Chapter 1: Being Born

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What I didn't know when I was born. Was that I was going to go through a lot of pain. Not just when my dad punched my mom in the stomach. When she was five months pregnant with me and almost made her lose me. But because of the cruelty I would have to face when I got older. When my mom gave birth to me she was happy to have me. 

You would think my dad would be happy about it right? Well wrong he wasn't he didn't want me. In fact he accused my mom of cheating on him. Even though I looked just like him he just didn't care. My mom put up with his abuse until I was three months old. I was playing with my moms albums and my dad didn't like it. 

Normally a dad would just laugh and pick you up and tell you gently not to touch it. But my dad didn't do that. Instead he crushed my toes with his steel toe boots and my mom had to take me to the hospital to fix them. After that my mom couldn't take it anymore so when dad was at work she packed all of our stuff and moved in with my grandma her mother. 

We had a normal life though I did go to the hospital a lot. Because I was born with a weak body so my mom took me to the hospital a lot. I had to have quite a bit of surgery done on me. Mom lost her job because of having to take me to the hospital a lot. We became homeless. When we were living on the streets when I was two years old and my mom was pregnant with my baby brother. Things didn't look good. When we did finally find a place to live at it wasn't safe. 

We would hear gun shots and screaming. Mom wouldn't let me go out. When my brother was born my mom wanted to find us a safer place to live at. Which she did a few months later. It was a col-de-sac that's where I grew up most of my life. Things were going pretty great. I made friends and thought everything was going to stay wonderful. 

But I was wrong. My mom got into a car crash when she was pregnant with my baby sister when I was nine and my brother was five. But my mom didn't know that she was pregnant till the doctors told her she was. The doctors said that she could either get an abortion so she could get surgery done on her back. Because the crash messed up her spinel cord and neck. 

They said if she didn't get it taken cared of right away she won't be able to walk at all. But she refused to give up my baby sister she would wait till she gave birth to her. In order to get the surgery she was only three months pregnant with my sister. When nine months went by my sister was born and she was healthy. 

My mom had the surgery and to her relief and the docs astonishment my mom was able to walk. But she has metal plates in her neck and back. So I had to take care of my baby sister. Because my mom couldn't bend down and pick her up. I was only nine years old and I was in school. I didn't get much sleep and I would fall asleep in class. 

But I knew it would be worth it because I loved my baby sister. What I didn't count on later on when we moved a year later was that my mom was going to be changing. It happened when she couldn't do anything fun with us anymore. When I wasn't taking care of my sister I would be hanging out with friends. I was such a huge tomboy back then!

I would play with the guys a lot. I had a lot of guy friends back then, then girls who are friends. I once played football with them and when I was running around with them my pants fell down. All the guys saw my underwear and my face was so red from it! We did have our fun moments. Like before my mom had the surgery we would come up with a lot of games to play with the kids. 

Even when it came to be my brothers birthday and we decided to do a soda fight! We would shake up the soda cans and then open them up and spray the person next to us. Then another birthday of my brothers we did an egg fight! It was so much fun and gross! But it was so worth it. Finally a year went by and that's when things started to change. 

I was ten years old when I started to talk to my grandmother my fathers mother. My other grandmother died in her sleep when I was nine months old. So I never got to know her.
Now before I continue further I just wanted to get you up to date about my family. My mothers side of the family didn't want anything to do with her once her parents died. My grandfather my mothers father was killed. He had a heart attack and was run over by a drunk driver. My mother was nine years old when it happened. Years later her older sister was killed as well. She was killed by the friends she thought she could trust. 

They slit her throat from ear to ear. I was really little when this happened. All this stuff I'm telling you about now? Is what I found out through my mom. I remember some of it just not all of it. So after that no one else in the family didn't want anything to do with her or us kids. My mothers father side didn't want anything to do with any of us as well.

So it was just the three of us before my dad came back into my life for a few years. So that's when I'll get back to where I started to write letters to my grandma who is my fathers mother. Soon it went from writing letters to talking on the phone. One day while I was talking on the phone with her she asked me to go and get my mother. Which I did when I came back to the phone I told her that mom was on the way. When mom got to the phone her and grandma Osborn talked for a bit. (a/n: that's what I would call her) once they were done I got to talk to her again. 

Once I hung up with her my mom called me to her and asked me if I wanted to meet my dad. At first I was happy. But then I remembered what my mom said to me about him. But since I was only ten? I didn't understand most of it. So to her utter shock I said yes on meeting my dad after ten years of not having him in my life. Little did I know it's the biggest mistake I ever made and I regret it everyday.

The day finally came when I was going to meet my father after so long. I was nervous and excited. I just wanted a dad to love me and call me his princess back then. When he did come and show up. I couldn't move all I could do was stand there and look at him in shock. Finally I ran over to him and wanted a hug so he hugged me. He was surprised by it. 

I was actually tall for a ten year old. So I stood over my dad. I got my tallness from my mom. My mom talked to my dad for a bit. Then she announced that he was going to be spending the night with us. I was so happy and ecstatic that I screamed. When it came to night before I went to bed. I crawled into my mothers water bed and curled up next to my dad. 

He didn't know what to do. My mom told him I just wanted to be loved by him. So he did love on me, for the first time in a long time. I thought I finally had both my parents in my life. That things would start getting better. Boy was I wrong.

(WARNING: there will be abuse in the next chapter so be ready)

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