Chapter - 28

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Manik and Nandini reached Mumbai airport
soon they board on their plane and now it
was ready to take off.
"Nandini..!! You are not afraid of these take
off things right?" Manik asked casually and
Nandini widened her eyes "how does this
man know me so well? No this time I have
to act brave I am very coward..!!" Nandini
"Ummm..!! Of course I am not afraid of all
this..!!" Nandini said faking a smile.
"Cool..!" Manik nodded and started reading
a newspaper. They heard the announcement
that flight is going to take off in 10 seconds
and Nandini started praying to her Aiyappa
and closed her eyes in fear. She was
trembling with horror. Suddenly she felt
pair of arms encircled her. None other
Manik. She opened her eyes and Manik was
looking at her assuringly. Manik smiled and
Nandini hide her face in his blazer. Manik
held her more close to him. Soon everything
went to normal.
"Nandini..! You don't have to act brave..!! I
am always with you..!!" Manik whispered in
her ears filling her heart with pride.
Her man . Soon Manik noticed that she was
asleep. Manik smiled and adjusted himself
kissed Nandini's head. Soon he was also
asleep. During whole journey MaNan kept
sleeping. When plane was about to land air
hostess came and shook Manik's shoulder.
"Sir..!! It's time for landing..!!" She almost
whispered and Manik nodded. He saw
Nandini was still sleeping hiding her face in
his blazer. Manik smiled.
"Nandini..!" He called her in a low tone no
"Nandini..!!" This time a bit louder. And
Nandini jumped.
"Haan..!! Disneyland aa gya?" Nandini asked
rubbing her eyes and Manik laughed.
"No Nandini..!! We have reached
California..!!" Manik said adjusting her
"I want to wash my face..!!" Nandini said
and Manik lead her to the washroom. Soon
the plane landed and after checking out
MaNan came out of the airport. Nandini was
looking here and there in amazement.
"Manik..!! This world is so different from
ours..!" She was still amazed now they were
going to the hotel.
"Yeah Nandini..!! Very different...!!" Manik
nodded and soon they reached the hotel.
The hotel name was "DISNEYLAND HOTEL".
Nandini jumped in excitement. Manik
reached the reception.
"Room for Mr and Mrs Manik Malhotra..!!"
Manik asked to the receptionist as room for
them was already booked my Cabir.
"Wait sir let me check..!!" Receptionist said
obediently and Manik nodded. Manik look
here and there for Nandini but she was
"Have you seen my wife?" Manik asked
worriedly to the receptionist. She smiled,
nodded and pointed somewhere Manik
followed her gaze and saw
Nandini infront of a fish aquarium. Manik
smiled seeing her she was so engrossed in
looking that fish. Her eyes were shining like
a kid. She was tapping on the glass to
distract fish.
"Your wife is very cute Sir..!!" Receptionist
complimented her and gave him the room
keys. "Your luggage will be delivered in your
room sir..!!" Manik nodded and went
towards Nandini.
Nandini was too much busy in playing with
the fish that she didn't noticed when Manik
came there. He stood beside Nandini he
leaned his back with the aquarium then
Nandini noticed him.
"Manik look aquarium..!!" Nandini said
excitedly and Manik smiled.
"Beautiful..!!" Manik said just looking at her.
Nandini noticed him that he even didn't look
at the aquarium.
"Manik..!! Tum ny aik bari bhi aquarium ko
nahi dkha then how do you know that it is
beautiful?" Nandini said angrily. Manik
smiled and pull her towards him.
"I don't have to look at aquarium..!! My
mermaid is very beautiful so there is no
need to look at others...!" Manik said
seductively and nuzzled his face in her hair.
"Manik..!! Someone will see us..!!"Nandini
said pushing him.
"So what?" Manik said naughtily. "They all
will come to know that how much we
love eachother..!!"
"Manik ni na please..!! Lets go to our
room..!!" Nandini pleaded.
"And what will we do in our room..!!" Manik
asked naughtily tucking her hair behind her
ear and Nandini's eyes widened with
"Manik..!!" She yelled and punched him in
his stomach.
"Ouch..!!" Manik faked a scream and
Nandini become afraid.
"Manik I am sorry..!! Is it hurting a lot?"
Nandini said panicking and came close to
him. Manik immediately caught her she
looked at him surprised.
"Manik..!! Leave me..!! You cheater..!!"
Nandini said laughingly and Manik too
joined her. Both walked towards the room.
Manik opened the room and Nandini went
in running. Manik's phone buzzed and he
picked up the call. The caller was some
important client Manik kept talking to him
and Nandini started roaming in the room.
Actually it wasn't only a room but a
small apartment. It has two rooms inside it.
One was sitting room and the other was
bedroom. There was also a small kitchen.
Fully furnished everything. Nandini walked
towards the terrace. And the sight in front of
her made her scream.
"Manik...!!!" She shouted.
Manik was busy talking with the client when
he heard Nandini screaming his name he
became afraid and excused his client. He
had saw Nandini going towards the terrace
so he run towards there.
"Nandini what happened? Are you ok?"
Manik asked cupping her cheeks.
"Manik I am ok look..!!" She again shouted
and pointed towards somewhere. Manik
looked there and what he saw was enough
to shout on Nandini. It was disneyland. THE
DISNEYLAND it was night and the attracting
lights of the disneyland were looking
awesome. Although it was far away but it
was so immense that it was looking so close.
"Are you insane..!! You shouted for
this? Pta hai kitna dar gya tha
main..!!"Manik shouted on Nandini and
Nandini become afraid. She lowered her
head in embarrassment. Manik sighed and
took her a bear hug. He was rude..! he
"Ok I am sorry mjy tum pay shout nahi
karna chahye tha..!! But what you did was
also not good..!!" Manik tried to console
"So that means you are not angry with me?"
Nandini asked excitedly and Manik nodded.
"Yupiee..!! Then let's go to disneyland..!!"
Saying that she was about to move run for
the exit door when Manik held her arm.
"Now?" Manik asked in a surprise tone and
Nandini nodded. "Nandini not now..!! It's
very late..!! I promise we will go
"But Manik look there are lots of people
na..!!" Nandini tried to clear her point she
wanted to go there as early as possible.
"Yeah but Nandini I am very tired please..!!"
Manik pleaded. He also wanted to fulfill
Nandini's wish but literally he was very
tired. Hearing that Manik is tired Nandini
cupped his cheeks.
"It's ok we will go tomorrow..!! You sit here
I will get you a cup of black coffee..!!"
Nandini said smilingly. Manik sat on the
rocking chair on the terrace and Nandini
went to make some coffee for him. Manik
was happy because Nandini was smiling.
Soon Nandini came with a cup of coffee and
gave him. There was only a single rocking
chair so Manik pull Nandini on his lap.
Nandini circled her arms around Manik's
neck and placed her head on his heart. Both
were quiet Nandini was listening to Manik's
heartbeat and Manik was slowly sipping the
coffee with one hand and other on her waist
he was in deep thought.
"Manik..!! I love you..!!" Nandini whispered
in his ear. She knew that he know she loves
him but she said that to him countless times.
Manik placed the coffee cup on the floor and
made her face him.
"I love you too..!!" Manik also whispered
and captured her lips in his. Nandini could
feel the taste of coffee in his mouth they kept
kissing until they were breathless. Nandini
again placed her head on Manik's heart and
Manik tighten his grip around her. Soon she
was fast asleep. Manik gently picked her up
in his arms and placed her on the bed. He
also lay beside her and covered themselves
with a blanket soon he too drifted to sleep.
"Manik..!! Manik Get up..!! See it's
morning..!! Let's go na..!!" Manik was
sleeping peacefully until he heard Nandini's
voice. She was shaking him badly. Manik
was in no mood to get up so he turned his
side and again hide his face with blanket.
"Mani..!! Get up na..!!Please..!! You promised
me last night..!!" Nandini said sadly. Manik
sighed and opened his eyes. He peeped out
of the blanket and saw Nandini standing
sadly. He smiled at her and she also smiled.
"Acha on one condition I'll get up..!!" Manik
said naughtily.
"And what is it?" Nandini asked excitedly
but in spite of answering her Manik made
her fall on him. Nandini smiled cutely.
"This is not fair Nandini..!! Tum yahan aa
kar mjy bhool gai ho..!!" Manik
"Awww my monster..!!" Nandini said
lovingly. "I haven't forget you..!!"
"Then where is my good morning kiss?"
Manik asked cutely and Nandini leaned
forward captured his lips in hers. Manik
held Nandini's wasit tightly and Nandini's
hands fisted in Manik's hair. They broke
gasping for air but Manik was in no mood
leaving Nandini so he expertly switch their
positions. Now Nandini was below Manik.
Manik digged his face in Nandini's bare neck
and shoulder biting, kissing every inch.
"Mani..!!" Nandini moaned sweetly unable to
bear the torture. It drives Manik more crazy
he once again slammed his lips with
Nandini's. His hands roaming all over her
body worshiping every inch. Manik broke
the kiss and slid down the strap of Nandini's
shirt with his teeth. Then he again bite her
there and she hissed in pain and pleasure.
"Manik please..!!" Nandini pleaded to end his
sweetest torture and Nandini's wish was
Manik's command. He again gently
showered his love on her and Nandini felt
herself blessed.
"You ok?" Manik asked gathering her in his
arms. She just nodded and snuggled in his
chest. Manik kissed her head and she was
too much exhausted that she without
intention again drifted to sleep.
It was afternoon when Manik slowly tried to
wake up Nandini. She frowned in sleep and
held Manik tightly.
"Disneyland ni jana?" Manik asked naughtily
touching his nose with hers when Nandini
wasn't letting him go. She lazily opened her
eyes. "Waisy I won't mind I can stay like this
for my life..!" Manik smirked and Nandini
"No I want to go that's why I am here and
because of you we already late..!!" Nandini
said hitting his chest and Manik held her
"Because of me?" Manik smirked.
"Yes..!! Why did you pull me?" Nandini
asked innocently.
"You wanna know again..!!" Manik said and
pull her more close to him for a kiss but
Nandini placed her palm on his lips.
"Mani..!! Bus..!" Nandini said angrily and
showed him eyes.
"Acha ok..!! Go get ready..!!" Manik said
laughingly and Nandini too joined him.
"You go first..!!" Nandini said and kissed his
cheeks. Manik nodded and went to
bathroom. Nandini snuggled herself again in
the blanket and she again went in a nape
unknowingly still she was stressed. Manik
came out of the bathroom and saw Nandini
again sleeping. He felt repent and a little
guilty. He knew that she was very delicate.
"Manik you know she will never ever say no to you..!
You have to control yourself..!! She is here to enjoy
and you..!! But what to do she is so irresistible..!!"
Manik thought. He slowly walked towards
the bed again sat beside her and patted
Nandini's head lovingly. She on feeling his
touch lazily opened her eyes and gently
placed her head in his lap. Manik gently
caressed his hair and Nandini again closed
her eyes.
"I am sorry Nandini..!!" Manik whispered
sadly and Nandini's eyes shoot open she got
up and look in his eyes.
"Sorry for what Manik?" Nandini asked
"Because of me you are so stressed..!!"
Manik said playing with her hair.
"Don't talk silly Manik..!!" Nandini said
scolding him and side hugged him. Manik
smiled and wrap his arms around her. They
stayed like this for sometime
then Manik's phone started buzzing call was
"You take the call don't bother about me as
far as you are with me na I am perfectly
ok..!!"Nandini whispered and went to
bathroom to get fresh. Manik walked to the
terrace while taking the call. After that he
called Nyonika to tell her about them. After
that he look at the disneyland it was looking
so close to them. He smiled that he has
changed a lot. If someone had predicted 2
months ago that he will come
to disneyland then at that time he must had
make fun of it but now it was happening.
He smilingly came back to the room and
saw Nandini all ready. She was wearing a
tight black jeans which ended up on her
ankles and a dark blue sleeveless top
moreover she was wearing matching blue
velvet pumps. She was looking absolutely
adorable just like a 16 year old cute girl.
Manik was staring at her all lost in her
beauty. Nandini felt his intense gaze at her
and she blushed.
"Manik main kaise lag rahi hoon?" She
asked cutely and twirled around to show
him her dress properly. Manik smiled and
walked towards her. He slowly cupped her
cheeks and kissed her forehead. Words were
not needed to express their feelings. Manik
picked up the hat which was Nandini gonna
wear he carefully made her wear that and
she adjusted it on her hair.
"So let's go..!!" Manik said a forward his
arm Nandini happily took it and they came
out of the room.

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