Who We Used To Be

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Chapter 10.)- Who We Used To Be

By morning, the blogs and gossiping places had taken quite the interest in that kiss last night. Aparently it's not just the high class actors and celebrities that have paparazzi. Photgraphers from the tour got plenty of pictures to put on their website and for their magazines. I recall a website caption was: "Drew and Wesly, from the new band on tour are quite friendly."

Ry-Sky read the caption from her laptop out to us all in the bus.

"I'd say." She laughed.

"I feel like this should bother me more than it does." I laughed to myself.

"How could it not?" Dylan took a sip of his drink. I shrugged as a response.

"People invading your personal space practically." Dylan continued.

"What does Chris think about all this?" Neal asked.

"I don't know, I haven't talked to him since last night." I shrugged again.

Our tour manager interrupted our conversation by calling us for a show. Everyone slowly started to leave, but I hung back. Just like I had hoped, Skylar came back into the bus and gave me a look.

"Okay, what do you need to tell me?"

Oh she knows me so well.

"Remember how I disappeared yesterday?"

"How could I forget?" She laughed lightly.

"Yeah well, I guess I do really like him." I said sheepishly and began to get off the bus with Ry-Sky in tow.

"You guess? No, girl you know you do." She said close on my heels.

"Well, You see the thing is, He likes me back." I laughed. "Damn I feel like me and him are two middle schoolers that have crushes on each other."

"Damn right. Well Did he you know ask you out?" She asked matching my pace.

"Well no, but-"

"Well you need to fix that." She laughed and raced off for the stage a head of us. I shook my head and tied my hair back as I made my way to where the others were.

The next two weeks went by just as always. Signing, Singing, talking to Chris, and traveling. The traveling got tighter and less and less after parties where happening and most of the time after we preformed late in the day we'd have to leave to get to the next city, which meant no time to hang out with Christofer. But that didn't stop him from staying in touch with me, small conversations through texts messages turned into late night calls that went on for hours. I loved it honestly. It was great, we were a few cars down from each other on the road and could talk.

What Kellin had said still hung in my thoughts though. He didn't seem like a player but neither did Gerard. And that's what's going to get me hurt all over again. Being a blind idiot to love was my specialty.

"Well it's getting pretty late and I play early tomorrow." I yawned and stretched in my bunk.

"Yeah, I agree." He said sleepily into the phone. "But hey before you go, we are going to be in my home town tomorrow."

"Oh you're a Missouri boy?" I asked and he chuckled.

"Indeed, but I wanted to show you around. You up for it?" He asked.

"Of course." I said, finally a chance to hang out with him.

"Cool, I'll see you tomorrow then."


"Alright, Night Nov." He said.

"Night Chris." I replied and the line went dead.

Hazel Eyes (Christofer Drew)Where stories live. Discover now