Chapter 26

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Loki's missing as well now. He's disappeared off of the street. I made Jane stay in her house, but I doubt she will. For science, she will say.

I walk in the direction Loki was walking in. The walking turns to running. It's been 14 hours since Loki's been missing. It's been 17 since Leidi's been missing. Possibly more since we've no clue when she left. I run a hand through my hair.

I earn some strange looks. Wandering with a large hammer isn't Midgardian norm. Especially when the sun has set. I walk past a house which has a broken door. I try to step through the opening but it's far too small. It could barely fit an entire person. Maybe someone small like Darcy's intern. Or Loki. I push until the opening widens.

I can hear soft sobs from above and a low groan. A man's groan. My face flushes and I drag a hand down my face.

I explore the house a little. Many of the doors have been broken, similarly to the front door. I turn the corner and see Loki, lying in a heap on the ground.

"Brother!" I gasp before turning him over to face me. His eyes are shut, and he's reverted to his jotunn form. Beads of sweat form on his face and freeze almost immediately.

I shake him, "Loki! Brother Loki! Please awaken!" His red eyes open weakly. "Thor," he croaks. "Yes brother! It's me!" I say. "She's through there," he points to an unbroken door, "I've no strength to go on this way. I've failed her."

"You've failed no one Loki. You did good brother," I say. He smiles and shuts his eyes, "Thank you, b-brother." He manages that last phrase before falling asleep once more.

I peel the jacket from his shoulders, knowing that this was his weakness. I toss it on the ground next to him. These are Ian's clothes. He won't be too happy. Psyched, as Darcy says.

I hit the door hard with Mjolnir. It shatters like glass on impact. I rush up the stairs behind it. The sobbing gets louder and so do the groans.

It disgusts me. It brings pain to think if Leidi is in this state. She is like a younger sister. Like a female Loki. But innocent.

"Loki," the sobs take form as Leidi's voice. The groans I have no idea. It could be anyone. If it's Baldr, he will not be spared. Brother or not, he's wronged an innocent.

I burst through another door to see a hall with many doors. I don't even wait. I break each and every one with Mjolnir. The groans get louder as I go further down the hall. So does the sobbing.

I shatter all the doors along the way until the 29th door shatters, revealing Leidi, pushing against Baldr. Begging him to stop. Tears streak her face. Her eyes are squeezed shut in pain.

"Baldr!" I roar. He looks at me and his eyes widen, he gets off Leidi, she sobs softly, and sighed in relief. She scrambles off the bed and ducks behind me.

He lifts off of the bed and covers himself. "Brother, I can explain," he stutters. "Then by all means, please do!" I yell. Leidi pulled her knees to her chest and sat in the corner.

"Uhm, I, uh," he fumbles the air for words. "Well?" I demand. "Brother, I," "Don't you dare, 'brother' me," he backs up.

"We spared you that day, but I'll not spare you today," I say, swinging Mjolnir in his direction. He's knocked back, and into the wall. He groans and tries to get up.

Instead, he falls down again, unmoving. I press my two fingers to his neck as Jane once showed me. Nothing. I feel nothing. Baldr is dead.

Leidi rocks back and forth slightly, tears streaking her face. "Leidi," I say approaching her. I remove my jacket and go to drape it across her shoulders, but she backs away.

"Leidi, what's wrong?" I say. "DON'T TOUCH ME!!" She screams, backing up against the wall. "Leidi, I'll not hurt you," I say. I cover her small frame with the jacket.

She pulls it tightly around her body. "Come. We shall go home to Asgard," I walk towards her. "NO!!" She yells.

Loki comes running up the stairs yelling, "LEIDI!!" I drag a hand down my face and run out past Leidi. She flinches when I pass.

"Loki! We're here!" I yell. His head snaps toward me and he runs in my direction. "Where's Leidi?" He says, out of breath. I point to her curled up figure on the floor.

"Leidi! Leidi, I-" he begins, putting his hand on her shoulder. She swats it away and screams, "NO MORE!!"


She pushed me off and yelled no more. "Who did this to you," I say reaching for a stray strand of hair on her face.

She pushes my hand away again, pressing against the wall, as if she wanted to sink into it. "Get away," she sobs. "Who did this?" I ask again.

"Baldr," Thor says, looking down. "Where is the bastard," I growl. "Dead," he replies, "I killed him." "You went easy on him. He deserved much worse," I spit.

"It's too late now. He's gone," Thor looks at the floor. I place a hand on Leidi's shoulder, "Leidi, look at me! You are safe now. No one will ever hurt you again."

She looks at me through teary eyes. "Leidi, can you hear me? Leidi, it's Loki," I say, "look at me. Can you recognize me? Leidi?" She looks at me confused.

"I'm Loki, remember? Loki," I speak slowly. She shows no sign of recognition. She raises her hands to her head and screams loudly, piercing the silence of the night.

"Leidi? Leidi, look at me. Leidi, it's me," I speak, holding her face. Her screams continue, "GET AWAY FROM ME!!!" I look in her teary green eyes and see hints of red.

"Dark magic. She's been affected by dark magic," I say pulling away, "but not by Baldr or anyone familiar." "Thanos?" Thor suggests. I shake my head, "He's dead."

"One second," I say, gazing into her eyes. My eyes glow softly and hers do as well. "The magic is at bay. We need to find out who did this before my suppression spell wears off," I say.

"Loki?" Her voice is small. "Leidi? Leidi are you alright?" I say panicking. She nods, "what just happened?" "You don't remember anything?"

She shakes her head slowly. That's not a good sign.

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