Chapter - 12

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Manik walked towards his car along with
Nandini and Cabir followed him.
"Cabir please drop us at home..!!" Manik
said in a pleading voice.
"Don't say please Bro..!!" Saying that
Cabir took keys of Manik's car and sit on
the driver's seat.Manik opened the back
door still carrying Nandini in his arms
and sit on the back seat with Nandini in
his lap. Nandini again didn't protested on
his act. Cabir starts the car.
"Nandini..?? You are ok na?" Manik said
with a concern. Nandini slowly lifted her
head,looked into Manik's eyes and just
nodded. And again snuggled herself more
in his arms. To which Manik smiled
brightly. Manik looked at her she was
looking perfect in his arms,like that they
were made for each other. Manik was
wandering why is she so weak? Why is
she so less confident? Moreover how all
this happened? There were lots of
questions popping in Manik's head
regarding Nandini which he wanted to
ask,but looking at her shattered state he
didn't want to disturb her more.
Nandini was feeling so comfortable in his
arms. She felt herself safe in his arms.
She closed her eyes and past memories
started haunting her.
"Ohooo Poor Nandini has fallen...!!"
"Look..!! Look..!! She is crying..!!"
"Hahahahaha..!! Oo..!! Big eyes..!!
Crocodile tears..!!"
"You want your Teddy Bear back?? Ohhoo
It is torn"
"Your skirt..!! It is also torn"
Those mocking words echoed in her
mind. She again shivered and clutched
Manik's shirt more tightly.Feeling her
shiver and grip more tightened on his
shirt Manik started rubbing her back,she
slowly again went to normal. After
sometime Manik noticed her breath
became even,that means she was asleep.
Cabir was watching the console session of
cute couple and was smiling.
At last they reached Malhotra Mansion
and Manik asked cabir to take the car. He
himself carry Nandini trying his best not
to disturb her sleep. Manik opened the
bedroom door and placed Nandini on the
bed and covered her with blanket. He
slowly took off her jewelry which made
her more comfortable. He himself got
changed into casuals and lay down on the
couch. Soon he also drifted to sleep.
Next day was Sunday. This morning
Manik was the one who got up early. He
saw Nandini still sleeping hugging a
pillow he smiled and went to bathroom to
get fresh. After taking a bath he quietly
sneaked out of the room without
disturbing Nandini's sleep. He came
down and noticed an unusual quietness.
As it was Sunday so it was an off for all
the servants but where was Nayonika.
Manik take out his cell to call her but
saw her message in which she had told
him that she is going out of town as her
best friend was seriously ill and to take
care of Nandini. Manik texted her back
that he will. He came to the kitchen and
prepared two cups of coffee. And walked
towards his bedroom.
Nandini woke up and found herself on
bed and Manik was nowhere. She smiled
then suddenly incidents of last night
flashed in her mind she felt very
embarrassed. She noticed that she was
still in Manik's blazer she rushed towards
the bathroom to change.
Manik entered the room with two cups of
coffee,and saw Nandini drying her hair
with towel in front of mirror. She was
unaware of Manik's presence. Manik
quietly placed the cups on the table and
went near her. He stood behind her and
started mesmerizing her. Nandini looked
Manik's reflection in the mirror and her
breath again started become
uneven,Manik's closeness always create a
great influence on her.Manik gently lifted
her hair,placed them on one side and
snuggled his face in her hair. He gently
held her waist which sends shiver down
her spine and towel fell off her hands.
"Nandini..!!" Manik whispered huskily in
her ears which make Nandini weak on
her knees. She clutched on Manik's hand
on her waist. "Had I ever told you?"
Manik continued. Nandini became
confused and seeing her like this Manik
turned her to face him. "That your
Hair..!! These are beautiful..!!" Manik
leaned closer and again tried to hide his
face in her hair,closing his eyes. His
cheeks touching her bare
shoulders,making her shiver badly.
"Manik..!!" She hardly said.
"Hmmm.!!" Manik replied still burying his
face in her hair.
"I am sorry..!!" Nandini choked. Manik
came out of his trance and looked
towards her. She had tears in her eyes.
Manik become worried.
"Nandini..!! Ok if you are not comfortable
with me coming close to you..!! I will stay
away from you..!! But please don't cry..!!"
Manik said sadly and tried to move away
from her.
"No..!! No..!! Manik please don't leave me
please..!!" Saying that Nandini held his
hands and the intensity of her tears
increased. Manik become more worried
with her behavior. "Please don't leave
me..! Please..!! Everyone left me please at
least you don't do this to me..!!" Nandini
again said that was it for Manik he pull
her in his strong embrace and Nandini
hugged him back.
"Ok shh..!! I am not leaving
you..!! Kahen ni ja raha main..!! I am
here..!!" Manik tried to console her. Her
behavior was making him more confuse.
"If you don't have a problem with my
closeness then why are you saying
sorry..??" Manik inquired
politely.Nandini broke the hug and look
in his eyes.
"Woo..!! Last night..!! Because of me..!!
Ap ko sharminda hona para ho ga..!! I am
really very sorry for that..!!" Nandini said
sadly. And Manik was like what is she? Is
she a human or an angel..??
"Nandini? Who said that I was
embarrassed? I wasn't..!! You are my
proud Nandini..!! You know whenever I
see you smiling na I feel that life become
easy for me..!!" Manik said politely
stroking her hair. "So If you want my life
to be easy then keep smiling for me..!!"
Manik ended up with a smile. Hearing to
Manik's words Nandini smiled brightly.
"And one more thing..!!" Manik said
"And what is it..??" Nandini asked
"Don't call me Mr.Malhotra..!! Call me
Manik..!! It sounds great from your
lips..!!" Manik said lovingly. And Nandini
shyly nodded. Manik slowly cupped her
left cheek and give her a polite kiss on
her right cheek to which Nandini again
blushed and hide her face in Manik's
chest. Manik again chuckled on her
shyness,and put his arms around her.
"Ok if your blushing session is over can
we have some coffee..?? I specially made
it for you..!!" Manik teased her and
winked. Nandini smiled and nodded.They
both sat on the couch and had their
coffee. Suddenly an important question
popped in Manik's head.
Acha Nandini..!!" Manik started. "How
did all that happened? I mean when I
went out for the call everything was
fine..!! And then I came and I saw you
like this..!!" Manik interrogated.
"Woo..! Manik actually Alya..!! She came
to me and we had a little fight..!!" Saying
that Nandini lowered her head.
"Then?" Manik encouraged her.
"Then I turned to leave and she tangled
her heels with my pallu and before I
could do anything it was torn..!!" Nandini
again said hesitantly. And Manik was
fuming with anger. "How dare Alya..??
How dare she to do this to my innocent
wife..!! I will not leave her..!!" Manik was
thinking all this when he felt Nandini's
hand on his.
"It's ok Manik..!! It doesn't matter
anymore..!!" Nandini said to cool him
down. Manik faked a smile on his face.
And placed his other hand on hers.
"Hmm Ok..!! I am going to office I have a
little work..!!" Manik said and stand up to
"But Manik today is Sunday..!" Nandini
said doubtly.
"Yeah just a little pending work I'll back
in the evening..! Till then why don't you
cook some tasty dinner for me? What
say? You know I love your food..!!" Manik
said cupping her cheeks.
"Wow that sounds great..!! Ok tell me
what you want to eat??" Nandini asked
"Anything...!! But tasty..!!"Manik said
licking his lips and smiled.
"Ok..!! I will cook for you..!!" Nandini
gave him her ever precious smile about
which he thinks that it make his life
easy. Manik was happy that he had
succeeded in diverting her mind. Now he
had to talk to Alya some serious things
needed to be discussed.
"Ok..!! Bye then..!!" Saying that Manik
turned to leave. Nandini was
continuously looking at him. Suddenly he
turned almost run towards her and gave a
kiss her on her forehead.
"Stay safe..!!" He cupped her cheeks. She
nodded and smiled. He left.
Manik was driving in full anger. He has
to close this Alya's chapter before it hurts
Nandini.Manik parked his car in front of
Saxena's Mansion. He entered the house.
"Alya...!!" Manik yelled on top of his
"Alya..?? Where are you..?" He again
"What the hell Manik..!! Why are you
shouting?" Alya came out of her room.
Manik rushed towards her. An held her
"When I told you that it's over then
why?? Why did you do that..?? How dare
you to hurt Nandini..??" Manik yelled.
"Leave me Manik it's hurting..!!" Alya
winced in pain.
"Really? Is that so? But I am sure it's not
that much hurting the way you hurt
MY Nandini..!!" Manik screamed.
"Oh really ?? I hadn't done anything
wrong...!! That commoner deserves
this..!!" Alya said angrily.
"Commoner..!! Commoner..!!
Commoner..!! Just shut up ok? You think
she is a commoner? Then let me tell you
Miss Alya Saxena she is not a commoner
She is MY WIFE..!!Manik Malhotra's
wife...The only heir of Malhotra
industries..!! Moreover have you ever
heard about Rishab Murthy? Your dad's
business rival? Of course you know him
he is her brother...!! Isn't it enough?"
Manik explained her with full anger.
"And listen to me very carefully..!! Stay
away from my innocent wife..!! If you
ever dared to come close to her na or if
she ever cried because of you i will forget
that we are friends..!!" Manik finished
with a warning,without waiting for reply
he pushed a dumbstruck Alya and left the

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