Chapter - 2

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Nandini was sitting in front of her

mirror, thinking about her wedding.

"I can't believe that I am getting married

in one day. Aiyyapa..!! I am very

nervous.." She was talking to herself

when her thoughts were interrupted by

her Bestie Navya.

"Ohooo...!!! Nervous han..?? No need to

worry as far as i know Mayank is a good

guy..!! He will give you all the

happiness you deserve". Navya tried to

cheer her up and Nandini blushed.Navya

was teasing Nandini meanwhile

Nandini's phone rang. Before Nandini

could pick up the call Navya almost

snatched it, saw the caller ID and

exclaimed with joy because it was


"Ohooo..!! Our Jeju is calling.Awww how

impatient he is Ok let me tell him that

there is only one day left then no one will

separate you both..!!" Nandini frowned

hearing to Navya's nonsense speech. And

tried to snatch her phone back.

"Navya give it back to me..!!" Nandini

almost shouted

"No no I will not..!!" Navya replied while

running towards terrace.


"Manik my darling baby get up. We are

almost here..!!" Nayonika tried to wake

up her cute son who was sleeping like a

baby in her lap as they were going to

arrive at Murthy residence soon. She

patted his cheeks and ruffled his hair.

"Mama please let me sleep..!!" Manik

replied in a sleepy tone and tried to turn

his side.Nayonika smiled at his gestures.

"You sleepyhead".Gently slapped him on

his head. "You were sleeping the whole

way isn't that enough for you? You even

didn't bother that your Mama was getting

bored..!!" She said with a fake anger.

Manik's eyes shoot open at the word

"bored" he immediately turned in her lap

to face her he actually didn't talk to her

the whole way. He felt a little

embarrassed but after all he was Manik

Malhotra who never felt ashamed on his

deeds and never ever said sorry to


"Mama...!! First you forced me to come

with you and now you are angry at me

again...!! I don't know what to

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