Chapter 27

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Loki and Thor stare at me like I've completely lost it. "Leidi? Are you alright?" Loki places his hands on my shoulders, "Where did you go after you left?" He stares into my eyes intently.

"I don't know. I remember you all arguing over something, then leaving. And then I was caught by someone," I start. "Wait, caught by who?" "I don't know. I didn't see his face," I continue.

"Where did you go after that?" Loki asks. "I just walked straight. Then I ran into Baldr," I say. Loki nods along with my words, "The one who caught you, did you catch some of his features?" "Uhm, yes. He had white hair. And um pale skin. On his hand," I say.

"And he had some sort of red energy he could control," I finish. "Red energy?" He repeats. I nod.

He shakes his head and drags a hand down his face, briefly tilting my head up to look at him. His eyes search mine. "What?" I ask. "Nothing," he says looking away, "We should get back to Asgard." "Right."

I feel a red abyss tugging at me. I feel myself being tucked away. I can't scream or call for Loki.


By the time we get back to Asgard, Leidi is singing softly. So softly that I can hardly hear her, and I'm standing next to her.

"I was born in battles fire

And laid beside my mother's corpse

My toys the Ravens of the field

My lullabies the screams horse

But when that storm god you all praise

Walks the earth and shatters trees

You huddle close beside my gift

And whisper prayers beside the spit

And as the woodsmoke turns and twists

You owe your lives to sly Loki

Odin saw me on the field

And recognized his bastard son

There he claimed me for his own

Heir to all that he had won

But when the storm God you all praise

Walks the earth and shatters trees

You huddle close beside my gift

And whisper prayers beside the spit

And as the woodsmoke turns and twists

You owe you lives to sly Loki

I am the slyest of the gods

And fire is the gift I gave

I am swifter than the wind

And none can match the tricks I play

But when that storm God you all praise

Walks the earth and shatters trees

You huddle close beside my gift

And whisper prayers beside the spit

And as the woodsmoke turns and twists

You owe your lives to sly Loki

What is the honor they give me?

Denied a seat in Odin's hall

Forbidden fruits from Idun's tree

And cast outside of Asgard's wall

But when that storm God you all praise

Walks the earth and shatters trees

You huddle close beside my gift

And whisper prayers beside the spit

And as the woodsmoke turns and twists

You owe your lives to sly Loki

So sit beside the fire's gleam

And count the wrongs that I have borne

I wait for Ragnarok and dream

Hark! Is that the battles horn?"

That's not normal. She's singing my praises. She never does that. And I don't like it. "Leidi? Are you alright?" I say. "What?" She says looking at me. "You usually don't sing my praises. Is something wrong?" I say. She looks up at me and smiles, "what's wrong with that?" She puts her arms around my neck, pulling me against her. "I'd praise you with my dying breaths, my king," she whispers. I pull away, confused, and red, "what has gotten into you?" She smiles at me, "What do you mean? I'm perfectly fine."

I look into her eyes to see my suppression spell has wore off. The streaks of red are bigger and more noticeable. It reminds me of the time Thanos had me under his control. But my eyes were blue. And Thanos is dead. It can't possibly be him.

Whoever it was was on earth. I'm lost in thought while being scolded for our treason, and praised for our bravery. It's so strange. Whoever it was, mustn't know Leidi very well, so she's merely a tool in their plan. I hate to think of it, but that's what I can fathom.

Whoever it was seeks a bigger target. There are many people he or she could be targeting. But really it could most likely be Thor or I.

It's so very strange.

Hey readers.
Sorry about the confusing plot twists and the utter stupidity of our writing. Honestly, shit goes down when we write. We have to delete chapters because they don't line up. We don't usually post shit. Our friend used to write the fanfic. She's the marvel fan. Good news! She's getting better. She's just not gonna be the same.
-Savannah, Leidi, and Skuld
PS we need a team name or something. Comment suggestions.

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