Just Like The Bird Chases The Worm.

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Chapter 7.)- Just Like The Bird Chases The Worm.

"You didn't let him kiss you?" Skylar shouted within the tour bus.

"I've just met the god damn boy and I just broke up with my old boyfriend. Of course." I replied. She slid down on the couch, let out a groan and rolled her eyes.

"You still should've kissed him." She muttered, I shot her a glance and ignored that.

"On the upper hand, we are still planning on hanging out tonight." I said. She shot up.

"Good, and if he tries to kiss you again let him."

"I'm not even going to bother with this argument anymore." I laughed and Dylan plopped down on the couch between Ry and I.

"Dyl, help me here." I pleaded.

"Give her a break Ry, You haven't dated anyone in ages. Never mind break up with someone then have someone else trying to have you date another guy they just met." He shrugged and stuffed a fork full of microwaveable ramen in his mouth.

"Words right outa my mouth." I ruffled his hair. He gave me a smile that made him look like a satisfied puppy.

"Oh come on. Doesn't anyone agree that this would be best for her? She's going to be hung up over Gerard for ages." She said sounding annoyed.

"Yes, I agree with that too but give her a bit at least. Before they even broke up, you liked the idea of he with that dude." Dylan continued eating. "Plus are we even positive she likes him back?"

Both pairs of eyes landed on me.

"Uh." I shrugged. "I mean he's cool and all."

"And they almost kissed."

"Ry..." I said warningly.

"And she's going to go watch movies on his bus with him." She concluded. Dylan raised an eyebrow at me as he chewed.

"And?" I pressed. "That doesn't mean anything!"

"Okay whatever Nova." Ry-Sky laughed. I reached an arm around Dylan and punched her arm. Just then there was a knock at the bus door. I got up to get it.

"Is it lover boy?" Ry asked in a song song voice. I rolled my eyes and opened the door to see Frank, one of Gerard's friends. And the one that had an obsession with Ry.

"It's a lover boy alright." I yelled back into the bus.

"What do you want Frank?" I asked, annoyed.

"To see my beautiful Princess." He said getting all lovey dovey.

"Ew no leave." I said starting to close the door.

"Wait! No! Skylar Rylie Please!" He pleaded. She hates when people use her full name. We just call her Ry-Sky because it sounds cool and it sounds better than Sky-Ry. Speak of the devil she appeared next to me and glared out the cracked door and grimaced. She shook her head and I closed the door.

"What is his problem?" She asked.

"He has like a middle school girl crush on you." I laughed. She rolled her eyes and returned to the living area where I heard the TV click on and I soon went to join her. As I sat down my phone beeped, signaling a text message.

"Dude, Frank's still outside of our bus." Dylan laughed and pointed.

I laughed and shook my head as I opened the message.

From: Christofer

-Looks like we might have a bit of company tonight, that is if you still want to watch a movie? Hayden and Taylor are taking a break from partying.

Hazel Eyes (Christofer Drew)Where stories live. Discover now