Chapter - 15

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Manik reached his office and there was
already a planned hectic schedules with lots
of meetings,signaturing the files and all. But
Manik has to meet Janvi aunty today
compulsory. So he ordered his P.A to cancel
few meetings.It was 5 of evening,Manik was
still too much busy in his work when
suddenly his office phone buzzed. He made
an irritated face and picked the call.
"Now what..??" He yelled on his receptionist.
"I have told you not to deliver any call..!!"
"Ma..!! Manik..!! It's me..!!" He heard
Nandini's fearful voice. "I am so sorry..!! I
disturbed you..!!" She said and Manik felt
that she was crying. He slapped himself for
yelling like this he heard her sobs and he
became restless.
"Nandini..!! Hy shhh honey..!! I am sorry..!!
That wasn't for you..!!" Manik said
worriedly.At that moment he just wanted to
took her in his embrace wanted to clean her
tears from her cheeks. In spite of Manik's
consoling words she was still crying and
Manik was like going crazy. "Nandu..!!" He
said lovingly and suddenly he heard her stop
crying. For the first time he had called her
"Calm down..!! Don't cry for me please? Be
my good Nandu..!!" Manik again tried to
calm her down.
It was 5 of the evening and Nandini was
waiting for Manik's call. But he didn't called
her so she decided to call him she took his
number from Nayonika but it was switched
off then she took his office number from the
diary and called. Receptionists told her that
she wasn't allowed to deliver any call but
Nandini told her that she will talk to him.
But the way he yelled make Nandini afraid
and she instantly started crying. But when
Manik call her Nandu she felt so good that
she forget about crying.
"Nandu..??" Manik said again with too much
sweetness that she felt herself melting. "Talk
to me please?"
"Man..Manik..!!" She started hesitantly.
"Haan bolo..!!" Manik encouraged her.
"I am sorry..!!" She again became sad. "I
shouldn't have called you..!!"
"Ohhooo Nandini..!! I said na that wasn't for
you..!! Look honey..!! For you I am your
sweet husband Manik..!! Just Manik..!! But
have to do all this..! You know otherwise all
workers take me for granted..!!" Manik
explained lovingly. He heard Nandini's
giggle on the other side he released the
breath which he was holding unknowingly.
"Hahaha So that means you are "MONSTER
MANIK" for your workers..!!" Nandini said
cheerfully and again started laughing Manik
joined her this time.
"Acha why did you call ?" Manik asked
"Woo..!! In morning you took my number
na..!! So I thought you will call me but you
didn't then I thought I should call you. I
tried you cell number but it was switched off
then I called at office number and please
don't say anything to the receptionist...!!"
Nandini explained. Manik felt guilty for not
calling her but the point is she was waiting
for his call. "interesting" Manik thought.
"Acha..!! You were waiting for my
call..??"Manik smirked and he was sure that
Nandini must be blushing.
"Manik...!! Have you had your lunch..??"
Nandini changed the topic and Manik smiled
at her innocence.
"Yes Mam kar liya h lunch myny..!!" Manik
smiled on her concern.
"When will you come home?" Nandini again
questioned him.
"I'll be little late Nandini I have lots to do..! I
am sorry..!!" Manik said sadly as he had to
meet Janvi aunty.
"Ohhh come on Manik..!! It's ok..!!" Nandini
said cheerfully. "Ok now you do your
work..!! Bye..!!"
"Ok bye..!!" Manik also greeted her and hung
In Malhotra Mansion.
"Nandini..!!" Nayonika called Nandini's name
when she hung up the call with Manik.
"G Ma..!!" Nandini said respectfully.
"I am sorry beta I have to go to a dinner
party I'll be a little late. You will be ok na?"
Nayonika asked her lovingly.
"Of course Mama..!! I'll be ok..!!" Nandini
said assuringly.
"Sure..!!" Nayonika asked with a concern to
which Nandini nodded. Nayonika left to get
ready for the party. It was 7 when Nayonika
told Nandini that she was going and she left.
Nandini turned on the T.V to pass her time.
When the Butler came.
"Mam..!!" He said respectfully.
"G Suresh Kaka..!!" Nandini said switching of
the T.V.
"Wo..!! My mother is very ill..!! I have to go
back to village...!! Please can I go..?" He said
"Kaka why are you saying please..?? Ap
jao..!!" Nandini said sweetly and the Butler
left. Now Nandini was all alone in house.
Weather was also not good. It was little
drizzling. Nandini always hated rains. Not
only hate she was afraid of the rains
because she had the worst memories with
the rains. She closed all the doors of the
Mansion and sat on the sofa she turned the
volume of T.V too much high just to
overcome her fears.
Manik look at his wrist watch it was 7.
"Oh freak..!! I have to go and meet Janvi
aunty..!!" Manik muttered and closed all the
files in front of him. He picked up his cell
phone,without switching it on,he stuffed it
in his pocket and rushed towards his car.The
weather was very stormy. He reached Janvi's
clinic. Receptionist saw him and gave him a
wide smile as if recognizing him soon he
entered Janvi's cabin.
"Hy beautiful..!!" Manik greeted her lovingly
and gave her a hug to which she
warmly hugged him back.
"Hy handsome..!! What's up..?" Janvi
inquired politely. "Waise I am very angry at
you...!!" She said angrily.
"Angry? But why..??" Manik asked
"You are asking me why? Huhhh
Tum ny shadi kar li chup chap..!! You
deceived me Manik..!! Tmy aik bari bhi mera
khyal ni aya..!!" She said naughtily. Manik
laughed out loud. Janvi was a widow and
she was exceptionally beautiful when Manik
was a kid he always wanted to marry her,
now when he became a mature man Janvi
still made fun of him over his stupidity.
"Ohhh Aunty you know my wife is very
beautiful..!!" Manik exclaimed and Janvi
showed him eyes "Haan haan not more than
you..!!" He again laughed and Janvi joined
"Ok on a serious note what are you doing
here? Are you ok?" Janvi asked with a

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