his bus, and I turned to mine and pulled open the doors.

I spent the next two hours on the phone with my mom filling her in on my life. She also filled me in on hers.

According to her, Gerard's mom had heard about all this and he told her to get his stuff from our house, officially declaring his moving out, after I practically kicked him out. I was perfectly okay with this, but, alas still deep inside I felt that pain stabbing me again.

But I have Chris now, sure he may not be mine yet technically. But then Gerard was my everything.

Chris, Gerard, no Chris, No Gerard!

My mind argued back and forth with its self.

But Gerard was cheating on you and has a new girl now.

You remember what Kellin said!

Tonight would be one long night.


I have no idea why this took me so goddamn long to update but it did and the good news is I'm getting ideas for this again so yay!



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