Chapter 8

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She hasn't returned for weeks. It gets kind of lonely now. I stopped visiting her dreams. But I never fully left her head. I can still see and hear what she does.

I had no idea she spoke in her sleep. We could get caught. I don't know why I care. In fact I don't.

She is nothing but a nuisance and a bother. But as I think these thoughts, I don't believe them. A woman risks her place, authority, and shelter to keep me company.

Me, the God of Mischief and Lies. Lies. Yet she puts so much blind faith in me. I lose track of the days without her, but I can differentiate day from night.


Yes Leidi.

I'm bored.

And I am?

Also bored?


They don't leave me alone.

I know. You're not well.

I'll be fine.

No you won't.

Thor knows.

Thor knows what?

About me going to visit you.

And he lets you?


Leidi, did the others figure it out?


The dreams and thoughts?

No. I don't think so.


Why? Do you care? At least a little bit.

Do you care?

I asked first.

Are we going to mentally argue now?

I dunno. It seems like fun.

You're still delirious from the fever.


You ask too many questions.

Do I?

What do you want?

I was bored.

Goodbye Leidi.


I lean my head against the back of the cell. I immediately regret pushing her out of my head. It's lonely down here.

I run a hand over my sealed lips. I wonder if I can get her to remove it.


It's been three weeks and my fever finally lifted. I was allowed to leave the room. That night, I tiptoe down into Loki's cell.

I slip through the bars again and sit in front of Loki. He looks up and his sewn lips curve into a small smile. I run a thumb over his sewn lips.

Does anyone besides me ever come down here?


I reach into my cloak and pull out a dagger that I wrapped in my cloak. Loki backs up apprehensively. I take his face in my hand and am about to start cutting the string when Loki's voice pierce my thoughts.

What are you doing?

Getting that string out of your mouth.

Don't. I deserve it.

No one deserves that.

I do.

There's nothing you could do to deserve that.

I tried to take over Midgard. I have the blood of many on my hand.

But, silencing you is not a way to punish you for your crimes.

I hold his face still and bring the blade close to the string before the voice of the All-Father speaks up behind me, "Stop."

I move back, startled. I look to the man in the eyepatch. He glares at me with his one good eye. A list of good one eyed jokes runs through my head.

"What are you doing?" He asks, "Why are you releasing him?" "Because no one deserves a punishment as harsh as that," I say, slipping through the bars again.

"Really? Who are you to tell me how to manage my kingdom?" He could burn a hole in my forehead with that look, "I provide you hospitality. I give you food and clothes, and this is how you repay me?"

"You attempt free one of the most dangerous prisoners. You stab me in the back," he says. "But he is your son!" "Enough Leidi! You betray me after all I've done for you! Guards! Lock her up!" He turns to me, "You are to be publicly executed in three days. It's final." My eyes widen. Executed? I'm not ready to die just yet.

The guards grab hold of my arms and drag me away. "LOKI!" I shriek. He doesn't say anything. He only pounds his fist against the bar.



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