Just Look On The Brightside

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Chapter 2.)- Just Look On The Brightside.

I rushed around the house, today was the day we were leaving for warped tour. It was about five thirty in the morning seeing as we had to hit the road to be somewhere by tomorrow.

"Gerard! Where's my phone charger?" I called from the bathroom whilst I straightened my hair.

"You already packed it and asked me three time since we woke up." I heard him laugh from the living room.

"Well I've never been on tour before, never mind a tour bus! What else do you think I need?" I asked.

"Babe, I think you've got enough." He walked by the door and held up my four bags. "Do you really need all of this?"

"Yes! I have lots of stuff I need- FUCK! I almost forgot my tuner!" I turned off the hair straightener and stuffed it in one of the bags he was holding and ran past him to grab the small device. I slung a backpack from Gerard's arm onto mine and put the guitar tuner in my gig case and turned to face him.

"Are you finally ready now?" He chuckled.

"Probably not. Maybe I should check-"

"You aren't checking again because you've done it about ten times today and yesterday."

"Ugh, okay then let's go." I pulled my hair back and we brought all of our stuff into the living room where my mom helped us put it in the back of my hearse. (How emo? Very.)

I hugged my mom tightly.

"Don't do anything stupid." She laughed and hugged me back. We stayed hugging for a few more seconds. She hugged Gerard and told him to not let me do anything stupid.

"Mom I get it." I laughed.

I opened the drivers side door and wave before I got in.

"Nova wait!" My mom said jogging out of the house and I met her half way. Se waved my pack of cigarettes and lighter in the air.

"You left them on the counter." she laughed. "And shit I need to start running again."

I laughed, "You're a life saver. Bye mom, I love you I'll call you as often as possible."

"Alright, honey have fun and be safe." She called as I got in the car and began to drive away.

I constantly repeated how excited I was as we pulled into our studios driveway. My heart sank as I saw three tour buses instead of one. I was hoping Gerard and I could be on the same bus but there would be like ten of us on one bus and from what he's told me it's gonna hard enough just for my band.

Sam met us out front and Gerard was whisked away.

"Yo, Sammy. Um whys there three buses?" Ry-Sky said as she stepped up besides me.

"Well, your two bands aren't the only two from California meeting here." Sam replied. The My Chem bus drove past and Gerard waved to me and Ry flipped him off and I punched her.

"I know you hate him but come on." I gave her a 'really?' look. "And oh look it's your lover."

I pointed to Frank you was banging on the glass and sending winks at Ry-Sky.

"He needs to stop."

"Aw, I think it's cute how much he likes you." I said in a baby voice which she returned a death glare with.

"Yeah, how cute is an obsessed crush. Do you remember when he wrote a whole list of reasons on how much he liked me and why?"

"Haha, I thought it was rad."

"He asked me out twelve times."

"Which you've never said yes too."

"Because I don't like him." She said in a too sassy tone.

"And here they are-" Sam said. We turned our attention to the three guys who stepped out of a dirty van. They carried small bags and instruments.

"Hey look a shoeless hippie." Ry-Sky pointed to one of them in front. "He's kinda hot. You should date him."

"I'm dating Gerard dumbass." I replied.

"Yeah but I hate him."

"I don't see why?"

"Meh he's kind of a player and seems like an asshole."

"Well we've been dating for a while now and I know he's not like that." I said, ending that topic there.

I got a good look at him and noticed that he was definitely good looking. They brought their stuff into their bus and Sam beckoned them over to us.

"Dylan, November, Skylar, and Neal, this is Chris, Taylor and Hayden." Sam introduced us. "They are in a band called 'Never Shout Never'."

"Nice to meet you guys." The one named Chris shook my hand last and locked eyes at me and gave me quite a sexy smirk and recountered what Ry had said but it was just in the heat of the moment so I pushed it away.

"You too."

"Alright now that ya'll are friendly let's start this show on the road." Sam shouted before giving us all hugs and sending us on our way. 'Chris' Was still shoeless and hopped onto his bus, I couldn't tell why but I wanted to just talk to him for hours and get to know him. I pushed that out of my mind as I adventured through our bus.

There were five bunks with lights and comfy looking blankets and between that and the small kitchen was a table and a living space with a TV and some video consoles. Beyond that was a mirrored door which had a bathroom.

I was going to love this so much.

"I CALL TOP BUNK." Neal screeched when he saw.

"I CALL THE OTHER TOP BUNK." I threw my bag on the opposite one.

"Fine I'll take the one after my nasty ass brother." Ry-Sky grilled at her brother. Neal held up a heart with his fingers.

"Yeah, sure I'll get the one under Fall over here." Dylan threw his stuff under my bunk and into his. I laughed and flipped him off.

"That nick name is so fucking dumb. You came up with that in freshman year." I laughed.

"Actually, you did when you downed a whole bottle of vodka at the senior party we snuck into and walked into the backyard yelling how you wanted you're name to be Fall and you told everyone to call you that." Dylan responded.

"Shut the fuck up and I thought we decided to never talk about that ever again." I pointed at him.

Our tour manager Ryan told us to get situated because we were kicking into ignition and heading for the road.


IK IK it's starting off really slow but it gets better I promise.

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