Chapter 2: Living In Hell

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The next day my mom announced that my dad. Would be living with us at first I was shocked but then I got over it. I just couldn't believe that this was happening so fast. I wasn't expecting it but I was happy it was happening. Everything seemed to be going fine until the drinking started happening. My dad started to drink a lot and when we didn't do what he wanted?

We would get beaten for it. It came to the point that I had to start hiding my bruises from school. I became withdrawn and wouldn't talk to people much. Sure I would try to be the happy go lucky me. I Even came up with Halloween scare ideas. Like doing a ghost tour with the kids.

I would make up stories and have my best friend and her two siblings pop out. With makeup all over their faces and scare them. The kids loved it and my best friend and her siblings lived next door to me. But still my dad didn't get better he would drink a huge 24 pack of beer each day. I got scared of him and tried to hide in places. One day something bad happened.

My brother and I got into a fight and my dad got mad. He chased after me all over the backyard. I would try not to scream but I did hear my dad scream. He screamed at me to get back there. But no way was I going to go back there! He was running after me with a freaking shovel! It had spikes on it. He did catch me a few times but he only got a hold of my hair.

I just gave up and sat in a fetal position and he came up to me. He smacked me upside of the head and called me a dumb bitch. The next day as I was getting ready for school. He came towards me and punched me in the arm. It hurt and left a big bruise on the top of my shoulder. I went to school all upset. I was trying not to cry finally I couldn't take it anymore and I cried.

The teacher asked what was wrong and I told her. She called the counselor and told them. I talked to them and social services got called. My mom was furious with me about it. When she came to the school and picked me up. She was going off on me about how he was getting help and that he was going to AA meetings. Along with anger management.

But they didn't work out. Because you can't change someone unless they want to change. Finally a few months later my mom made an announcement. That we were going to move from Orlando Florida. To Kissimmee Florida I was shocked and stunned. I didn't want to leave! I loved it here! But I didn't get a say because I was really little. Turns out it was my dads idea of course.

So finally we started moving even though I was almost done with 5th grade! I had to finish it at Kissimmee. I was depressed and my dad went off on me about it. So finally I just gave in and we moved there. I didn't even try to make friends when I started a new school. I was afraid they would get hurt by my father. So I made it where they stayed away from me and I made friends with books.

Even though I was closer to my grandma Osborn and I could go and see her. But I just wasn't happy at all. Grandma Osborn saw that and tried to cheer me up as much as she could. Also to my horror my mom and dad got remarried and I was stuck with him till I turned thirteen. But during that time I had to endure the abuse that was put upon me.

I hated myself for what was happening to my family. It just kept getting worse with my dad. One time when we went camping for the first and last time. Things got way out of hand with him. He tried to hit my mother with a wooden baseball bat! I don't get why he did it.

But we tried to run away from him and he kept trying to swing at us. I couldn't take it anymore. I started to become suicidal at my age. I couldn't go to anyone about what was happening. Because I thought no one would help us out. After all the last time I tried to get help it backfired on me.

So the past three years I would cry myself to sleep at night. Until I heard my mom calling out for me in the middle of the night one time. At first I thought I was hearing things. So I didn't think much of it. Until I heard her call out my name again. So I hopped off the top bunk. Because my little sister and I were sharing a room at the time.

The bunk beds were close to the door and I almost ran into the door. In my haste to get to my mother. I ran into her and dads room and I looked shocked and horrified. I really thought I was dreaming. Because my dad was on top of my mom and he was trying to strangle her to death. I screamed at him and tried to get him off of her. But since I was only thirteen I wasn't strong enough.

My dad dragged my mom out of bed and pulled her into the bathroom. He started to bang her head against the tile wall of their shower stall. I tried again to get him off of her. He pushed me really hard and I hit the bathroom mirror hard. I got knocked out I didn't wake up until. An hour later and by then everything was quiet. I left the bathroom and walked out.

I couldn't remember why I was in there for the rest of the night. So I just went to bed. The next morning when I woke up. I remembered everything that happened that night. I ran out of my sister's and I's room and ran into my parents room. I saw that my mom was by herself and my dad was nowhere to be found. After that day mom threw him out of our lives and divorced him.

Finally I thought we were going to get peace finally. But yet again I was wrong. When I went to go and get the mail my dad tried to run me over with the fucking car! I was so mad when I got away. That I almost wanted to chase after him and slit his throat and laugh as I watch the life drain out of him. I've never been that mad before.

I was so horrified on thinking like that, that I was scared of myself. But finally I let it go and lived a normal life for the time being. I finally made friends and I was becoming happy again. But like all violent pasts it leaves its scars. I still wanted to kill myself at times. Then finally I got a hold of this book called earth Angels. If it wasn't for that book I wouldn't be alive today.

I promised myself that I would never let anyone feel how I feel. To be alone and like no one would be there for me. So that's what I did. I was now thirteen years old and I was going to start middle school now. Things were kind of going to look up. When I started middle school I got into manga more. I was so obsessed with it that, that's all I would want to read.

I made friends and I got the nickname called the librarian. Because I would have a lot of manga books and I would read them a lot. Soon a few months goes by and my mom started to date this one guy. His name was Todd he wasn't like my dad he didn't abuse us at all. But there was something about him. That I couldn't put my finger on that caused me to not like him.
No matter what he tried to do he couldn't win me over.

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