Chapter - 31

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Next day they entered Disneyland and Manik
tried his best to hide behind Nandini as he
didn't wanted those Cartoons to recognize
him again.This time they came in morning.
Nandini was too much excited again she was
relaxed now because Manik's love and care
was something which always do it's magic
on her.
"Manik..!!" Nandini was walking here and
there when she called him.
"Haan?" Manik asked smilingly.
"Manik today na we will start our journey
with Roller coaster? Ok?" Nandini said
excitedly and hearing the word roller
coaster Manik's smile faded away instantly.
Manik never ever liked these kinds of rides.
"Are you sure Nandini?" Manik said
"Of course I am hell sure Manik..!Let's
go..!!" Nandini said happily and dragged
Manik towards the roller coaster ride named
Manik was now praying to Nandini's
ayiappa to save him. But it seems aiyappa
was not in a mood to listen to him. Nandini
reached the ticket counter. Manik didn't
wanted to buy for himself but he also can't
let Nandini go all alone. So he with a heavy
heart bought two tickets.
After sometime they were sitting in the
roller coaster and to Manik's dismay
Nandini sat on very first seat. Ride was
about to start. Countdown started.
"10" Everyone shouted. "No" Manik shouted in
his mind.
"9" Nandini too joined everyone. "God save
me..!!" Manik again prayed.
"8" Everyone again hotted. "God please do some
mercy..!!" Manik was now shivering with anxiety.
"7" All screamed and this time Manik held
Nandini's scarf tightly. For the first time
Nandini noticed Manik he had his eyes
"6" All shouted again but seeing Manik
afraid Nandini became worried.
"5" Again all yelled. "Manik are you ok?"
Nandini asked holding Manik's hands.
"4" "Ok time to tell her the truth" Manik thought.
"3" Everyone was getting more and more
excited. "Nandini I am afraid of these
rides..!!" Manik said lowering his head.
"2" Second last countdown. "What? You are
afraid of these rides? Why didn't you tell me
before?" Nandini said controlling her
laughter she didn't believe that Manik was
afraid of rides she thought him of a
superhero but he was also afraid of
"1" Last countdown and here we go. "Hold
my hand Manik and enjoy you will have
fun..!!" Nandini said assuringly and Manik's
grip on her hands become tight. And the
roller coaster started. It was taking speed
with every passing second and Manik felt
like his blood dried in his veins. The roller
coaster was taking too many dangerous
turns and Manik's heart beat was crossing
all the records. Meanwhile Nandini was
enjoying a lot. She was clapping and
jumping with excitement. Manik kept
looking at her he became mesmerized in her
beauty. She was enjoying like a kid. Soon the
ride was over Nandini became sad because
in her point of view the ride ended early.
Nandini jumped out of the ride. Manik
sighed in relief. It was becoming difficult for
him to even stand properly that ride really
affected badly on his nerves. Nandini was
walking forward blabbering about the ride
and was sharing her experience when she
felt that Manik was not beside her. She
turned and saw Manik struggling he was
limping badly. Nandini run towards him
and held his arms.
"Manik are you ok?"Nandini asked
"Yeah I..!! I am..! ok..!!" Manik said fumbled
and Nandini become more afraid.
"No you are not ok..!! Come Manik sit
here..!!" Nandini said and made him sit on a
nearby bench."You stay here I'll get you
some water..!!" Nandini said and pulling
Manik's wallet from his pocket she run to
find a tuck shop. Manik closed his eyes and
rested his head with the back of the bench.
Nandini was running here and there for a
tuck shop and finally she spotted one. She
immediately bought a water bottle and
rushed back to go to Manik. But now what?
From where did she came? She was too
much worried that she forget from where
did she came? Where Manik was? Oh God
how will I reach to Manik. Nandini was lost.
She run here and there but the park was so
big. She didn't find Manik anywhere. She
became afraid now her eyes became teary.
Manik was sitting on the bench when he
realized that now it was very late where was
Nandini? Manik's nerves were calm now. He
was feeling relax and he felt all his energy
was back. He got up and look here and there
to find Nandini but she was nowhere in the
"Kahan chali gai ya larki..!!" Manik
murmured. Suddenly he realized that
Nandini didn't knew the way. "How foolish I
am? Why I let her go all alone?" Manik
slapped his head and he started running to
find Nandini.
"Nandini" He shouted.
Now Nandini was crying loudly like a
kid who accidentally got separated from his
parents. She was rubbing her eyes to shove
her tears. Then suddenly she heard Manik's
voice. He was shouting her name. She
started running towards the voice and saw
Manik. She was facing his back. She run
towards him and hugged him from behind.
Manik was helplessly shouting her name
when he felt someone hugged him from
behind and she was none other than his girl.
He sighed in relief he broke the hug and
turned to face her. She was crying badly.
Manik again took her in bear hug. She was
sobbing in his chest.
"Nandini where have you been?Pta hai kitna
dar gya tha main?"Manik said lovingly
wiping her tears.
"Manik main..!! I was..!!" Nandini was out of
words again.
"Acha bus shhh..!! Main aa gya na? Haan?
Bus..!!" Manik said and Nandini nodded her
head. Manik again embraced her tightly. He
was indeed too much worried for her.
"You ok?" Manik asked wiping her sweat as
she was sweating heavily due to fear.
"Chalo let's eat something..!! Manik said to
lighten up her mood she nodded and started
walking with him but this time she was
holding his hand very tightly.
"Haunted Mansion?" Nandini shouted.
Manik had dragged her towards the haunted
Mansion and now she was denying to go
"Yeah I love to go in haunted houses..!!"
Manik said excitedly and Nandini was too
much afraid.
"But I hate these haunted mansions..!!"
Nandini shouted to clear her point.
"But I want to go inside..!! You know when
we were kids na we fab5..!! Once we went to
a scary house hahaha OMG..!! The ghosts
were trying to scare us and we all started
laughing...!! They became confused with our
behaviors hahaha..!! Oh God it was hell
fun..!!"Manik explained her laughing badly
remembering the incident.
"Manik..!!" Nandini said helplessly because
Manik was too much determined to go in.
"Nandini..!! Come on honey..!! I will be with
you na? You will be taken care of..!!" Manik
said cupping her cheeks she nodded and
hugged him. Manik smiled and hugged her
back. He was really too much excited to go
inside the haunted mansion.
They bought the tickets and now were
waiting outside the Mansion.
Even the exterior of the Mansion was so
scary that Nandini felt like her pounding out
of her chest and she clinged to Manik. Manik
was so excited he was looking here and
there with full curiosity.
"Dkhna this will be the best experience
ever..!!" She heard Manik and she frowned
in dismay.
After a lot of wait they were lead inside by
maids and butlers of the Mansion they
were also

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