Otome J[a]

313 11 8

A:-, "Sure, thank you."

     The boy called another worker to valet park your car...

     As he helped take out your heaviest piece of luggage you noticed his name tag...


     "What was that?"

     "Oh sorry, haha.. I was just reading your name tag."

     "It's fine."

     Jimin brought your luggage inside to the main floor...

     He stopped at the check in but it wasn't needed...

     "Aren't you checking in to the hotel?"

    "I've already been checked in. I'm here with my friend. I just came a bit late."

     "Ah, okay. I'll help you up into your room then."

     "It's fine. You don't have to do all that."

     "No! I mean n-no. It seems really heavy. I don't mind carrying it up all the way."

     "Uh, okay then."

     You sent a text to Taehyung...

     What's the room? Floor?

     Taehyung took a few seconds to reply...

     Room 1688, 15th floor

     Thanks Tae

     You lead the way to the elevator with Jimin just behind...

     Jimin was taking small glances at you and stared around the slightly crowded elevator...

     The doors slid open to reveal a new group of people joining inside...

     You were pushed up against Jimin a bit...


     "It's fine. I don't blame you."


     You both arrived in front of your room door...

     Jimin put down the bag he had carried and placed the pull along luggage bag up the wall...

     "Jimin, can I get your number?"

     "Hmm? What?"

     "So you could maybe help me when I leave the resort."

     "Oh, haha. S-sure."

     You knocked on the room door as Jimin smiled while blushing lightly...

     Taehyung opened the door, a bit angry...

     "Yah..Why are you so late?"

     You ignored him and proceeded to get one of the small tear-able notepads and one of the pens on the bedside table...

     Jimin brought in your bags and suitcases...

    You interrupted him, handing him the paper and pen...

    He wrote on the paper, ripping it from the pad and giving you the piece of paper...

    "Uhm, I didn't catch your name."

     Taehyung sat down on one of the beds watching the scene, a bit annoyed...


     "Okay Y/N. Call me if you need help."

     "Okay. Thanks Jimin."

     "No problem."

     Jimin brang the last bag and made his way out the door...

     You took a look to Taehyung, whom was still annoyed, and sighed...

     You took a seat next to him on his bed...

     "So, you're already taking up the cute staff guys?"

     "Sorry Taehyung. I didn't mean to be late and I'm not like that."

     "Why can't you ever be early to anything?"

     "Tae. I'm really sorry. Please don't get mad at me, okay? Aren't you happy I'm here now?"

     "Yeah, yeah. I guess I am."

     "And if you hadn't had woken me up, I wouldn't have been here at all."

     "Yeah, I know."

    "I want to spend a nice vacation with my best friend boy."

     "Friend boy?"

     "I wouldn't call you my boyfriend would I?"

     You chuckled..

     Taehyung did as well...

    "Of course not. Your only my friend. I guess your my best friend girl then."

    "Why does it sound so weird?"

     "I don't know."

     You both laughed again.

      You jumped a bit on his bed and laid beside him...

      "Hmm, it's still early Y/N. What do you wanna do?"

What will you do?

Comment below.

A:-, "Let's go walk around the ocean!" (Proceed to chapter T[a])

B:-, "Let's just stay in the room. I'm tired after all that driving." (Proceed to chapter T[b])


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