I Think You'd Be Good To Me

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Chapter 9.)- I Think You'd Be Good To Me

I woke up to my phone going off in my pocket. I sat up and looked around. I must've fallen asleep. I looked to see Chris still peacefully asleep besides me and then answered my phone.

"NOVEMBER!" Ry screeched through the phone and I yanked it away from my ear to save it from damage.

"Why haven't you answered any of our calls?" She asked.

"Sorry I fell asleep." I said.

"We couldn't find you anywhere man, we were pissing ourselves out there looking for you, where are you?" She asked.

"In a little field thingy." I said.


"Well stuff happened and I came here and Chris followed me and yeah." I said. "And we fell asleep."

"Dude, I was about to stab that boy, We thought he kidnapped you or something." I heard her sigh with relief.

"No." I laughed. "I'm fine."

"Well good, now hurry up and get back here. We are going to that after party." She said sternly.

"Okay." I said. "I'll be there soon."

"Alright, bye kid."


I almost didn't want to wake up Christofer because he looked cute sleeping. Again, not being creepy. I shook his arm, when he didn't wake up I ruffled his hair. He still didn't wake up.

"Hey, you, wake up." I poked his cheek. He winced and opened on eye to look at me.

"Well hello." He laughed and sat up, rubbing his eyes.

"Hey, we kinda fell asleep." I laughed.

"I see that." He stood up groggily then held out his hand to help me up. I got up with his help and brushed off the grass.

"What time is it?" He asked. I looked at my phone.

"7:39." I replied and stretched.

"Whoa. Well we better get to the bar." he said.

"Wait, bar?" I asked.

"Yeah, that's where they're holding the party tonight." He said.

"Oh, I didn't know."

"You're still in right? I need a gorgeous date to make everyone jealous." He smirked. I must've blushed like an idiot.

"I'm in." I nodded and walked over to him. He held his hand out and I took it.

"Can we just stop by my bus so I can change into new jeans I shouldn't have worn white ones." I laughed as I examined the grass stains.

"Sure." He laughed. We walked back to the parking lot and approached my bus.

"Okay, before hand I'm going to apologize about my friends. They can be really weird and annoying but- actually there is no but." I laughed an unlocked the door.

Everyone was in the "Chill Room." So the two of us made our way to the back. Everyone snapped their heads to look at me and Chris.

"It's alive!" Neal laughed.

"Yep." I scratched my head. "So guys, this is Christofer. Christofer, that's Neal, our drummer, Skylar, our rhythm guitarist, and that's Dylan our bassist."

"Hello." Chris smiled at the group.

"So this is Chris?" Dylan smirked.

"Don't start." I said. "Okay you guys get cozy, I'm going to go change jeans."

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