Chapter 24

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"What is it?" I say looking at the strange food this mortal has placed before me at this unusually small table. Loki's eyebrows draw in at the sight of the food. It's strange.

"It's pizza!" Jane exclaims excitedly. "Pizza? I do not understand," I say. "Gross! It's stringy," Loki says, picking up his 'pizza.' "Be nice," I say elbowing him. "Is it poisonous?" He says. I kick him under the table.

Loki and I exchange a glance. Thor has already dug into his pizza. He did not use a fork or anything. He just bit into the slice. It was repulsive. And yet it seemed like fun to eat in such a way.

"I'll try it if you try it," I say. "Very well. We shall try your pizza, mortal," he replies looking at Jane who smiles. Loki and I each take a bite, but small ones. Jane looks at us expectantly. "I hate it," Loki smirks. "I don't care what you think. Leidi?" Jane scowls at Loki then looks at me. "It's good," I say, "I like this pizza." "Don't smash it on the ground!" She says, worried. "Why in Odin's name would I do that?" I say. "Thor did it once," she explains, shooting Thor a look. "That I did," he chuckles.

"Well that's just Thor. He does that," I say, "can I eat this bread on the end?" I reach a portion where the cheese and sauce end. Jane nods. I bite into the hard bread. "I like Midgard," I say. "I do as well," Thor says, stuffing his face with a fourth pizza, "Loki?" "It's alright," he shrugs. I kick him under the table again. "It's great. Very amazing," he says quickly. Thor laughs heartily.

"Uhm, why don't you guys get changed out of your, battle armor?" She suggests. "Into what? I didn't bring a change of clothes while going to battle," I say sarcastically. "I think Loki is rubbing off on you," she says. Loki snickers and my eyes widen when I realize what he's thinking.


Loki emerges last, dressed in normal Midgardian wear. It's a simple green button down shirt, with a plaid pattern on it. Thor's shirt is similar, except it's red. They wear pants, except they seem to be a different material. Jeans, I believe she called them. I'm wearing a 't-shirt' with similar 'jeans' except these are skinny.

Thor and Jane shrug on jackets. Jane hands me and Loki some as well. We look at the jacket awkwardly. "Well? Put them on!" She says. "We're frost giants," Loki says. "We don't need to keep warm," I finish for him. "Put them on. At least look normal," she insists.

"If we die it's on you," I say. "It won't kill us," Loki whispers. "I know. I'm trying to make a point," I reply. Loki shrugs and puts on the jacket. I put mines in next. The warmth stings slightly, but it's bearable. Loki feels it too.

Thor drapes an arm around Jane. Some sort of Midgardian tradition. Loki and I walk out after them, I'm on his arm. The Midgardians have a strange way of life. We walk outside of the small house and into the street.

The sky above is a gray color. It looks dull. "What is wrong with the sky?" I say. Loki and Thor look up as well. The three of us look at the sky in confusion. Jane rolls her eyes. "It's called winter," she says. "Winter?" I say. "She's referring to Yule. It's like Midgardian Yule," Thor says. I nod.

"C'mon!" Jane says tugging Thor's arm. We follow after this mortal. "Where are we going?" I say. "You'll see," she calls.

We enter a strange building, with flashing signs, and inside are dozens of mortal men and women, all downing strange beverages. A giggling woman staggers behind a man, who leads her out the door.

"What is this?" I say, wrinkling my nose at the smell. "Well, we all deserve a drink," Jane says. "You could've said so. We could have gone to Asgard for some mead," Loki states. "Wait, let's try Midgardian mead," Thor says. "Why?" I say. "C'mon!" He says grabbing Loki's and my hands, dragging us to four stools next to each other.

"Four shots of Grappa, Jason," Jane says to the man behind the counter. "Ah, Thor! You're back!" The man says, "No Selvig? Ah well." He turns to me and Loki, "who are they?" "My brother, Loki. And Leidi," Thor introduces us.

"Beautiful," he says, lifting my chin, "there's this regular customer that comes her, raving about some lady. I guess that was her name. Are you her?" I look at him confused, "Who raves about me?" "Ah some guy. Says his name is Baldr or something like that. You know him?"

I grab Loki's hand under the table, my eyes wide. I know Baldr was banished, but I didn't think I'd even hear of him again. "But he doesn't come this early. Don't worry about it," he slides four small glasses of a clear liquid, "have fun, kids."

I stare worriedly at the glass, before downing it in one shot. It doesn't taste much like mead, but it's still almost as strong. Loki drinks his after I do, wrinkling his nose, "This isn't mead." "No one said it was mead," I reply. I look at the glass, thinking of the torture Baldr had put me through.

It was short, but that didn't make it any less painful. Loki squeezes my hand, "I won't let him hurt you. Never again." I lean on his shoulder. "Would you like another of, whatever this is?" He says. "Yes please," I reply. He slides the glasses forward.


After like 15 shots of the Grappa, Loki said that I had enough. I was already tipsy by the tenth but I insisted. I don't understand why Thor and Loki didn't get affected like I did. But I don't drink as often as they do.

I stumble into Loki's arms again. "Dammit, Leidi. Why'd you have to drink so much?" "You didn't stop me," I slurred. Loki stood from Jane's couch. "Why didn't you tell me she would react this way?" Jane asked Thor. "Why didn't you tell us the drink was so strong?" Loki accuses. "I told you it was Grappa. I thought you had that on Asgard," Jane defends.

I couldn't take being around their bickering. My head was throbbing as it is. In the chaos and confusion, Jane left the door. Chaos. Nice man. Thor's grandfather. His mom's dad. What was I thinking of?

I stumble to my feet, no one noticing and I stagger out the open door. I fall, not realizing there were steps in front of her house. Her house. It's very little. Thousands of it could fit inside the palace. And still leave space. I walk out into the street, removing my jacket and exposing my skin to the delightfully cold air. I leave the jacket draped over the fence around Jane's house.

I stagger in a straight line. Every now and then, I'd stop and lean on something. I got glares from these pathetic mortals. I could freeze them with my touch. But I wonder where's could get more of that Grappa. It wasn't mead, but it was similar.

I come across a road, where the sidewalk thing ends. I stagger across it, and one of the strange horseless carriages screams at me. But it's an inhuman scream. Like a ducks sound, but mechanical. Jane's minivan makes a similar noise when you press the steering mechanism.

"Do not yell at me mortal vehicle!" I yell, before moving forward and out of its path. "Freak!" The man inside yells at me.

It's been a while. I've crossed 13 or 14 of those road gap things. I've nearly been hit by 7 of those horseless carriages. I feel weak. I'm tired. But I don't know how to get back. Since the earth is round, I can keep walking straight until I reach Jane's house once more.

I've sobered a little. Just not enough to be able to think straight. My head throbs and my entire body aches. I stumble forward into a man wearing a purple jacket. "Watch it, mortal!" He yells.

His voice makes me afraid. I know that voice. Even when I'm intoxicated I can tell. I move back and see his hated face. His anger dissolves into a grin, "you couldn't stay away for long, could you my princess?"

"Leave me alone, Baldr," I hiss backing away. I stagger and fall in my arse. "Stay away," I scoot backwards, as he steps forward. He grabs my arm, wrenching me to my feet. He pulls me against him roughly, his lips capturing mine.

My attempts at pushing him off are futile. He pins my arms behind my back and grabs me around my waist, dragging me away.

"LOKI!!!!" I scream before collapsing from the effects of the Grappa.

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