Chapter 29

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This isn't Leidi her irises become completely red now. It's eerie and yet she's still beautiful. I mentally slap myself. I can't be ogling her now. I have other things to attend to.

"Blackout," I snarl, pinning him to the mattress, "Leave her out of this. Your fight is with me." "Oh? Are you sure you'll hurt me? Can you?" He grins innocently.

It makes me sick. He's using her face. He's using her abilities. He's toying with my emotions. But she said it herself that that isn't her. There is no more green left in her eyes.

She's still in there. I know it. He kicks me hard in a place I do not wish to be kicked. I groan in pain. "Advantages of being a woman. I don't have your weak point," he sneers. "Fight me like a man, Blackout," I huff.

"Really? Let's see what our dearest Leidi has to say about that," he smirks. "Our Leidi?" I seethe with rage. I pull back my fist and strike him in his feminine face. His head turns to the side and he raises his hand in front of his face.

"LOKI!!" Leidi's voice rings out, "don't do this, Loki. It hurts. Please Loki." She sobs softly. "Leidi, I'm so sorry," I say, touching her face softly. "I've found your weak spot, Laufeyson," Blackout's voice replaced hers. I roar, hitting his face repeatedly.

Then it occurs that Leidi's still in there. I hold back my next punch, in fear that I'm hurting her.

Loki. Don't hold back. That isn't me.

But you're in there.

No. I'm in your head not mine. I'll be fine. Don't spare him Loki.

I love you, Leidi.

I love you too Loki. And be careful.

I will.

I deliver a hard kick to his female genitals. It's not right to do this, but he did it first. He groans and throws his head back. Tears slip from his red eyes.

I flip him over and knock him to the ground, pressing my foot into his chest. His woman chest. I press harder and watch his face contort in pain. "Argh!" He cries.

He grins through the pain, "You are very brave, Laufeyson. You can do harm to the love of your life." "What?" I say, releasing him slightly. "Let's see what she has to say about this," he shuts his eyes and opens them again.

They're green. Tears slip from them. "Leidi," I breathe. "Loki, please stop. I'm sorry. He's gone," she says weakly. I begin lifting my foot off of her when her voice rings in my thoughts again.

Loki don't listen to him. He's faking it.

"Loki, please don't hurt me,"

That's not me, Loki. Don't fall for it.

"I love you, Loki,"

I press my foot down on his chest again. "Argh! So you've seen through it," he grins, the red eyes returning, "you're not as stupid as I thought.

This isn't her. I know that for sure. She wouldn't tell me she loves me to spare herself pain. She wouldn't beg me not to hurt her. She never did. I press harder until he lets out a bloodcurdling scream and red the red energy exits her body.

It takes shape behind me as Blackout himself. I turn to see him, grinning at me with those stupid fangs. Leidi coughs and gasps for air. "Leidi!" I say, helping her up. I hold her close to my side, stroking her hair.

"Blackout, what do you want with me?" I demand, "your quarrel is with me. Not her." "I believe as you once said, 'The ant has no quarrel with a boot,'" he uses my own words against me, "I see the phrase has been taken quite literally."

I lunge at him, wrapping my hands around his throat, as I had done when Leidi allowed me into her thoughts. I think of all those times Leidi's been hurt. I think of all those times, I hurt her.

Never again. I'm never going to let her get hurt again. But that's what I said after Baldr has molested her. The first time. I've been a terrible lover to her.

"Loki!" She yells, sinking to the floor, as roots grow from the floor of the chamber. How strange. They shouldn't have been able to pierce the solid gold palace.

The roots encircle Leidi, wrapping her arms and ankles. They bring her down to the floor as she struggles against it. I run towards her, but the roots encircle me as well. The red roots. Made from red energy. Darkforce energy.

I fight against it. "LEIDI!!" I yell. "LOKI!!" She shrieks just as I feel the skin of my throat being pierced. A root shoots from my neck, blood dripping.

"LOKI, NO!!!!" She screams. The roots vanish completely and so does a laughing Blackout. But before he can get anywhere, Leidi yanks him by his hair and drives something into his throat. Her hand.

She yanks it out, black blood covering her hand. Tears streak her face as she kicks the gasping Blackout. She crouches down next to me, crying. "Loki," she whispers.

"Leidi, it's okay. I'm fine," I choke out. "HELP!! SOMEONE PLEASE HELP!!! THOR!! GUARDS!!! SOMEBODY!!!" She yells as loudly as she possibly can. Thor comes rushing in, followed by mother.

"Oh dear, Loki!" Mother exclaims. They crouch next to me. Mother touches my delicate throat. I cough.

"Loki," Leidi breathes. I cup her face in my hand and bring her lips to mine. It's the last thing I'll ever feel. The kiss is cold and soft, and yet warm. Tears slide down her cheek. I feel myself slipping.

"I love you, Leidi," I say, "don't doubt that for a second." It's the last thing I say. I feel myself slip out of my own body, as the light encircles me, and three beautiful women surround me.

"Come Lord Loki," one says, "Valhalla awaits." Mmm Valkyries. I go into their embrace. I whisper a goodbye in Leidi's ear, knowing that she can't hear me.

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