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I actually managed to get some sleep that night. The day before with Chris had worn me out but it was nice seeing him back in his old town and seeing the memories flash through his eyes and smile as he told me stories of places and people.

There were two thoughts in my mind. Will he ask me out? Or does he just think of me as a friend? and If he does ask me out its going to lay like what five more weeks of warped tour left, he lives like across the state.

I decided to let those thoughts slip my mind for once a I got out of the cramped bunk. I was the only one awake, but I always was now a days. As I made my way into the kitchenette Ryan opened the bus doors while swinging a key on his finger.

"Morning Nov."

"Morning Ryan." I nodded to him.

"I was going to see who was awake and who wanted coffees."

"Ooh that's be grand." I laughed lightly.

"Should I grab everybody their usual?"


"Alright be back in a few." He turned and closed the doors behind him. I went back over to where the bunks were and quietly opened the door into the lounge area and slide it shut behind me. I turned on the TV and sat down lazily on the couch and stretched my legs out. We didn't get many channels on the bus so it was typically dramas, shitty reality shows, and the news and sometimes if we were lucky, infomercials.

A few minutes later I heard Ryan come back and I shut off the TV and went back into the kitchenette and took my coffee from him while thanking him.

"I'll be back in an hour or so to round you guys up." He said and left.

So why not get ready?

I returned to my bunk and grabbed my duffle bag, making sure not to wake up Dylan who had his arm out into the isle underneath me. I pulled out some ripped black shorts and a graphic muscle top and went to get changed in the bathroom. I passed through the lounge and saw the boys were up playing GTA.

"Hello boys." I waved to them as I passed quickly making sure not to interupt their game.

"Morning Mom." Neal joked.

When I returned Ry-Sky was just beginning to get up.

"Morning bitch." I laughed.

"G'Morning whore." She returned and stretched.

"Ryan went on coffee run real early this morning so you can thank him later." I handed her the iced coffee as I put on my combat boots on the floor. She rolled off of her bed and sat across from me and started to drink her coffee.

"I'll be sure to. I've been meaning to ask you something."

"What's that something?" I asked.

"What are you and Christofer?" She wondered.

"What do you mean?" I sat crossed legged and took a sip of my drink.

"Like are you two together or what?" she questioned.

"Well I don't know." I raised my shoulders. "He's never really asked me to be his girl."

"I wonder why he hasn't." she thought out loud.

"Maybe it's because he's seen the whole thing with Gerard and he thinks I don't really wanna be with anyone." .

"Or he's shy?"

"He's not shy." I shook her head and smiled.

"Tell me, do you like him back?" She asked.

"I've already told you all of this. I like him and he likes me." I said looking her dead in the eyes.

"hey, you two get the boys and get you're asses on stage." Ryan yelled through one of the bus windows.

"I hope they're ready." I laughed as I got up and then helped Ry up. She turned to get changed and I went to tell the boys to get ready.

When everyone was ready we ran as fast as we could to get to the stages that were actually set up quite a ways from the buses.

I caught a wolf hat on the side of our stage. I was in no time to stop and talk so I waved and smiled at Chris. He smiled back and help a thumb up. I sent back a peace sign in his direction.

After the show I couldn't find him, Ry or Neal, or Dylan for that matter. I rolled my eyes and went off in some direction.

I noticed some of the guys from Sleeping With Sirens sitting by their bus so I went over to say hi to Kellin, if he even remembered me from like weeks ago.

He noticed me before i was even near.

"Hey! November! Come here!" He said standing up. I jogged over to the group. I recognized some other people from bands that I actually listen to. Hayley Williams was there and so was Vic Fuentes.

"Hi." I waved to everyone in the group. The five of them greeted me back.

"How have you been?" Kellin asked me.

"Good, how about yourself?" I asked.

"Fine, Oh wait, Guys this is November." He introduced me. "November this is Justin, Hayley and Vic."

"Yeah I know who you guys are." I laughed nervously hoping they didn't think I was freak.

"Rad to meet you." Hayley smiled and got up and shook my hand.

"Nice to meet you too."

"She's Ingle's new Hook."

"You're still on about that?" I laughed lightly.

"I take it you warned her?" Vic asked him.

"I had too!"

"You didn't even say anything other than he has a bad reputation with girls!" I argued back.

"Oh piss off Kellin." Hayley laughed and stood up once more. She put an arm around my shoulder. "Who knows he probably really digs her. Slept with him yet?"

"What! No!" I said a little shocked.

She laughed and pat my shoulder. "If he hasn't fucked you yet you're good for now, mean's he really does dig you. Sees something more than just you on the outside." She sat back down

"You sound like you talk from experience." Justin wondered while looking up from his phone and to her.

"Well I don't I just know someone who knew this girl who had a thing with him." She shrugged.

"Well I'd best be going, It was nice meeting you November." Hayley hugged me.

"You can call me Nov or Nova." I laughed a bit.

"Okay she said and waved to us and left.

"Well, my friend's are going to be missing me too. I'll see you guys later." I waved to the guys.

"Hey Nova, if you ever need anything come and find any of us." Vic offered.

"Thanks man same to you." I nodded and headed back to the bus.

Hazel Eyes (Christofer Drew)Where stories live. Discover now