Chapter 32

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It was morning. Nandini lazily opened her
eyes and saw Manik sleeping as usual hiding
his face in her hair. She smiled and ruffled
his hair. She gently pecked his forehead and
he smiled in sleep feeling her touch. Nandini
knew if she will get up then Manik's sleep
will be disturbed which she didn't wanted.
She slowly closed her eyes feeling him close
to her.
"Nandini..!!" Manik called her panickly. She
opened her eyes and look at him he was
calling her in his sleep. "Nandini no..!!
Please..!! No..!!" Manik again said panicking
still in sleep. Nandini became worried.
"Manik..! Get up..!! I am here..!!" Nandini
got up and shook Manik's shoulder to wake
him up. Manik suddenly opened his eyes.
Manik was in a very bad dream where he
saw Mayank taking Nandini with him. He
was helpless there. Then
Nandini's voice brought him out of his
dream. He opened his eyes and saw Nandini
in front of him.
"Manik? What happened?" Nandini asked
cupping his cheeks. Manik got up and
hugged Nandini. Nandini hugged him back
and patted his back.
"Mani..!! What happened? Are you ok..!!"
Nandini asked lovingly whispering in his
"Nandini..!! You will not leave me ever
right?" Manik asked worriedly and Nandini
become surprised. It was always she who
asked Manik this question and today he was
asking this thing.
"Manik..!! Where will I go? Tumharay siwa
kon hai mera..!!" Nandini assured him. He
broke the hug and look at her.
"Promise?" Manik asked doubtly and
Nandini nodded her head. Manik lay down
again and placed his head in her
lap.Nandini slowly kept running her fingers
in his hair and Manik again closed his eyes
"Was it a very bad dream?" Nandini asked
lovingly patting his head. Manik wrapped
his arms around her waist and snuggled in
her stomach.
"Very bad..!!" He whispered.
"You want to tell me?" Nandini asked
ruffling his hair again. But Manik didn't
replied and kept nuzzling his face in her
stomach. Nandini didn't asked further. Soon
she felt Manik again sleep. She carefully
placed his head on the pillow and was about
to got up when he held her hand. Nandini
look at him he was looking at her.
"Don't go please..!!" Manik said lovingly
pulling her towards him. Nandini lay down
beside him and he hide his face in her hair.
Now this was something different. Manik's
behavior was little weird for Nandini.
"Manik? You are not ok na something is
bothering you..!! What happened?"
Nandini again asked but Manik again kept
quiet. He didn't wanted to tell Nandini that
Mayank was back.
"Manik..!! Mjy shower laina hai..!! I'll be
back na..!! Haan?" Nandini said lovingly
kissing his cheeks and Manik let her
go.Manik saw her going in the bathroom. It
was Nandini's habbit she never ever locked
her bathroom door. Manik was constantly
thinking about Mayank. "God not this
time..!! Nandini..!!". He got up from the bed
and went towards the bathroom.
Nandini brushed her teeth and washed her
face. Then she came near the shower. She
was about to remove her top when she
heard the click of door she turned and saw
Manik standing in the door. She was a little
surprised because Manik never do this.
"Manik..!! What happened? I told you na I
am coming then kya hua?" She asked
lovingly and Manik walked towards her.
Now both of them were standing exactly
under the shower. Manik didn't said
anything he gently entwined his fingers with
hers. He pull Nandini closer and turned on
the shower. Instantly water started
drenching them both and Manik held
Nandini closer. He cupped her cheeks
and planted a kiss on her forehead.
"Tum theek ni ho na Manik..!! Something is
bothering you right?" Nandini
said worriedly holding his shirt's collars.
"Nandini..!! Aik wada karo ge?" Manik asked
holding her hands again and Nandini
nodded. "Promise me that you will never
ever get away from my sight..!! Not even for
a second..!!" Manik said possessively.
"I promise..!!" Nandini said and Manik
without warning slammed his lips with hers.
Nandini's hands fisted in his hair and she
replied with equal favor. Manik didn't know
why but he can't control himself he can't
lose Nandini..!! His life's only asset..!! He
was kissing her madly pouring his whole
love in that one kiss. Unknowingly tears
trickle down his cheeks. In spite of the water
of shower Nandini could feel Manik was
crying. She was unable to understand why
he was getting so emotional. She knew that
he will not tell her so soon. She shivered
with desire. Manik broke the kiss and rested
his forehead with hers. Both were looking in
each other's eyes. Nandini could clearly see
the desires in her husband's eyes.
"Nandini...!" Manik whispered he was about
to say something when Nandini placed
her finger on his lips.
"Shhh..!!" Nandini shushed him and
kissed his cheeks to eat his tears. That was
it for Manik he pinned Nandini
with the shower wall. He started kissing her
shoulders and biting her neck earning
precious moans from her throat. Nandini
wanted to held him but Manik didn't let her
because he had pinned her hands above her
"Maaanniii..!!" Nandini hardly whispered
but this time Manik was in no mood to do
any kind of mercy on her. He almost tore
her top to which Nandini gasped at this
sudden act. Now this was something
different for Nandini. She knew that he was
desperate but he was always very gentle in
his touch. He always used to take care that
Nandini didn't got hurt. Nandini sensed
what was coming.
"Manik..!!" She for the first time ever tried
to push him to calm him down. But Manik
didn't listen to her he kept kissing and biting
her. Nandini closed her eyes ready to gave
Manik didn't knew what was gotten into
him. He was going crazy with his wild
desires. He almost ripped Nandini's top and
bite her harshly. He wanted to make each
and every inch of her of him. He wanted
to drench her body with his eternal love. He
showered her with his love, filling
the bathroom with her moans.
After a long time Manik walked out of the
bathroom with Nandini in his arms. He was
wearing a black track with black vest. And
Nandini was wrapped in a big white towel.
She was lying all exhausted in Manik's arms,
head rested on his chest and eyes closed.
Manik placed her on the bed.
"What have I done? Oh God..!!" Manik saw
red marks very dark then the previous
ones he was hell embarrassed now he
wanted to say sorry . He was sitting on the
bed and Nandini was sitting beside him head
still on his chest.
"Manik ab sorry mat bolna..!!" Nandini said
tightening her grip around him. Manik
smiled faintly how much she know me.
"Tum theek ho na..!!" Manik asked politely.
"More than ever..!!" She said smilingly
raising her head a little to look in his eyes.
"Main bohat bura hoon na..!! Monster
right?" Manik said playing with her fingers
and kissing her red marks.
"Yes you are very bad..!! But not for
me..!! For me you are my angel..!! My
savior..!! My lover..!! My owner..!! Manik
why are you feeling guilty?" Nandini asked
"Because I was harsh with you Nandini I am
sorry..!!" Manik said sadly and
a lone tear escaped his eye.
"Manik..!! Don't you dare to cry because of
some stupid thing..!!" Nandini suddenly
become angry seeing his tear. "You are my
strength Manik..!! You know why I am
happy? Because you are with me..!! Without
your love na Manik I am nothing..!! You
think you were harsh? No Manik trust me
I always feel blessed when YOU touch me..!!
You can never hurt me Manik I know..!!
Please get yourself out of this guilty thing
please..!!" Nandini explained emotionally.
"Why do you love me so much?"
Manik asked lovingly and Nandini chuckeld.
"Acha before I answer to your question first
you tell me why do you love me so much?"
She asked laughingly.
"I really don't know what made me love you
so much..!!" Manik said tucking her hair
behind her ear.
"If you don't know na then I also don't
know..!!" Nandini said hugging him tightly.
"You are tired na?" Manik asked lovingly
running his fingers in her hair.
"Not much..!!" Nandini said snuggling in his
chest. Manik made her lay and covered her
with the blanket.
"Tum yahen ho na..!!" Nandini said adjusting
her head on the pillow.
"I am here kahen nahi ja raha
main..!!" Manik said lovingly and sat beside
her.He started running his fingers in her
"Manik..!!" Nandini called him in
a sleepy tone.
"Bolo Manik ki jaan..!!" Manik said looking
at her.
"Sing me a lullaby...!!" She said innocently
and placed her head in his lap.
"Nandini..!! I don't know any lullaby..!!"
Manik said affectionately.
"No I wanna hear a lullaby I don't know
bus..!!" Nandini said stubbornly and
wrapped her arms around Manik's waist.
"Acha acha..!! Ok let me think..!! I remember
one which Mama used to sing for me when I
was little..!!" Manik said accepting his defeat
and Nandini smiled excitedly.
Manik started the lullaby.
Lullaby, and goodnight,
You're your Manik's(in actual lyrics
it's Mother's delight) delight,
Shining angels beside
My darling abide.
(Manik sang and Nandini blinked her eyes
sleepily holding Manik's hand)
Soft and warm is your bed,
Close your eyes and rest your head.
Soft and warm is your bed,
Close your eyes and rest your head.
(Manik sang and closed her eyes with his palm. She
smiled and closed her eyes)
Sleepyhead, close your eyes.
Your Manik's(Mother) right here beside you.
I'll protect you from harm,
You will wake in my arms.
(Manik sang tightening his grip around her)
Guardian angels are near,
So sleep on, with no fear.
Guardian angels are near,
So sleep on, with no fear.
(Manik sang and noticed Nandini sleeping already.
She was smiling in her sleep)
Manik carefully adjusted her head on the
pillow he gently pecked her forehead. He
wanted to get up but Nandini was holding
his hand and he didn't wanted to disturb
her sleep. He rested his head with the bed
board and closed his eyes.
"Mayank I swear to my God...!! This time if you tried
to do anything wrong na..! I will not spare you..!! I
will not let you harm my Nandini..!!" Manik
thought and soon he too drifted to sleep in
the same sitting position.
Manik's sleep disturbed by the constant
buzz of his phone. He opened his eyes and
immediately look at Nandini she was
still sleeping. He freed his hand from her
and picked up his cell phone. It was Cabir.
He rushed to the terrace.
"Yeah Cabir? Any news about Mayank..!!"
Manik asked before Cabir could say
"Not much Manik..!!" Cabir said sadly.
"How he came out of the jail..!!" Manik
asked furiously.
"He run out of the jail Manik..!! Police is
finding him..!!" Cabir told him seriously.
"Cabir just do something..!! I can't let
anything happen to Nandini..!!" Manik said
"Manik tu pareshan mat ho..!! Main hoon
na..!! I promise nothing will happen to our
Nandini..!! You just enjoy your trip..!! Tjhy
pareshan daikh kar wo bhi pareshan ho
jye ge..!!" Cabir said encourgingly.
"Yeah ok..!" Manik sighed and after talking a
little long Manik cut the call. He came back
to the bedroom Nandini was still sleeping. It
was getting dark so turned on the lamps
because he knew if Nandini will wake in
dark she will become afraid. He himself
came to the kitchen and made a coffee for
him. And came out on the terrace.
Disneyland was in front of his
eyes.He sipped the coffee smiling at the
moments they spend there. Poor cartoon
characters they must be waiting for them..!!
Manik was thinking all this when he
felt HER small hand crawled over his chest
and she hugged him from back. Manik
smiled brightly.
"So my jaan is up..!!" Manik said politely
pulling her from his back. She was still in
that towel and was still sleepy. She rested
her head on his chest.
"Yes..! Because you again left the bed..!!" She
complained. Manik laughed and put his one
arm around her.
"Ok I am sorry..! Come sit..!!" Saying
that Manik sit on the rocking chair and
made Nandini sit on his lap.
"Mjhy bhi coffee pini hai..!!" Nandini said
making a pout and Manik gave her his cup.
She smiled and took it from his hands
resting her head on his chest again she
started sipping the coffee. Manik wrapped
his arms around her.
"Mani..!!" Nandini called him.
"Hmmm..!!" Manik asked lost in his thoughts.
"You will not tell me na?" Nandini said
"Tell you what honey?" Manik said avoiding
the question.
"That something is bothering you..!! Please
Manik tell me..!!" Nandini said looking in his
"Nandu it's nothing..!!" Manik said lovingly
playing with her hair.
"I don't wanna talk to you..!! I am asking
you for the last time you are telling me or
not?" Nandini threaten him childishly.Now
Manik came in a mood to tease her.
"Acha if I'll not tell you then what will you
do?" Manik asked naughtily.
"I..!! I..!! Main na..!!" Nandini was too much
angry she wanted to say something very bad
she knew if she will say anything like this
Manik will got angry on her.
"Haan? You what?" Manik said tickling her.
"Manik tell me pleaseee...!!" Nandini
said pleadingly.
"Nandini I don't want you to get tensed..!!"
Manik became serious.
"I promise I'll not panic..!!" Nandini said
shaking hand with him as if really doing the
"Ok..!! Mayank is out of jail..!!" Manik said
and waited for Nandini's reaction. He
thought that Nandini will start shouting but
to his surprise she started laughing.
"Oh God Manik..!! Bus itne si baat..!!" She
said pulling his cheeks.
"Tmhy ya itne si baat lag rahi hai
Nandini..!!" Manik asked surprisingly.
"Of course Manik..!!" She said poking his
"I can't lose you Nandini..!!" Manik said
emotionally and Nandini became serious.
"Manik..! Nothing will happen to me..!! As
far as you are with me na..!! I am safe..!! So
you na also don't take tension..!!" Nandini
said hugging him tight and Manik felt
relived hearing her words. Seeing her relax
he felt himself relax. Nandini in her mind
was screaming like maniac. She was too
much afraid but didn't want to show it
to Manik. She composed herself.
"Acha Manik..!! We have never seen the
fireworks at disneyland...!!" She said looking
at the disneyland.
"Hmm..!! You are right..!!" Manik nodded.
"Abhi chalain..!" Nandini said excitedly.
"Aren't you tired?" Manik asked doubtly.
"Uffooo Manik..!! No I am not tired..!! Chalo
let's go..!! " Nandini said happily and
jumped of Manik's lap. She run towards the
room to get ready and Manik smilingly
followed her.

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