meeting one of the teen wolf cast members.

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Your pov.
You and your best friend Jack were walking in town. You were laughing at something that he said. You had your head back and eyes closed. You felt someone bump into you knocking you onto the ground. You looked around and saw someone with brown hair one the ground as well. He got up quickly and turned to you. He looked so familiar to you. Then it hit you. You ran into Dylan O'Brien. You saw him extend his hand. You took it he helped you up.
"I'm so sorry. I should've been watching where I was watching and not laughing at my best friends joke." You said.
"No no it was entirely my fault. I was texting and not watching where I was walking. I'm Dylan." He said.
"Y/n and that's Jack." You said. He looked at Jack and smiled.
"Hey Jack. Is this the girl you were telling me about thay I would like?" He asked Jack and he nodded. What's happening here.
"Excuse me but what do you mean by like?" You asked. He smiled.
"Jack always tells me about you saying that your madly head over heals for me and that I would like you too." He said. You smiled. "Which he was right. I do like you. Your beautiful. I hope we can get to be friends and maybe a little more." He said with a wink. You blushed. You nodded. "Maybe we could exchange numbers." He suggested. You nodded and handed him your phone. He handed it back moments after. He texted himself and put his number in. You Jack and Dylan hung out for the rest of the day and by the end of the night you and Dylan were more than friends.

*this is for the wolfies our there who like dylan O'Brien. -tonya.*

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