Sing Me Something Original

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There was exactly three shows left within the Warped tour we were on. Inside I was dying to go home and see my mom and my cat and my family, but I also loved this lifestyle. The traveling, the late nights, the rush of the days, the people, the music, and the memories.

"So just a week left huh?" My mom said, her voice slightly crackling on the other side of the phone. It was nigh time and we were all eating take out on the bus and playing video games or our instruments.

"Yep." I shoved more food in my mouth. "I'm going to miss it so much."

"I bet." There was silence.

"By it, you mean Chris." She said, not in question form, she knew me.

"Yeah." I said kind of quietly. I felt something when I was with him that I didn't feel with anyone else. Happiness.

"Have you talked to him?"

"Well yeah I'm always talking to him on the phone or texting him if we aren't right there with each other." I said.

"No I mean, About all this. How you really feel." She said.

"Yeah I've told him my feelings for him." I said.

"God dammit I mean about being separated from each other." She chuckled.

"Once this is all over he'll move on. It's whatever now." I shrugged even though she couldn't see.

"Oh don't think like that!" She said. "Remember when you me and Ry though he was going to ask you out and he never did? What if he's thinking the same thing? That you'll move on when this tour shit ends?"

"You have a point I guess."

"Go call him." She said and hung up. I shook my head and laughed then dialed Chris's number.

He picked up after one ring.

"Hey there Nova." he said and I could hear the smile in his voice.

"Hello there Christofer." I giggled.

"What's going on beautiful?" He said. No matter how many times he said that to me I still get crazy ass butterflies.

"Nothing much just thinking you know?" I said.

"Yeah, me too." He said kind of quietly. I heard some movement and the a door close.

"Nova I'm going to miss you. Hell, I miss you even now. Not being right besides you makes me feel like something's missing." He said sadly.

"Chris, I miss you too." I said laying down on my stomach on my bunk with the blankets pulled over me.

"I don't want to lose you and you're not even mine." His voice was raspy and he sounded tired. I probably woke him up but he still answered anyway. "Nov, I was going to ask you to be mine, but it felt like a bad idea because we literally have six days together, and I though it would be hard to keep a long distance thing."

"I still would have said yes." I muttered. We were both quiet.

"You would?" He asked.


"Will you still say it now?"

"Yes." I said and I heard him chuckle on the opposite side of the phone and I smiled myself.

"Let me do this more formally." He cleared his throat. "November Lee Wesly, I don't care how long we've know each other, I don't care about how there is six more days between us, I don't care about anything but you. Meeting you made this summer a hundred times better than anything else in comparison. I don't care who or what else comes into play and god damn have I been waiting to tell you how much I love you."

My heart rose into my throat and I started to shake a bit. I have no idea how long it was before I answered back.

"Oh god I love you too." I laughed nervously and smiled uncontrollably smiled in the darkness of the blanket cocoon.

"Well Hell, I'm glad to hear it." He laughed. "So...Will you be my girlfriend?"

"Christofer Drew Ingle, Yes." I laughed.

"NOVEMBER PIT STOP LETS GO!" Neal yelled as he was right next to my bunk.

"Bad time Neal." I said to him. He shrugged and kept walking.

"Actually," Chris said, and there was the sound of shuffling. "Go out side."
Then the line went dead. I pulled the blankets off once more and threw on my flip flops and opened the bus door.
We had pulled up in front of a rest stop slash tourist center thing. And I read the sign, Boston. A small drizzle began and I pulled my light hood over my head and stepped closer to the sign. This was my home, Before I ran away and my mom moved to California, this is where I was born.

"I didn't want you to miss this Pit Stop especially." I turned my head and Chris was standing next to me with a hoodie over his head as well and his hands in his pockets and he smiled brightly at me. "I remembered how much you miss it."

He took a hand out of his pocket and wrapped it around my waist and we just stood there looking at the tourist map and booklets.

It started to rain harder so we ran into the shelter of the Café area. We sat at a table with just us two and away from everyone else who were chatting loudly and laughing. He held my hands on top of the table and we just kinda of looked at each other.

"You know I think this is the first time I've ever been at a loss of words around you." I laughed.

"Same here. But I just really love sitting here with you." He looked down at our hands then locked eyes with me. "There's so many things I wanna say but I'm not sure how to say them."

"You're literally my girlfriend now as of like a half an hour ago, and I already knew I loved you way back when all you're friends thought I kidnapped you." he laughed. "I think I fall in love too easily."

"I know I do." I said. He kept playing with my bracelets on my wrist and we were quiet.

"But I'm glad it's you." He smiled at me. I smiled back at him and I felt my face go on fire.

"What am I going to do without seeing you everyday." I said.

"Do you have a computer?" He asked.

"Of course."

"We can Skype then. Until one day when I can come and visit you and you can come visit me." He said really hopefully. "You know along with calling and texting but you'd probably get sick of me." He laughed light heartedly.

"Trust me, you'll get annoyed by me first. I'm a clingy little fucker." I laughed and he did too.

"I don't care." he smiled at me.

Then I started to notice everyone getting up and throwing away their trash and putting on their jackets and I felt sad because I would be leaving him again. We both sighed and stood up, and we made sure to pass were Gerard was sitting, holding hands.

We got out to the buses and the rain had slowed down and was close to stopping. As everyone got on the buses it left just me in Chris to say goodbye. We kissed for a long time and I was pretty sure Ry had the whole crew staring out the tinted windows at us. He hugged me tightly and we just stood there, in each others embrace.

"We should go." I said hating to break this but soon people would start to get mad at us for holding up the parking lot.

"Yeah." He kissed my forehead. "Good night Nov, I love you."

"I love you too." I kissed him one last time. "Night."

We both got onto our buses and the engines started and we were off again to the show in Boston.

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