Chapter - 34

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"Manik..!! I am not going back..!!" Nandini
said stubbornly and sat on the bed crossing
her arms on her chest angrily.
"Ok..!! Main phir akely chala jata hoon..!!"
Manik said sadly and kept packing their
stuff. Today they had the flight back to India
and Nandini wasn't ready to go back.
"Manik..!!" Nandini said helplessly. Manik
sighed and sat beside her.
"Nandini..!! I promise next year we will
come here again..!!"Manik said wrapping his
one arm around her shoulder.
"Manik..!! It's not like that I want to stay
here..!! I want to be with you..!! Because I
know when we will go back you will got
busy and I'll be alone again..!!" Nandini said
sadly and Manik also became worried
Nandini was right he had lots of pending
"Nandini..!! You will not alone I promise we
will find some solution..!! Come on na baby
ab please smile for me..!!" Manik said and
pecked her forehead. Nandini smiled and
hugged Manik.
"Manik..!! I can't live without
you..!! Agr tmhy kuch ho gya na tou main
bhi mar jaoan ge..!!" Nandini said sadly.
"Nandini..!! Kuch nahi ho ga..!!Why are you
so sad haan jaan?" Manik asked tightening
his hold around her. How would Nandini
tell Manik that she was afraid of Mayank. He
vowed to kill Manik and now he was out of jail. If
he tried to do something..!! If something happened to
Manik how will she breath..!! How will she able to
live..!! No..!!
"Nothing..!! Just aisy he..!" She whispered.
After a lot of convincing session MaNan took
a flight back to India.
"OMG..!! My children are back..!!" Nayonika
was overwhelmed by seeing them back. Both
hugged her tightly.
"So did you guys enjoyed your time..!!"
Nayonika asked as Nandini was lying in her
lap and Manik was sitting with his head
leaned with the bed board.
"Yes..!! A lot..!!" Manik said smilingly.
"And Nandini..!! You?" Nayonika asked but
she didn't replied.Nayonika and Manik look
at her she was asleep both smiled. Manik
carefully picked her up from Nayonika's lap
and made her head rest on the pillow.
Nayonika waved a silent goodnight to Manik
and left the room. Manik lay beside Nandini
and held her close she responded to his
touch and rested her head on his chest.
"Manik..!! Apna bohat khayal rkhna..!"
Nandini said worriedly as she was seeing off
Manik for office next morning.
"Nandini..!! I am not a kid..!! I can take care
of myself..!!" Manik said making a baby
"I know..!! But please for me na..!!" Nandini
said pleadingly and Manik smiled.
"Ok baba..!! I'll take care of myself..!!
Happy?" Manik said side hugging her kissing
her hair.
"Very..!!" She smiled weakly. Her sixth sense
was warning her that something wrong
gonna happen. That's why she was scared.
Manik give her a peck on her lips and sat in
his car. Nandini waved a goodbye to him
and as always Manik drove away smilingly.
"Aiyapaa..!! Please Manik ka
khayal rkhna..!!" She silently prayed to her
As usual Manik was driving towards the
office suddenly his car started choking up.
"Come..!! Now what???" Manik said angrily
and after stopping the car he got down. He
opened the bonnet and started checking it. It
was stranded road there wasn't much
"Hmmm..!! What to do..?" Manik was
thinking all this when somebody placed a
handkerchief on his mouth. Manik tried to
protest before he could do something he was
out of his senses.
Whole day passed Nandini called Manik a
thousand time but he didn't picked up the
phone she had asked from his office and
they told her that Manik hadn't reached yet.
Now her worries had no limits. She called
fab4 and asked about Manik's whereabouts
but they also didn't knew anything about
him. Now fab4, Nayonika and Nandini were
sitting in the lounge of Malhotra Mansion.
Nandini was constantly crying and all others
were sitting there helpless.
"Nandini beta don't cry..!! Aa jye ga
Manik..!!" Nayonika tried to console her
although she herself was crying.
"Ma..!! Agr Manik ko kuch hua na tou main
bhi mar jaoan ge..!! Manik ko bolo wapas aa
jya please..!!" She said sobbing hard.
"I am sure it's Mayank...!!" Cabir said
gritting his teeth. Nandini walked towards
Cabir and joined her hands infront of him.
"Cabir..!! Please Manik ko wapas lay aoa
please..!!" She pleaded and Cabir who was
acting brave hold back his tears. His sister
was collapsing in front of him and he was
helpless. He held her hands.
"Nandu..!! Please get a grip of yourself..!!
We are trying our level best to find Manik..!!
I promise he will be back soon..!!" Saying
that Cabir took Nandini in his embrace.
Manik slowly opened his eyes. The
surrounding was so unfamiliar.
"Where am I?" Manik murmured.
"It's my prison Malhotra..!!" He heard a
familiar voice and his blood started boiling
with anger.
"Is that a joke Mayank Sharma..!!" Manik
yelled. And Mayank came in light.
"Of course not..!!" Mayank said mockingly.
Manik tried to move but his hands and legs
were tied with the chair.
"What are you up to..!!" Manik asked
frowning his face meanwhile noticed that he
was not in that shirt which Nandini selected
for him.
"Ohh you must be worried about your
shirt..!!" Mayank said in naughty tone.
"Where is my shirt..!!" Manik asked angrily.
"Don't worry I'll send your shirt to your
sweet wife..!! But first I need something of
yours..!!" Mayank said in a horrible tone
and Manik's heart skipped a beat. He was
worried for Nandini. She must be crying..!!
Oh God..!! Mayank slowly walked towards
Manik with a sharp knife in his hand.
"Tjhy games khailny ka bohat shook hai na
Manik..!! Now I'll play games with you..!!"
Mayank said in an hatred tone and with that
he pierced the knife in Manik's arm.
Instantly blood started oozing out of it and
Manik sealed his lips to muffle his screams
of pain.
"Good..!! Now lets see..!!" Mayank said and
with that he brought Manik's shirt and
wiped his arm's blood with that shirt.
"Perfect..!! Now I will send this shirt to
Nandini..!!" Mayank said and walked out.
"No..!! Nandini will not be able to handle
this much torture..!!" Manik was too much
worried for Nandini that he himself forgot
his pain. "Nandini kay aiyappa please us ka
khayal rkhna..!!" Manik prayed helplessly.
Cabir broke the hug and wiped Nandini's
"Bus...!! You have to be strong ok?" Cabir
said Nandini nodded. All of them were
consoling each other when the watchman
came with a packet.
"What is this Mohan?" Nayonika asked and
Mohan gave her the packet.
"This is for Nandini didi..!!" Mohan said and
left. Nandini took the packet from
Nayonika's hands and she slowly opened it.
The thing inside it made Nandini froze on
her place. It was Manik's shirt covered with
blood. Everyone rushed towards Nandini
who was standing like a statue.
"Manik..!! This white shirt suits you a lot..!!"
Nandini said to Manik and buttoned his
"Acha..!! Buttering?" Manik said naughtily
holding her waist tightly.
"Nopes..!! I am telling the truth..!!" Nandini
said wrapping her arms around Manik's
"Hmmm..!! Aj bohat pyaar aa raha hai..!!"
Manik said kissing her cheek.
"Wo tou roaz he ata hai..!!" Nandini said
returning the kiss on his cheek. Nandini
opened first two buttons of Manik's shirt
and planted a kiss in the inner lining of it
exactly on the place of Manik's heart which
wasn't visible her lipstick mark was
embossed on it. Manik was just admiring
her act. She again buttoned his shirt and
rested her head on his chest.
"What was that?" Manik asked lovingly.
"A small gesture of my love..!!" Nandini said
looking in his eyes and Manik without
wasting further time sealed his lips with
Nandini remembered their morning
romance and she quickly checked the inner
side of the shirt and her lipstick mark was
there conforming that it was Manik's shirt.
Nandini felt her whole world started
collapsing. She felt dizzy and suddenly her
vision became blur and she fell down. Cabir
immediately picked her up in his arms and
walked towards her bedroom. Meanwhile
Nayonika called doctor who came in no
"Doctor how's my daughter?" Nayonika
asked worriedly.
"She is ok..!! She collapsed because of
shock..!! I have given her injection..!! She
will be up soon..!!" Doctor said and left.
"What is going on? Where is Manik?" Mukti
said worriedly.
"I hope he will be fine..!!" Alya said sobbing
and Dhruv hugged her to console.
"Mukti tu ja aunty ka khyal rakh..!!" Cabir
said and Mukti noddingly left.
"Poor Nandini..!! Cabir do something na..!!"
Alya said crying hard.
"Alya..!! We can't inform police as Manik ko
gaib huay aik din bhi pora nahi hua..!! They
will not register our case..!!"Cabir said
"Ab kya ho ga..!!" Dhruv asked impatiently.
"We have to wait..!!" Cabir said helplessly.
Alya and Dhruv lowered their head.
Manik was getting impatient by each passing
second he was really very worried for
Nandini. Mayank had imprisoned him in a
storeroom. Manik tried his best to break the
ropes but due to loss of blood he was feeling
too much weak. Suddenly the door opened
and Mayank came in.
"Wohoo..!! Manik you are still conscious? I
thought you will be unconscious by now..!!
But I must say you have great
willpower..!!"Mayank said patting Manik's
arm mercilessly and Manik screamed in
"By now Nandini must have received my
gift..!!" Mayank said in a happy tone and
Manik become more worried.
"Mayank please..!! Nandini ko kuch mat
karna..!!" Manik said helplessly.
"Ok ok..!! You wanna talk to her?" Mayank
said in a serious tone and Manik nodded.
"Ok let's call her..!! Saying that Mayank take
Manik's cell phone from his pocket and
dialed Nandini's number. Manik was getting
so much impatient to hear Nandini's voice
Mayank turned on the speaker. Manik heard
the ringing.
"Manik...!!"Nandini murmured in sleep.
Nayonika and Mukti were sitting beside her.
Silent tears were rolling down of Nayonika's
"Maaanniikkk..!!" Nandini again shouted
and suddenly got up. Nayonika held her
"Ma..!! Manik..!! Mjy Manik kay pass jana
hai Ma..!! Please..!!" Nandini yelled and
Cabir,Alya,Dhruv came in running.
"Nandu..!! Manik aa jye ga beta..!!"
Nayonika tried to console her.
"Manik..!!" Nandini was continuously
shouting his name everyone was trying to
console her but she was getting out of
control. Suddenly Nandini's cell started
buzzing. The caller ID was of Manik. Her
eyes became teary once again.Cabir gestured
her to pick up the call and put it on
speaker she immediately picked up the call .
"Manik..!!" She said impatiently.
"Hello.!! EX..!!" Mayank said mockingly.
"Mayank...!! Where is Manik..!!" Nandini
"Don't take tension..!! Your Manik is
alive..!!" Mayank said in a sad tone.
"Is he with you..!!" Nandini asked
"Tell your princess that you are fine..!!"
Mayank said to Manik and punched Manik's
arm an involuntary screamed escaped
Manik's mouth and Nandini felt like her
heart will explode.
"Mayank...!! Please..!! Manik ko choor do..!!"
Nandini pleaded.Manik was about to say
something when Mayank placed his palm on
his mouth and stopped him from saying
"Ok..!! I'll leave him..!! But you have to do
something for me..!!" Mayank said in a
dealing voice.
"Anything..!! I'll do anything just leave
Manik please..!!" Nandini shouted. Manik
bite Mayank's hand and he hissing in pain
took his palm away.
"Nandini no..!!" Manik shouted "You will not
do anything..!! I am fine..!!" He again
shouted and Mayank became angry he gave
to classic punch to Manik again on his
wounded arm and Manik again screamed in
"Mayank..!! For God Sake..!! Manik ko kuch
mat kaho..!!" Nandini shouted sobbing hard.
Mayank again closed Manik's mouth this
time with tape.
"Ok then..!! Listen to me carefully...!! I'll
send you an address..!! If you want Manik
alive come there..!! And yeah if you even
thought of bringing police with you na I
swear I kill Manik..!! You know me very well
Ex don't you?" Mayank said shamelessly.
"Ok ok..!! Please Manik ko kuch mat
kehna..!! I'll come..!!" Nandini said. Mayank
hung up the call and Manik shook his head
"Nandini..!! Tum pagal ho gai ho..!! We will
not let you go alone..!!" Cabir said angrily
because Nandini was saying that she will go
alone at Mayank's place.
"Cabir please..!! You don't know Mayank.!!
But I know him..!!! If he had said that he
will kill Manik..!!Then he will..!!" Nandini
said sobbing hard.
"Cabir..!! Let her go..!!" Nayonika said and
Cabir look at her in surprise. She gestured
him to stay quiet.
"Thank you Ma..!!" Nandini said and left.
"Aunty..!! Why you let her go all alone..!!"
Cabir asked worriedly.
"Cabir..!! I'll call the commissioner..!! And
we will follow Nandini..!!" Nayonika said
and all nodded.
Nandini reached the place which Mayank
texted her. It was some kind of storeroom.
She slowly walked towards it. She saw the
main door it was open.
"Mayank is not a simple man..!! He must have laid
some kind of trap for me that's why the main gate
is open..!! I should find some other way to get
in..!!" Nandini thought wisely. She without
making any noise walked at the side of the
storeroom to find another way to get in.
Finally she found a small hole in the wall
she can easily get in through It. She peeped
in and what she saw next was enough to
hitched her breath in her throat. Mayank
was standing in front of Manik and Manik
was sitting on the chair with hands tied and
his arm was still bleeding. Nandini was
facing Mayank's back but Manik's face was
towards Nandini.
"Why isn't Nandini reached yet..!!" Mayank
shouted angrily.
"Because she is not a fool..!!" Manik said
"Shut up Manik..!! Or else..!!" Mayank
"Or else..!" Manik said mockingly. "Mayank
Sharma let me tell you one thing..!! I am not
afraid of dieing..!!" Manik
said determinedly.
"Ohhh really? You think I'll kill you Manik?"
Mayank said laughingly. Manik didn't said
anything he just kept starting at him. "I
know you are not afraid of dieing..!! That's
why I'll kill Nandini in front of your eyes
because I know..!! Tumhri jaan Nandini
main hai..!! Wo kahtam tou tum khatam..!!"
Mayank said mercilessly. Hearing that
Nandini's throat become dry. She had to
figure out a plan. Suddenly a plan hit her
She run towards the main door and played a
song on her cell phone. As it was too much
silence the song's voice was loud enough for
Mayank to hear. Hiding her cell phone on a
proper place Nandini again run towards the
hole. The significance of hiding the cell
phone was when Mayank will come out on
hearing the noise he will surely try to find
out the source of voice it will give Nandini
some time to escape with Manik. As expected
hearing the noise Mayank run towards the
main door and Nandini entered in the
storeroom through the hole.
Manik heard the song noise and Mayank run
towards the main door. Suddenly Manik saw
Nandini coming in through the hole. His
eyes popped out in surprise. Nandini run
towards him.
"Nandini..!! Why you came here..!! I told
you not to come..!!" Manik whispered
angrily and Nandini without saying anything
hugged Manik. Manik wanted to hug her
back but to his dismay his hands were
tied.Nandini was sobbing hard.
"Nandini..!! Main theek hoon..!! Shhh meri
jaan..!!" Manik tried to console her but he
himself was crying. Nandini broke the hug
and kissed Manik's forehead. She knew that
she had a very little time Mayank will be
there anytime soon. She had to get Manik
out before he comes back. She saw a knife
on the floor with lots of blood over it she
instantly realized that it must be of Manik's.
Again tears welled up in her eyes and she
picked up that knife to cut the ropes. She
didn't said a word and kept cutting the
ropes. Tears were continuously rolling down
her cheeks blurring her vision and she was
shaking them away. Manik was staring at
her but he didn't had the courage to say
anything. Soon Nandini cut all the ropes and
she held Manik's hand.
"Let's go..!! Before he comes back..!!" She
said slowly but Manik stopped her and pull
her towards him. She banged in his chest
and Manik gently placed his lips on hers.
Manik kissed her and she replied sobbing
hard. Manik kept kissing her engulfing her
cries. After sometime he broke and Nandini
again hugged him.
"Shhh..!! Bus rona nai..!! Main theek
hoon...!!" Manik said wrapping his arms
around her.
"Manik..!! Chalo..!!" Nandini said breaking
the hug and walked towards the hole. Both
sneaked out of that hole. They were about to
run when they saw Mayank standing in
their way.
"Hmmm..!! Smart move Ex..!!" Mayank said
smilingly."You think me of a fool..!!" Mayank
barked. Manik hide Nandini behind
him.Nandini clutched Maink's shirt tightly
she was shivering badly.
"Mayank..!! Let us go..!!" Manik shouted.
"Why would I?" Mayank again barked. He
pointed the gun towards them.
"Manik..!!" Nandini called Manik and sobbed
"Nandini..!! Kuch nahi ho ga tmhy..!! I
promise..!!" Manik said determinedly.
"One of you have to die..!!" Mayank shouted
and fired the gun.
"Manik..!!" Nandini shouted and bullet
directly hit Manik. Mayank laughed out loud
and suddenly Nandini again heard a voice of
gunshot. She saw Mayank falling down at
the same down Manik fell down.
"Mani..!! Please..!! Don't leave me..!! I beg
you please..!!" Nandini shouted placing
Manik's head in her lap. Manik was
breathing heavily and blood was oozing out
of his wound. Suddenly fab4 and Nayonika
came running there.
"Manik..!! Open your eyes please..!!" Nandini
yelled. Nayonika was about to fall with
shock when Mukti and Alya held her.
"Manik..!!" Cabir and Dhruv tried to wake
Manik up.
"Cabir..!! Manik ko bacha lo
please..!! Isay bolo na ankhain kholy..!!"
Nandini again shouted.
"Let's go the hospital..!!" Cabir said and they
rushed to the hospital.
Everyone was sitting outside the ICU.
Nayonika was sobbing hard and Fab4 were
trying to console her. Nandini was sitting on
a bench quietly. After reaching the hospital
she was quiet she didn't cried nor did she
shouted. Even not a single tear didn't fell of
her eyes. She was constantly staring at the
ceiling. Cabir was very much worried for
her. He wanted her to cry but she didn't said
a word.
"I promise I'll never leave you..!!"
"I promise I'll never let anything bad happen to
"I love your open hair Nandini..!!"
"I am sorry I hurt you..!!"
"I am sorry I was rude..!!"
"The food is yummy Nandini..!!"
"Nandini you are beautiful..!!"
"Nandini look na this button is torn..!!"
"I love you Nandini..!!" Manik's words were
echoing in her mind and Nandini felt like
her heart will explode.
After 6 long hours doctor came out of the
ICU. All rushed towards him except Nandini.
Doctor's face expression were make her
froze on her place.
"Doctor how's my son..!!" Nayonika asked
"I am sorry Mrs.Malhotra..!!" Doctor said
sadly and Nandini felt like a bomb fell on
her. She felt her soul leaving her body. She
felt unreal she started shaking her head in a

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