Chapter - 18

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As soon as she entered the Villa she felt like
something falling on her she gathered it in
her hands and noticed it was rose petals.
She smiled, twirled around and gathered
them in her palms. Then she noticed the
whole hall was beautifully decorated with
"Nandini..!!" She heard Manik's voice but he
was nowhere in the sight.
"Manik..?? Where are you ??" Nandini asked
excitedly. She just wanted to run in his arms
but he was not there.
"Shhh just walk out of the hall..!! I have lots
to say Nandini..!!" Manik's voice again came
disturbing the silence. Nandini followed his
orders and saw a door she walked towards
it and there she came out of the hall. The
sight in front of her was breathtakingly
beautiful. A pool with crystal clear water
candles were floating here and there in it.
Trees decorated with dainty and fragile
lights. In a corner a round small table with
dishes placed on it,two chairs. A sofa near
the pool. But still Manik was nowhere.
Manik saw Nandini she was looking
extremely beautiful. Manik's breath hitched
when he saw her in that red saree. He felt
like flying in the air.He slowly walked
towards her.She was looking here and there
her eyes continuously searching for him he
knew it. He was facing her back he hugged
her from behind.
Nandini gasped at the sudden hug but the
touch was familiar,very familiar. Love of her life..!!
The man who meant everything to her..!! Her
husband..!! The man who knew her,understand her
more than anything in this world..!! She can spend
her entire life in his arms..!! She can live for him..!!
She can die for him..!! She never ever felt like this
for anyone else..!! When he was nowhere in her
sight she was getting restless..!! She wanted to be in
his arms..!! She was craving for his hug..!! And now
he was there. She broke the hug and turned to
face him..!! Here standing her Greek god..!! With
all his glory..!! He was of her..!! He gently hold
Nandini's hands.
"Nandini? Tonight I want to tell you
something..!!" Manik started seriously.
Nandini kept quiet waited for him to
"Nandini..!! You know the first I saw you
when you accidentally hit me with that
flower pot..!! I hated you at that time..!! But
don't know why whenever I saw you talking
about or with Mayank an unknown feeling
crept in my heart,that was jealousy..!! That
night when I saw my name on your hands I
was something different for you..!! The
feeling I never felt for Alya..!! Then I never
thought we will be bonded like this..!!
Seriously I wasn't ready for this wedding...!!
But you agreed for this..!! So I had no other
choice..!! During the rituals when I lifted
your dupatta to put sindoor you were
crying..!! Crying for Mayank...!! I felt
defeated Nandini..!! Then when we came
home again you were crying for him..!! But
in spite of all this I couldn't resist myself
from taking care of you..!! I can't stop
myself from loving you Nandini..!!" Manik
explained in his ever loving voice. When
Nandini heard the word "love" she looked
more deeply in his eyes.
"Yes Nandini..!! I love you..!! I love you so
much..!!" Manik again said seductively
nearly a whisper. Tears welled up in
Nandini's eyes and she felt herself the most
luckiest person of the world. She hugged
Manik tightly like she never did before.
Manik hugged her back a content smile
curved on his lips.After sometime Nandini
broke the hug and cupped Manik's
face,looking deeply in his eyes. She closed
her eyes and without any hesitation touched
her lips with his. When Manik saw her
taking charge he smiled on her innocence
and held her waist to deepen the kiss.
Nandini kissed him passionately Manik
returned the kiss with equal favor,her fist
full of his hair,she was pulling him more
towards her like there was no tomorrow.
After sometime they broke. Both breathing
heavily. Nandini was looking into Manik's
"Nandini? Kya dekh rahi ho?" Manik asked
tucking her hair behind her ear.
"Daikh rahi hoon that I must have done
something good in my previous life that I
have got you..!!" Nandini said still lost in his
eyes. To which Manik laughed.
"Hahaha..!! Acha..? Ok Mrs.Romeo..!! Let's
have dinner..!!" Manik lead her towards the
table and pulled a chair for her like a
gentleman to which Nandini gave him an
appreciating smile. They both had their
dinner most of the time the air was filled
with Nandini's laughters and Manik smiling
on her contentment. After having dinner
Manik sat on the sofa with Nandini in his
arms. Nandini resting her head
on Manik's heart. They both were sitting
silently. Inhaling each others scent. Gazing
the stars..!! Then Nandini broke the silence.
"Manik..?" Nandini started softly.
"Hmmm..!!"Said Manik giving her sign to
"Manik when I first saw you know..!! When
for the first time we fought I thought of you
a monster nothing more than that..!! But
then Mayank left me..!! And we get
married..!! When you lifted my duppata na
and saw me crying..!! I wasn't crying for
Mayank I was crying for my shattered
trust..!! He broke my trust..!! You know
Manik I never loved him..!! But I trusted
him..!! And for me trust is the most
important thing in a relation..!! You know if
there is no love in a relation tou kaam chal
jata hai..!! But when there is no trust na tou
relation ni banta..!! I cried because I trusted
him..!! I thought that after him I can't trust
anyone but then I don't know how,when
and why? I started trusting you..!! You
always made me feel special..!! The way you
helped me getting over those fears was
something which no one ever done for me..!!
I felt so good being around you..!! I was
confused you know then I asked my heart
what are these feelings you know what my
heart told me?" Nandini explained lovingly
playing with his fingers during the
whole conversation.
"What?" Manik asked impatiently.
"My heart told me that "Nandini Manik
Malhotra You are in love..!! You are in love
with your loving husband..!!" Nandini said
looking in his eyes. Manik looked at her in
"Say it again?" Manik said in disbelief.
"Haan Manik..!! I love you too..!!" Nandini
said holding hands tightly.Manik felt like he
would be dead on her confession. But he
was breathing..!! Breathing for his
Nandini..!! Manik leaned closer for a kiss but
Nandini was in a playing mood she run
away and sit on the edge of pool.Manik was
facing her back now. Manik kept sitting on
the sofa admiring her.
"Manik..!! If I ask you something will you
give me?" Nandini said turning her head
a little.
"Anything..!! Just ask..!!" Manik said
"Acha..!! You had always sing for me na?
Tonight I want to sing for you..!! I am not
that good as you are but I want to do it for
my love..!! Will you improvise?" Nandini
said ever so innocently and Manik was again
surprised with her words. It was becoming
very difficult for him to control his desires.
"Sing Nandini I will improvise..!!" That's all
he could managed to say.
Chapter 15 C
After getting his approval Nandini took
some water in her palm and started.
Iss tarah se khudse aa mujhko jod tu
Thoda bhi mujhme na mujhko chhod tu
(She closed her eyes..!! Feeling the moment..!!)
Na yaad teri tujhko
Na yaad mujhe hoon main
(She looked towards Manik his eyes more darken
with desires)
Aa mujhko pehan le tu
Aa tujhko odh loon main
(She after looking deep in his eyes turned her
attention towards the water and again dipped her
hand to take some water in her palm)
Katra katra main girun
Jism pe tere theharun
Katra katra main girun
Tujh mein hi kahin reh lun
(Suddenly she felt Manik's hand cupping hers in
water and Manik sung looking deep in her eyes)
(Manik splashed some water on Nandini's face and
she shyly got up turned to leave)
Dariya tu khaali kar de
Mujhme saara tu bhar de
Tujhko aa main pee jaaun, pyaas bujha do..
(Manik pull her towards him she banged in his
chest,he leaned his head closer and sucked the water
droplets of her lips and sung)
Laana kuch baadal laana
Unko mujh par barsaana
Boondein teri ho jinme, unse bhigaa do...
(Nandini continued cupping his cheeks
assuring him with her words that she was of
his only his)
Na yaad teri tujhko
Na yaad mujhe hoon main
Aa mujhko pehan le tu
Aa tujhko odh loon main
(Manik held her bare waist tightly and improvised)
Katra katra main girun
Jism pe tere theharun
Katra katra main girun
Tujh mein hi kahin reh lun
(Manik can't take his eyes off of her, Nandini push
him and started running Manik chased her And
finally caught her against a tree)
Khud se khaali ho jaaun
Aaja tujhse bhar jaaun
Tinka tinka jal jaaun
Aise jalaa do.. ho..
(Nandini sung while Manik pinned her hands above
her head and kissed her neck and shoulder not
leaving an inch unexplored giving her love bites and
after that soothing them with kisses)
Tarun main tan pe tere
Thehrun angon pe tere
Gehari jo khawahish teri
Unme duba do..
(Manik sung and Nandini switched their sides
Manik touched her bare arms with his fingers
sending a ticklish sensation to Nandini)
Na yaad teri tujhko
Na yaad mujhe hoon main
Aa mujhko pehan le tu
tujhko odh loon main
(Nandini sung and turned to leave but Manik held
her,Manik was facing her back and in one swift
motion he untie her blouse strings to which Nandini
gasped and Manik started kissing her bare back)
Qatra qatra main girun
Jism pe tere theharun
Katra katra main girun
Tujh mein hi kahin reh lun
(Manik sung and lifted Nandini in his arms and
walked towards the room without breaking eye
Manik along with Nandini entered the
room,room was fully decorated the bed was
fully covered with rose petals and he placed
her ever so gently on the bed. And without
any warning he kissed her this kiss was
harsh,demanding yet passionate. Manik
broke the kiss and looked in Nandini's eyes
as if asking the permission to which Nandini
blinked her eyes answering his question.
"I am all yours Manik..!!" She whispered in
his ears giving herself to him.That was it for
Manik the rest of the night room was filled
with Nandini's moans continuously
whispering his name. Crushing the rose
petals in her fists,crying in pleasure which
her husband was giving her. It was almost
dawn Nandini was sleeping peacefully
cuddling to Manik. But Manik...!! he was
awake. Admiring her angelic face stroking
her hair ever so gently. Smiling on the
moments they just shared. Suddenly he
remembered something he slowly extended
his hand to the bedside table and opened
the drawer. He took out a ring box and
opened it. He brought that for Nandini but
he forgot. He took out the ring and gently
slid it in Nandini's ring finger,kissed her
hand trying his best not to disturb her
beauty sleep. The ring was made of platinum
and it had embossed something on it that
was "Te Amo" (English: "I Love You") . Manik
kissed her hair once again and also drifted
to sleep.
Sun rays from the window sneaked in room
disturbed Manik's sleep. He lazily opened
his eyes and saw Nandini still sleeping.
Manik once again was caught in her beauty.
He started stroking her hair. She moved a
little in her sleep and hide her face in crook
of his neck,he again smiled and check the
time it was 12 of morning. Once again
Manik's wild desires started curling up in
his heart he gently lifted Nandini's head and
started kissing her pouty lips,pinning her
under him. At first Nandini wasn't
responding then slowly she kissed him back.
All her senses awaken when she felt her
desperate husband kissing her senseless she
replied with equal favor. After sometime
Manik broke the kiss because he knew if he
didn't move back then there will no way out
and he can't stress Nandini due his
impatience. He rested his forehead on
Nandini's,breathing heavily. Nandini slowly
put her arms around his neck. Manik looked
in her eyes. Her eyes fill with love..!! Love
which was only for him..!!
"Nandini..!!" Manik whispered still looking
in her eyes.
"Hmmm..?" Nandini said running her
fingers in his hair.
"What you have done to me..?" Manik
nuzzled his face in her hair. "I can't control
"Then don't..!!" Nandini giggled and
whispered in his ear. Manik laughed out
loud and took her in his embrace.
Suddenly Nandini felt something in her
finger.She looked at her finger it was a
"Manik? Ya ring kahan say aye? You gave
me?" Nandini said a little surprised.
Manik adjusted himself, rested his
head on his hand, looked at her.He smiled
and held her hand.
"Yes I gave it to you..!! Last night when you
were asleep..!! You liked it?" Manik asked
lovingly and kissing her hand.
"I love it...!! It's beautiful..!! But what is
written on it? Te..!! Te..!!" Nandini tried to
read the words on the ring.
"Te Amo..!!" Before Nandini,Manik
completed her words,smilingly. Nandini
become confused.
"Te Amo? What does that mean?" Nandini
asked confusingly,pouting her lips. Making
Manik again crazy in his feelings.
"What? You don't know what does Te Amo
stands for?" Manik asked
surprisingly.Nandni shook her head and
Manik laughed on her cuteness.
"What's so funny Mr.Malhotra?" Nandini
said with a frown on her face.
"Ok Ok..! Nothing is funny actually I am
surprised that you don't know the meaning
of Te Amo..!!" Manik said touching her nose
with his finger.
"Manik tell me na?" Nandini said
"Acha..!! These are Spanish words..!!" Manik
said leaning closer to her "And it means..!!"
Manik came on top of her,entwining his
fingers with her and whispered in her ear
seductively,Nandini closed her eyes.
"It means..!!" Nandini whispered.
"It means I LOVE YOU..!!" Manik said and
kissed her neck. Nandini tighten her grip of
their hands.
"Manik..!!" Nandini moaned,hardly audible.
Manik rested his head in her hair. Inhaling
her scent. They stayed there for sometime.
"Nandini I think we should freshen up and
leave..!" Manik said getting up. Nandini held
his hand.
"Manik..!! I don't want these moments to
end..!!" Nandini hugged him. Manik
smiled and hugged her back.
"Nandini it's not the last time we are
together..!!There are more to come..!!"
Manik said assuringly.
"Will you promise me something Manik..?"
Nandini said still hugging him.
"Anything Nandini..!!" Manik said kissing
her head.
"Promise me..!! Promise me that you will
keep loving me like this..! And never leave
me alone?" Nandini said as she still had
doubts that her destiny will deceive her.
"I promise Nandini..!! You are my life..!! I
will keep loving you till my last breath..!!"
Manik said tightening the hug. After a lot of
convincing session Nandini let Manik go.
Manik went to the bathroom and Nandini
again lay down on the bed,thinking about
the previous night. She never ever felt so good.
She felt like she was dreaming..!! She will open her
eyes and everything will be vanish..!! But no it
wasn't a dream it was all real..!! The ring in her
finger was evidence of all this..!! Manik's words..!!
His care..!! His Love..!! Everything is real..!! She
blushed thinking about the previous night. How
much loving her husband was..!! She was
thinking all this when Manik came out of
bathroom wearing a plane shirt and simple
jeans. He stood in front of mirror and
combed his hair. Nandini was just admiring
"Manik..!!"Nandini called him and Manik
looked towards her through mirror."Thank
you..!!" Nandini said lovingly. Manik place
the hair brush on the table and looked at
her confusingly.
"Thank you? For what honey?" Saying that
Manik walked towards the bed and sit
beside her.Nandini got up and side hugged
"For everything..!!" Nandini said playing
with his fingers.
"No need..!! Han if you are really thankful to
me na then always keep smiling for me..!!"
Manik cupped her face and kissed her
forehead. "Ok I am going to get something
eat..!! Are you hungry..??" To which Nandini
nodded like a kid. Manik laughed and asked
her to get fresh as there will be clothes in
cupboard. He himself left. Because he didn't
want Nandini to feel uncomfortable. Nandini
went in to bathroom taking her clothes,it
was a beautiful saree Manik's second
favorite color "yellow".
Manik prepared some coffee for himself and
Nandini. Toasted some bread and cooked
cheese omelet that's all he knew to cook. He
placed everything in the tray and
walked towards the bedroom. He entered
the bedroom Nandini was standing near the
window dressed in his second favorite color
putting all her hair on one side. He put the
tray on the table and walked towards her
hugged her from back,placing his chin on
her shoulder. Nandini's lips curved in a
"Kya soch rahi ho..!!" Manik asked inhaling
her hair scent which were still damped. She
arched her neck to give him more access.
"Nothing..!!" Nandini said holding his hands
on her waist by one hand and with other
she ruffled his hair lovingly. They kept quiet
for few moments.Manik kept nuzzling in her
hair. Suddenly he saw Nandini's skin it had
many red marks. He felt guilty and backed
from the hug with a jerk. Nandini became
surprised on his sudden act she turned and
saw Manik standing a little away lowering
his head.
"Manik..!! What happened?" Nandini asked
worriedly and moved closer to him but
Manik moved away from her. She become
more worried tears welled up in her eyes.
"Manik? Tell me please? What's wrong? Koi
galti ho gai hai mjh say?" She said crying.
Manik looked towards her she was crying.
"Tears..!!Shit..!" He moved towards her and
cupped her cheeks.
"Nandini..!! Shhh please..!! No tears
honey..!" Manik said peadingly and wiped
her tears.
"Then tell me? Why are you moving away..?"
Nandini said sobbingly.
"Nandini..!!It's because I hurt you..!!" Manik
said and showed her the red marks on her
skin."I am so sorry..!!" He was too much
embarrassed to even look in her eyes.
Nandini was like is he a human? How much he
cares about me..!!
"Manik..?" She cupped his cheeks. "Look at
me? Please..!!" Nandini pleaded and made
him look in her eyes. "You didn't hurt
me Manik..!! I am all yours..!! It's your right
you are my husband..!! And it's not
hurting..!!" She said smilingly.
"Are you sure?" Manik still had doubt.
Which Nandini cleared by kissing him
passionately. After sometime they broke up
now Manik was relax.
"Acha what we have for breakfast? Asked
Nandini to lighten up the mood and walked
towards the table.
"That's all I know..!! I mean that's all I can
cook..!!" Manik said a little embarrassed
which Nandini felt clearly. She again
"It's lovely Manik..!! You don't know how
much I love cheese omelet..!!" Nandini said
eating the omelet. Manik become happy and
joined her. After eating breakfast Manik
stood up.
Chalo Nandini let's go..!!" Manik said
holding her hand.

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