Chapter - 17

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Night went out peacefully Nandini didn't
woke up due to her bad dreams. But the
whole night Manik woke up time to time
to check Nandini an unknown fear was
still in his heart although he was almost
succeeded in his intentions but still he
had doubts. Next morning he slowly
opened his eyes but the other bedside
was empty. He woke up with a jerk but
immediately he got sight of his angelic
beauty standing in front of mirror
struggling with her blouse strings. He
smiled and got up from bed and slowly
walked towards her. Seeing Manik
coming to her Nandini's face lighten up
that now he will help her in tying the
"Ohhh thank God Manik you are awake
please tie these strings na..!! Main bohat
dare say try kar rahi hoon ni ho raha..!!"
Nandini said smilingly ignoring the
intensity and desire in her husband's
eyes. Manik held Nandini from her
shoulders and pulled her towards him
Nandini gasped as her almost bare back
touched his rock hard chest. Manik
gently lowered the fabric from one of
her shoulder and kissed her there
Nandini closed her eyes and clutched
mirror shelf for support. Manik was
enjoying his effect on her,he turned her
and made her face him.
"Nandini..!!Open your eyes..!!Look at
me?" Manik said seductively and slowly
started tying her strings. Nandini shyly
opened her eyes and looked in his
magical eyes.
"You remember last time when you asked
me to untie these strings? I was about to
kiss you na?" He said naughtily and
Nandini was red tomato. "But at that time
my phone started ringing and the
moment was ruined..!! So that kiss is
pending..!!" Manik completed with a
smirk and leaned closer.
"Ooo acha..!!" Nandini said slowly and
placed her hands on his chest Manik was
about to claim her lips when Nandini
pushed him away. Manik was like What-
"Ab kya Nandini..!!" Manik
asked angrily.
"In your dreams Mr.Malhotra..!! Go and
get ready for the office you are getting
late..!!" Nandini laughed at his condition.
Manik was standing crossing arms on his
chest. "Aur waisy bhi I am against these
unhygienic kiss..!!" She said naughtily
and again started laughing.
"Unhygienic..?" Manik asked confusingly.
"Yes Mr.Romeo..!! Ap ny abhi tak brush
nahi kiya hai..!!" Nandini said smilingly
and Manik was like pulling his hair on
her stupid logic.
"Fine..!" Manik showing fake
anger,tapping his foot entered the
bathroom. Nandini went to the kitchen
for his breakfast.
After sometime Manik came downstairs
and saw Nandini laughing with
Nayonika. His heart skipped a beat her
carefree attitude,her giggles,her
twinkling eyes,her lips curved in a wide
smile was driving him all crazy. He
reached the breakfast table.
"Good Morning pretty Ladies..!!" Manik
exclaimed. "What's up..??"
"Good Morning sweetheart..!! It's just I
was telling Nandini about your
childhood...!! How much naughty you
were..!!" Nayonika replied and Nandini
again started laughing to which Manik
"Achaw..!! So you both were laughing on
me..!! I see..!!" Manik said angrily and
both the ladies again burst out in
laughter. Manik too joined them they
started breakfast. Manik was admiring
both the ladies.Love of his life now he
can't even imagine his life without them.
After breakfast Manik went towards his
car and Nandini followed him.
"Acha Nandini..!!" Manik was about to sit
in the car when he turned and said.
"Hmmm..!!" Nandini asked casually.
"Tum aj sham ko kya kar rahi ho??"
Manik asked a little hesitant.
"Manik..!! What kind of question is that?
Of course I am free..!!" Nandini said a
little surprised.
"Cool than..!!" Manik exclaimed. "Ok
bye..!!" Manik again was about to sit in
the car Nandini held his hand.Manik
gave her a confusing look.
"Ummm..!!Woo..!! Aren't you forgetting
something..!!" Nandini said lowering her
eyes. Manik smirked recognizing that
what he has forget but he acted like he
don't know.
"What am I forgetting...!! Nandini..?"
Manik said naughtily.He saw her cheeks
"Nothing..!!"She turned to leave but
Manik caught her hand and pulled her
towards him she banged in his chest.
Manik smirked and kissed her
cheeks.pecking her forehead.
"That's what I was forgetting haan?"
Manik asked lovingly and Nandini
lowered her head shyly,just hugged
him.Manik laughed at her innocence.
"Acha if your blushing session is over
now can I go to office?" Manik asked
holding her close.
"When will you come back..?" Nandini
asked still hugging him.
"Ummm I'll be a little late..!! Actually I
have a dinner tonight..!! Dinner with
someone special..!!"Manik said naughtily.
"Someone special" hearing this Nandini
instantly broke the hug.
"Special? Who..??" Nandini asked
"Bus hai koi..!! Acha bye I am getting
late..!!" Saying that Manik jumped into
his car,waving her bye he left.Leaving a
hell jealous and angry Nandini behind.
She went back into Mansion tapping her
On reaching office Manik called Cabir
because he has to plan a surprise for
Nandini.In no time Cabir reached his
office. Cabir worriedly entered his cabin
because in msg Manik had wrote
"Emergency come to my office"
"What happened Manik? Are you ok?"
Cabir said worriedly sitting on chair in
front of Manik.
"Yeah yeah..!! Everything is ok..!! It's just
I need you help...?" Manik said
hesitantly. He was afraid that when he
will tell cabir that he want to plan a
surprise for Nandini he will pull his leg.
"What kind of help?" Cabir said
"Wo..!! Actually I want to plan a surprise
for Nandini..!! A dream date..!!" Manik
said and as expected Cabir started with
his jokes making fun of Manik after a lot
of teasing session Cabir become serious.
"Acha..!! Tell me what kind of date you
want..?" Cabir said seriously.
"Kuch aisa jis say wo bht khush
ho jye...!!" Manik said excitedly and they
discussed about it for a long time. Finally
the discussion was over Manik asked
cabir to go and do all the preparations.
It was 5 of the evening and again Manik
still hadn't called Nandini. She was
fuming with anger thinking about his
dinner with someone special. Meanwhile
doorbell rang Nayonika was in her room
and Suresh Kaka still hasn't returned
from his village so Nandini went and
opened the door. There was a
man,actually courier man.
"Mrs.Manik Malhotra?" He inquired.
Nandini nodded and he handed over her
a red box she signed the paper and
carried the parcel to her room.She saw a
greeting card over the box. She opened
the card and all her anger on Manik flew
My Nandu..
Your Manik..
She happily opened the box. Her eyes
twinkled seeing a red saree with silver
work. Matching delicate diamond jewelry
and shoes...!!flat shoes so he remembered
that she don't wear heels. And a note:
"Nandini..!! Meri Nandini..!! Sirf
T onight I want you to wear this red saree
for me..!! Only for me..!!
Tonight I want you to get ready for me..!!
Tonight I want you to look beautiful for
Tonight no fears,no doubts will come
between us..!!
Tonight I'll not let you anyone come
between us..!!
Tonight I will make you mine..!!
It will be OUR night..!!
Just You and Me...!!Forever
Manik..!! Tmhara Manik..!!
Sirf Tmhara..!!"
She smiled and blushed. She was feeling
out of this world. She quickly dialed
Manik's number. He picked up the call on
first bell but before Nandini could say
anything Manik started.
"Liked it?"She heard his cheerful voice.
"Liked it? I loved it Manik..!!! Thank you
so much..!"Nandini exclaimed and she
heard Manik's laughter.
"It's nothing..!! There are more things to
come..!! Just wait for tonight..!! 8pm
sharp...!! Driver will pick you up..!! And
no arguments..!!"Manik said in a
romantic way making Nandini tremble at
her place.
"OK..!!"That's all she could managed to
say and she hung up. She immediately
got up to get ready. For the first time she
was getting ready for her Manik. After
getting ready she looked herself in the
mirror. She was looking breathtakingly
beautiful. She felt like butterflies floating
in her stomach she was shivering on her
thoughts. Guessing about Manik's
surprises. She came out of the Mansion
driver was standing outside opening the
car door for her she silently sat inside.
After about half an hour journey the car
stopped and driver asked her to get down
as it was the place where he was ordered
to drop her. She got down of the car and
looked at the Villa in front of her. It was
small and very beautiful. She slowly
walked towards the entrance the main
door wasn't locked. First she hesitated
then she opened the door and stepped

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