Chapter - 9

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Manik got up from breakfast table and

after saying goodbye to Nayonika he

walked out of the main door. Seeing

him going Nandini followed him and

stood in the main door expecting

Manik to turn and give her a look.

Manik was about to sit in the car when

he noticed someone staring at him he

turned and saw Nandini standing in

the door. A smile crept his lips seeing

him turning and smiling Nandini's

heart filled with happiness and she

smiled too and wave her hand to say

goodbye. Manik smilingly sit in his car

and left for office. After he is gone

Nandini came in. Nayonika saw her

blushing and decided to tease her.

"What's up my sweet daughter-in-law?

Why are you blushing?" Nayonika

exclaimed and Nandini lowered her

head in shyness. "OK OK..!! I will not

tease you. You go get ready we are

going for shopping..!!" Nayonika


"Shopping? For what?" Nandini said in

a surprising tone.

"For what..?? Seriously Nandini..?? For

tonights party of course..!!" Now get up

let's go..!!" Nayonika ordered her

leaving no choice for Nandini.


On his whole way to office Manik was

continuously smiling on Nandini's

behavior. He entered his Cabin and

was shocked to see the man sitting in

his office on his chair non other than

"CABIR". Cabir gave him a warm smile

and Manik smiled too. Cabir got up of

his chair and walked to him,leaning

closer to Manik he acted like noticing

something from his face. Manik

became irritated.

"What the hell Cabir..?? What are you

doing..??" Manik pushed him aside and

walked to his chair.

"I was trying to notice that are you the

same Manik who was hell frustrated

yesterday..?? And today you are smiling

like a fool..??" Cabir exclaimed in his

typical tone.

"Shut up..!!" Manik replied in an

irritating tone.

"Wohooo..!! Tell na Manik..?? Has

something happened between you and

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