Chapter - 14

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Next morning it was 7 when Nandini
slowly opened her eyes,and lifted her
head to see her husband's beautiful face.
She remained still,listened to his
heartbeat for sometime and gently traced
her fingers on his cheeks. He moved in
his sleep and tried to hide his face in her
hair. She smiled on his loveliness.
"Manik..!! Wake up..!!" She said softly
ruffling his hair.
"Nandini please..!! Let me sleep..!! Just
ten minutes..!! Tum bhi so jao..!!" Manik
said in a sleepy voice and nuzzled his
face more in her hair. Nandini giggled.
"Acha..!! Let me go I have to cook your
breakfast..!!" Nandini tried to untangled
herself from him. Manik let her go,she
went into washroom to take bath and
Manik again hide his face in blanket to
get some sleep before that Nandini again
woke him up. Today she wore a knee
length,sleeveless purple frock with a
jeans, just for a change. After that she
came out of bathroom and saw Manik still
sleeping. She smiled and went to almirah
to take out his clothes.
"Manik..?? What you want to wear today?
Blue or black? I think blue theek rahy
ga..!!" Nandini said in a loud voice to
wake him up but no response just sound
of snoring nothing else. Nandini frowned.
She angrily walked towards bed tapping
her foot.
"Mr Manik Malhotra get up..!! Or else
I..!!" Nandini tried to pull the blanket
from Manik but before she could
complete her sentence to her shock
Manik pulled her and pinned her on the
bed. Nandini's eyes widened in shock.
"Or else You..!!" Manik said huskily
leaning closer to her and tucked a wet
strand behind her ear.
"Ma..! Manik..!!" Nandini fumbled in
"Shhh..!!" Manik put his finger on her
lips and shushed her. He slowly entwined
his finger with hers. He leaned
dangerously close to her ,traced his lips
on her neck and kissed her neck Nandini
closed her eyes and held Manik's hand
tightly. Manik smirked and tracing his
lips from her neck he reached her
shoulder and kissed her there too.
"Manik please..!!" Nandini moaned,still
closing her eyes breathing heavily.
"Please what Mrs.Malhotra..!!" Manik
whispered and blow in her ear. Morning
romance was about to reach it's peak
when they both heard knock on the door.
"Perfect timing..!!" Manik sighed in
frustration,to which Nandini giggled and
tried to get up but Manik was in no mood
of letting her go this time.
"Ni na please don't go..!!" Manik pleaded
making a cute face.
"Manik please..!!" Nandini replied after a
lot of convincing session Manik let her
go. It was the Butler who told Nandini
that Nayonika was calling her that means
she was back and then he left. Warning
Manik to get ready fast she also left the
Manik was very angry on his Butler's
wrong timing,cursing him he went to
bathroom to take a shower. Then he
started thinking about Nandini's
nightmares. "One thing about which I am
sure that it's about her parents. What
should I do? I think I should talk to Janvi
aunty about Nandini's condition..!! Yes
it's a good idea. I can't see Nandini like
this..!! And what was she talking about
the teddy? Hmmm first I have to talk to
aunty..!!" Manik talked to himself. Janvi
aunty was Nayonika's friend and was a
doctor too an old lady but full of life.
Manik always share a good bonding with
her she was a kind lady she didn't have
children of her own that's why she loved
Manik a lot.
Manik came out of the bathroom when he
saw the bed again he started cursing his
"I'll fire him today..!!" Manik murmured
in frustration. While wearing his clothes
he was continuously thinking how to call
Nandini back in the room.Then an evil
plan hit his brain. He immediately torn
the first button of his shirt ,smiled
wickedly and then make sad expressions
just to add a little reality to his wicked
"Nandini..!!" Manik shouted on top of his
Nandini was serving tea to Nayonika
when she heard Manik shouting
her name. Nayonika raised her eyebrow
and looked towards Nandini. Nandini
gave her a I-Don't-Know look.
"Go and ask him if he needs
something..!!" Nayonika suggested and
Nandini left for her room to see
now what was her husband up to.
Manik peeped out of the room and saw
Nandini coming he run back into his
room meanwhile Nandini entered the
room. She was facing Manik's back.
"Manik? What happened?" Nandini asked
worriedly. Manik smiled and before
turning towards her he again plastered
sad expressions on his face.
"Woo..!! Look na Nandini..!!"Manik
started sadly "This button..!! It is torn..!!"
Manik added almost crying and showed
her the button. To which Nandini
laughed aloud and Manik frowned.
"What is funny?" Manik said asked
"No..!! Nothing is funny..!!" Nandini
became serious seeing her husband
angry,walked towards him and pull his
cheeks and Manik become more irritated.
"Manik..!! Just aik button toota hai..!!
Why are you so sad..?? Me hoon na..!! I
will stitch it for you..!! You just wait here
I'll be back in two minutes..!!" Nandini
hurriedly left. And Manik smiled on his
success. He turned towards the mirror
and started brushing his hair.
"Manik Malhotra you are a very good
actor..!!" Manik complimented himself.
"Who is a good actor..??" He heard
Nandini's confused voice. He became
serious and turned towards Nandini.
"Ummm no one..!! You tell me? What to
do with this button?" Manik tried to
divert her attention.
"Ohhh yeah..!! I'll stitch it..!!" Nandini
showed him a needle and a matching
thread. She walked towards him. As it
was the first button of his shirt and
Manik was too much tall Nandini wasn't
able to reach there. Manik saw her
confusion and pull her towards him.
"Hmmm my choto wife..!! Step on my
feet..!!" Manik said smilingly. Nandini
slowly stepped on his feet. And started
stitching the button carefully trying her
best not to hurt him with the needle.
Manik held her waist so that she may not
fall. Manik was back in his romantic
mood. He tried to lean closer to her but
Nandini give him a angry glare.
"Manik..!!" Nandini said angrily.
"What?" Manik said if he hadn't done
"Don't you dare to move..!! You will be
hurt with this needle..!!" Nandini said
warning him. Seeing his plan getting flop
Manik again cursed his fate. He did all
this drama just to do some romance
with her but she wasn't even allowing
him to move. He started mesmerizing
her. She was too much concentrated on
what she was doing. Then again Manik's
wicked brain think of a plan. Nandini
will must use the scissors to cut the extra
thread. Manik slowly with one hand
hide the scissors in his pant's back
pocket,which was luckily placed on the
table near them. Soon Nandini was done
with the stitching thing and then as
Manik expected Nandini look here and
there to search scissors to cut the extra
"Manik..!! Where is the scissors..?"
Nandini looked at him,for the first time
during the whole stitching the session
she noticed that how much Manik was
close to her. He was just looking at her
without blinking his eyes. His breath was
fanning her face. She slowly moved more
close to him and cut the thread with her
teeth. Manik smiled and encircled his
arms around her. Feeling his arms
around her she hugged him. They both
stayed like this for some time just feeling
each others warmth.
"Nandini..!!" Manik broke the silence.
"Hmmm..!!" Nandini said snuggling her
face more in his chest,closing her eyes.
"Thank you..!!" Manik smiled. Nandini
opened her eyes and looked towards him
in confusion without breaking the hug.
"Thanks for what Manik..?"Nandini asked
innocently. Manik again smiled brightly.
He had a long list of thank yous for her
which he wanted to tell her but not now.
He wanted to make her feel special
before all this he had to help her to
overcome her fears.
"Thanks for this Button..!!"Manik changed
the topic and Nandini smiled.
"No need..!! Mr.Malhotra..!!" Saying that
Nandini closed his button. Manik cupped
her cheeks and kissed her forehead.
Suddenly they heard Nayonika's shouting
"Manik..!! Nandini..!! Come fast I am
"Mama..! Not you this time..!!" Manik said
making an angry pout. Nandini again
laughed on his craziness.
"Come fast Manik..!!" Saying that Nandini
run towards the door,leaving a hell
frustrated Manik alone. But before she
step out the room he saw her turning he
became happy and waited for her to say
"And yeah Manik..! Next time na there is
no need to break your Button You can call
me anytime when you need me...!! You
don't have to make "Bahanazzz..!!" To get
close to me ok?" Nandini said smilingly.
Hearing that Manik's jaw dropped open
in shock. "And take that scissors out of
your pant's pocket..!! Chubh jye ge..!!"
And she left. Manik was shocked as well
as happy too. How well she knows
him. He smilingly accepted his defeat
today was not his lucky day.
Manik joined Nandini and Nayonika after
some time.
"So Mama..!! How was your visit to your
friend?" Manik asked cheerfully.
"Well..!! It was good..!!" Nayonika replied
smilingly. "You both enjoyed each other's
company..?" Nayonika asked with all her
motherly affection. MaNan looked at each
other. They both smiled and Nayonika got
her answer.
"Nandini..!! Will you please get the butter
from fridge?" Nayonika asked Nandini
and she noddingly left to get the butter.
Nayonika asked Nandini to get the butter
because she wanted to ask Manik a
"Manik..??" Nayonika said in a lower
"G Ma..!!" Manik said chewing
his sandwich.
"You are happy na? Do like Nandini..?? I
know they way you both married...!!"
Nayonika asked with a doubt she left her
sentence incomplete. Manik smiled on
her concern and put his hand on hers.
"Mama..!! I am more than happy..!! Yes I
do like her..!!" Manik said in
a assuring tone. Manik wanted to tell her
that he love Nandini but before he could
say something he saw Nandini coming
with the butter so he kept quiet. Nandini
handed over the butter to Nayonika and
sat beside him. He smiled at her and she
smiled back.
After finishing the breakfast he hugged
Nayonika and walked outside as usual
Nandini followed him. They both reached
to Manik's car. Manik turned to her and
she smiled,the smile which was only
reserved for him. Manik look her tip to
toe. He was so busy in romancing with
her that today he didn't noticed her
dressing, she was looking different but
very cute, in that knee length frock she
was looking like a choto doll. Manik
smiled at her.
"Aj kuch special h..??" Manik asked
"What special..??" As usual she become
"No I mean you are looking different..!!"
Manik said smilingly.
"Achi ni lag ri..?? Should I change?"
Nandini asked worriedly this time Manik
"Ufff Nandini..!! You are looking
beautiful..!!" Manik said cupping her
cheeks,and Nandini become relax. "And
yeah thanks for letting your hair open..!!"
Manik said running his fingers in her
hair,Nandini smiled.
"Ok now you go..!!" Nandini pushed him
so that he leave Manik quickly kissed her
on her cheeks and sat in the car. He was
about to start the car when he
remembered something. He lowered the
window and Nandini leaned closer to
him,bent on the window.
"Now what..??" Nandini asked lovingly.
"Woo..!! Nandini I don't have your cell
number..!!" Manik said sadly. "Such a
dumb husband I am..!!"
"Hahahaha..!! You are a perfect husband
Manik..!!" Saying that Nandini leaned
more closer to him.Listening to this
Manik forgot what he was asking to her
and he also moved closer.
"Really..??" Manik said seductively.
"Really..!!" Nandini also said in the same
tone and grabbed a pen from Manik's
car dashboard and lifted Manik's hand
and wrote something. Manik was too
much engrossed in the moment that he
didn't noticed what Nandini was doing.
Suddenly Nandini put his hand between
their faces. And Manik frowned.
"What is this Nandini..?"Manik asked
"Mr Romeo..!! It's my cell number..!!"
Nandini said naughtily. Manik noticed
that she had wrote her cell number on
his hand. He smiled and started the car.
Nandini moved away from his car. And
waved him a goodbye. Manik drove
away smilingly.

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