Chapter - 3

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Nandini froze at her place. "Aiayapa..!!

He hasn't forgot? Now what should I

do...?? I think I should apologize..!!"

Nandini thought to herself.

"Nandu guests are tired show them the

way to their room." Rishab asked Nandini

but she was thinking about Manik's

words.Rishab shook her shoulder.

"Haan? Which room...?? Bhaiya...!!" She

said still lost in her thoughts. Manik was

continuously smiling wickedly on her


"Which room..?? Of course Nandu the

guest room next to yours.!!" Rishab said

with a little surprise.

"What next to my room? " She almost

shouted and Rishab's eyes widened with

shock at her

behaviour.Seeing Rishab Nandini

composed herself.

"Ummm I mean yes the room next to

mine...ok yeah..!! I will follow you

Aunty...arghhh I mean you follow me"

Nandini said with fumbled voice. And

stepped up the stair.Everyone was

shocked on her behavior except Manik.

Nandini stopped at the front of their

room and turned. Her eyes fell on Manik

who was smiling at her. She ignored him

and said

"Aunty this is your room and the next

room is mine..!! If you need anything

please just ask me"

"Sure dear I will..!!!" Nayonika replied

smilingly. And went inside the

room.Manik was about to enter in the

room when Nandini called him.

"Ummm Mr.Malhotra..!!" Confusion and

fear was visible in her voice.Manik

smiled and turned.

"Yes Ms.Murthy..!!"

"Woh actually i want to say sorry...!! Look

I hadn't done that intentionally.It was an

accident." She replied with a fumbled


"So you should avoid these accidents Miss

Murthy. Or this will leads you towards

worst..!!" He replied angrily and turned

to enter his room but again to his bad

luck the door was closed and he hit his

nose on door. As soon as he hit the door

he heard Nandini's laughter.

" Mr.Malhotra you also should avoid these

accidents...!!" Nandini said while

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