Burning Low

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*Ry-Sky's POV* (oo damn look at me changing it up.)

When Nova turned in for bed that night after being out with Christofer I began to wonder if they truly were a thing yet. I mean, she hasn't indicated they were together or anything like that. In fact she kept quite quiet about him, and Gerard for that matter. Neal had filled me on how he had cheated on her and damn I was pissed. Nobody gets away with treating my best friend like that. But I kept my self away from him, I didn't need cops surrounding me with pistols again.

Awhile after everyone fell asleep, I did too.

The night went by way too quick like always when we were on the road. November was up and ready before any of us were because she was blessed with some early bird disease.

"Morning bitch." She greeted as always.

"G'Morning whore." I returned and stretched, only to nearly fall off of my bunk.

"Ryan went on coffee run real early this morning so you can thank him later." She handed me an iced coffee as she laced up her combat boots on the floor. I got off and onto the floor an looked around. Neal and Dylan's bunks were empty witch signified they were probably playing video games.

"I'll be sure to." I said sipping my drink. "I've been meaning to ask you something."

"What's that something?" She asked.

"What are you and Christofer?" I asked seriously sitting on the floor besides her.

"What do you mean?" She finished tying her boots and sat crossed legged sipping her own coffee.

"Like are you two together or what?" I inquired.

"Well I don't know." she shrugged. "He's never really asked me to be his girl."

"I wonder why he hasn't." I thought out loud.

"Maybe it's because he's seen the whole thing with Gerard and he thinks I don't really wanna be with anyone." She shrugged again.

"Or he's shy?" I added. She laughed lightly.

"He's not shy." She shook her head with a small smile on her face.

"Tell me, do you like him back?" I asked.

"I've already told you all of this. I like him and he likes me." She said looking me dead in the eyes.

Ryan interrupted our in depth conversation once again by announcing us having to get our asses on stage.

The four of us raced across the lot of some city venue. Tour does that to you, having no idea where you are becomes something normal.

After we played I hurried off to find Chris. Yes Christofer. I saw him a bit away, drinking water and talking to some other guys.

"Hey yo, Chris dude!" I shouted an got his attention. He looked in my direction and waved. I beckoned him over and he jogged to me.

"Hey, Skylar? Right?" He asked.

"Yep." I nodded. "I've got something to ask."

"Shoot." It took a sip of his water.

"If you dig her so much, why don't you ask her out?" I asked, knowing I didn't have to specify who.

He chuckled, "I knew this question would come up."

"Trust me, I want her to be mine with every fiber of my being. But I've been thinking a lot. What if she doesn't trust me? Especially after Mr. Douchewaffle. And we both live on opposite sides of California. We won't get to see each other after this. It'd be painful not being able to see her except through a camera. I really do really really like her, a lot." He sighed. "But I don't know what to do. Warped is almost over and I'm running out of time."

"God damn you're right." I said and bit my finger nail.

"What should I do?" he asked.

"I have no idea man, I want to say ask her, but I know that could be bad." I said.

"Skylar!" My brother yelled from a distance. "Come on!"

"Fuck." I muttered. "hey man just do what you think is right. Ill see you around." I said.

"I will, later Ry." He said.

I jogged back to the band.


This is a short filler but you guys deserved it from my lack of writing.


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