The Mighty Fall

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Chapter 3.)- The Mighty Fall

"Alright guys, pit stop!" Ryan shouted. We all clambered out and the first thing I did was call Gerard. As I put the phone up to my ear I saw the other two buses had pulled aside like us. There was a mini mart and a Mary Lou's and a few other appliance stores.

I asked Gerard if he wanted to get coffee but he said he was gunna stay back and practice with the band. In the background I heard Frank murmur something about Ry. I told him if he wanted to he could meet me at the coffee place if he wanted too when he was done. 

"Hey, I'll go get some coffee with you." I turned around to see Christofer sitting in front of his tour bus, still shoeless, playing an acoustic guitar with a brown fedora sitting awkwardly on his head. He then looked backed down and continued playing.

"I have a boyfriend." I said scratching my head. 

"Okay? I still wanna grab some coffee and since you're going. I might as well join you." He then continued playing once again. 

"Um, alright? Come on then." I said gesturing for him to follow. He set his guitar down and followed me.

"You're not bringing shoes?" I asked.

"Nope." He kept walking with a sway in his step and snapping to some beat.

"Alright, well if they have a no shoes, no service thing and you get kicked out I'm going to laugh." I said.

"Well enough." He smiled at me. He had a really nice smile.

We got into the shop and sat across from each other as we quietly sipped our drinks, avoiding each other. 

"So tell me about yourself." he demanded.


"Like, who you are. Age what you do. Etcetera."

"Oh okay, well I'm nineteen, I really like cats and cigarettes and coffee and I'm the lead singer and lead guitarist in my band." I shrugged "And that's about it."

"Interesting." He said leaning on his elbows and kept looking at me. I started to feel a bit uncomfortable because this felt too much like a date. I probably should have emphasized more on the whole 'I have a boyfriend' thing.

"Your turn." I said.

"Well, I'm twenty, I also like cats, cigarettes and coffee, I just so happen to also play guitar and a singer."

"Rad." I said.

"Why did you start a band?" he asked me randomly.

"Well, I just wanted to connect with more people so I just got a bunch of my best friends together and we started to make music. I guess I also wanted to help kids as much as music had helped me." I said.

"Awe." He replied. I raised an eyebrow at him and he chuckled which made me laugh lightly. He kept slurping his drink until it was gone. He shook the cup and made a sad face and threw it away and sat back down across from me.

"We should go on a walk through the woods." He thought out loud. I got ready to say 'I have a boyfriend.' but, his phone rang.

"Looks like that walk will have to wait. Ryan says we gotta hit the road again." 

"Damn, I'm getting kinda sick of driving even after just like four hours." I said as we left the shop. He laughed which also made me laugh.

"You get used to it." 

My phone vibrated and I saw I got a bunch of twitter notifications. I was being tagged in a tweet by people, the tweet was from some person.

"Girlfriend of Rocker Gerard Way spotted with another guy, Resources say that this isn't the first time she's been seen "hanging out" with a different guy."

Hazel Eyes (Christofer Drew)Where stories live. Discover now