Screaming In Your Face

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Chapter 4.)- Screaming In Your Face

I barely slept at all last night. I kept waking up from nightmares and the bouncing bus was definitely something to get used too. Everyone slept peacefully and here I was trying to sleep through a broken heart which I knew far too well that I couldn't. This wasn't the first time I had to break up with a guy I was completely head over heels in love with. But this, this hurt more than anything. He overreacted just because I went to grab a coffee with some guy I barely knew, and tweeted about it so his and my fans would flip their shit, then tried to bullshit his way to the top by making up another time I've cheated on him. I still think it's Christofer's fault. He was the one who eavesdropped and tagged along. I should hate him more than I hate Gerard at this time, but I cant. And I don't know why but I cant, he wasn't expecting this either. So now the hatred is aimed at Gerard.

What sucked the most is I spent the entire night worrying and crying over all of this when our first show was at noon and we still had five songs to practice and when it was time to get going, my brain was too foggy. I knew Gerard would be there, and fans who hated me for 'cheating' on him.

Everyone knew I was totally messed up about this situation but Ry was the only one who was comfortable enough to confront me about it.

I grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge as everyone else left the bus. That's when Skylar approached me.

"You sure you're okay?" She asked me.

"No." I sighed. "So much for, 'Best summer ever.' I was so happy to spend it with him. Not ruin everything we had right at the beginning." I shrugged and we walked off the bus, following the crew.

"Don't you dare blame yourself. You did jack shit. He's a liar. I knew there was something bad about him, he's like obsessed with you and doesn't want you hanging out with any other guy. Remember that time he got mad at Frank for tickling you? It was creepy how possessive he was." Ry-Sky said as she jumped the cracks in the cement.

"I was so blind to that. I just thought he was protective and I liked that." I put a hand over my eyes. "Dammit I'm so stupid."

"No, no you aren't. Don't think like that. Maybe this is for the best though. Now you can date hippy dude. But seriously, nows the time to get the fuck over a bridge and move on. After all You broke up with Him." She said. I noticed our stage and merchandise tent set up a couple feet away from us.

I rolled my eyes, "I'm not going to date 'Hippy Dude' as he's part of this problem and I'm not think about dating after all of this bullshit." I said. Ryan waved his hands and we ran over to him.

"Nova, Skylar. Go tune your guitars and tell Dylan to go get his bass from the back." Ryan shouted from the tent. We nodded and ran into the back as kids started to arrive. I really hoped none of them hated me.

After we tuned up and did warm ups we were told to take five minutes and sign some stuff before we got on stage. I dreaded it. The first few kids were very nice and wanted pictures and hugs which I gladly gave. And only one person asked about the twitter message. Like I said, I told them the truth but never said Christofer's name, not wanting him dragged into this.

"I knew you weren't like that! The fandoms are having an all out brawl on social medias." She told me.

"Grand." I laughed.

"I'm on your side though, I've always liked your band better and you aren't that type of person." She smiled and took the CD I signed for her and I gave her a hug and told her thank you.

"No, thank you!" She scampered off with pink hair bouncing in the wind and off with her friend she went.

"Nova get ready to get on stage." Dylan grabbed my arm and pulled me to the ramp. We lined up and everyone began running onto the stage and the crowd erupted. Ryan tapped my back telling me to go and that's when the adrenaline kicked in.

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