Chapter 7

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"By the way your ""GIRLFRIEND""

had came today..!!" Nandini said as anger

and jealousy was visible in her voice.

Manik's eyes widened with surprise.

"What..?? Girlfriend..!!" Manik asked with


"Alya...!! Who else..!! She came today and

told me that you love her...!!" Nandini

replied and turned towards the mirror to

take off her jewelry Manik was facing

her back. "And she also told me that you

will leave me..!!" Saying that Nandini

almost choked. "Yeah I know that I have

came between you and Alya..!! And I am

really very sorry for that..!! I know it's

your life...And because of me it is

spoiled..!! I am sorry..!" Nandini hide her

tears." You all men are the same na..!!

Mayank left me and you will also do the

same..!!"Shattered trust was visible in her

voice but that was it for Manik.He rushed

towards her and hold her both arms.

"How dare you..?? How dare you to

compare me with that bloody jerk?"

Manik yelled. "If you are forgetting Miss

Murthy then let me remind you that you

should be thankful to me for marrying

you..!! And you are showing me this

bloody attitude? If I love alya then what

about you haan? You also love that

loser..!! What he did to you? Just left you

without any reason? And you...!! You

idiot tiny head girl..!! You are still

waiting for him..What you think I can't

see that you have wore this red Saree for

him..?" Manik's eyes turned red due to

hatred and anger. And Nandini became

shocked after hearing all this.

"I haven't wore this for him..!!" Nandini

said in a low voice.She don't know why

but her heart was screaming to tell Manik

that she has wore this saree for him. But

her mind was denying.

"Oh shut up...!! And listen no matter

what I am not gonna leave

you..!!" Manik also didn't knew why he

said that but he almost pushed her aside

and walked towards the bed.

"Mr. Malhotra listen to me..!!" Nandini

again tried to start the conversation as

she was shocked at his behavior.But

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