Chapter 5: The Bitch From Hell And Odd Times

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We were going to be spending the night. At Pats fathers house he lived across the street from us. Brittany was complaining about stupid shit. As it was getting close to night time and I usually can't sleep when I'm at a new place. I was watching tv when Brittany decided to turn off the tv. I turned around and gave her a death glare. She wasn't phased by it this was the day before my birthday.

'What? I want to sleep the light is bothering me. So your just going to have to deal,' she said with a bitchy attitude. I just sighed and tried to sleep. So when the next day came around I got up. I was cranky and the first thing Brittany does is complain. I snapped and told her off. 'You know what? Just shut the fuck up! It's my birthday today and instead of celebrating it we are moving! The only person allowed to complain here is me! You stupid bitch,' I said to her before storming off.

I got away with it of course mom and Pat were too busy getting everything done and ready for the drive. To Georgia. We were going to drive there. It was going to take us like 8 to 9 hours to get there so I knew it was going to be a pain in the ass. But I grit my teeth and dealt with it and got ready for the drive. Of course I had to sit in the same car with Brittany and she got free rain of the radio.

I had to listen to country music I got nothing against country music. It's just not my kind of music. So finally it was getting close to dinner time and I got to pick what we ate so I did. Finally we made it to Georgia at night and I got to see my first snow fall. At the age of nineteen I know that's a really old age to see my first snow.

But since I lived in Florida? I never got to see snow except. This really weird time when it snowed in Orlando Florida. It didn't stay on the ground of course but it was amazing. I was only like seven or eight back then. But I didn't count that. Because I couldn't play in it. But this snow I could. When we finally got to the house I was stunned.

The place was huge and big! But it had to be. Because there would be seven people and seven dogs living in that house. So there was fourteen in total. Now we were all tired so we went to bed. The next day Pat decided to take me out birthday shopping since I didn't really get anything for my birthday. I was happy about it so we went and I got me books.

Soon as we got back we unpacked some stuff and then I was able to go and play in the snow. Which I did I dragged my little sister out with me and we played in the snow. She actually threw a white rock at me. She thought it was snow and it hurt like hell! But still we had fun. We weren't going to start school until later. It was still winter break of course.

But of course I wasn't happy Brittany kept complaining about stupid stuff. She got to stay home from school because we didn't go. We got enrolled in our classes. I kind of had an attitude when we went to go and get this all taken cared of. I don't remember what made me mad. I just know I was upset so I went off on the people we were meeting.

My mom got mad at me. But I couldn't help it. I was in the middle of my senior year of high school and I wasn't going to be able to graduate with my friends. When I started classes there I didn't try to make any friends. I really didn't see the point since I was going to be graduating soon. But it looked like I wasn't going to be able to graduate.

Because the classes were too hard for me. Along with the fact since we didn't have to do our senior year project at my old school. I had to do it at this school and I had a lot to catch up on! So my depression got worse. I made a little bit of friends. But it didn't last long. Then when I would take the bus with Brittany she would complain like usual.

One time she complained over something really stupid! Like she complained about her boobs being cold. Because they were pretty much spilling out of her shirt and she wasn't wearing much of a coat. I overheard people saying she was a slut. Now I normally don't ever judge but I have seen it first hand. I rather wish I hadn't.

One time she came up behind me while I was washing dishes. She stabbed me in the ass with a knife! If I wasn't wearing jeans that wouldn't have been good. So when we were upstairs and she was in the bathroom I threw a knife at the door and it stuck there. She got a little scared of me on that one. I was glad.

Because she would act like she was in charge. She wanted to be a lawyer and I laughed at that. Because her mother would do her homework for her while she was doing her hair. I tried my hardest to do my homework. You see remember that time I told you about how my father. Hit my mom when she was five months pregnant with me?

Well turns out I suffered some brain damage. So my brain was slower than normal. So that's why I don't act my age a lot of the time. But anyways back to the story.
I couldn't take it anymore I even told my mom. But she wouldn't hear about it. She was afraid that she would die. Because she had cancer so she wanted to make sure someone would look after us. So I did what I usually do. I just gritted my teeth and dealt with it. Then after staying with them for two months. That's when something really bad happened.

Now you know how dogs like to be in charge and they don't like it when another dog tries to be alpha? Well my dog lucky wanted to be alpha and the other bigger dog that Pat had. Didn't like that so they would get into fights. Well we decided to not let them all go out together we made sure that they went outside separately. Well one time.

Stupid Brittany didn't tell us that she still had her dogs out there. So when we let lucky and honey out. You know that lucky and the big dog started to fight each other. But this time the big dog wouldn't allow that. So he tried to rip out my dogs throat. My mom tried to pull them apart.

But it wasn't working. Then Brittany decided to jump on my moms back and beat on her. My brother didn't like it because it was hurting our mother. So my brother threw Brittany off my mom and she fell down the stairs. She was fine she only had a little cut on the back of her head. But she made a big deal about it. Pat had it worse she tried to get in-between the dogs before my mom intervened.

She put her hand in their mouths to try to pull them apart. That's not wise so of course she got bitten pretty badly. My mom finally got the dogs away from each other. The paramedics were called and they fixed everyone up. Brittany was being a drama queen by pretending to still be hurt worse. Which she wasn't they even said it wasn't that bad.

But she tried to pretend to faint so this one paramedic could catch her. But it didn't work out he backed away and she fell on her ass. I tried not to laugh. Once that was all done and taken cared of. That's when mom decided she had enough and that we were going to move back to our old house. I was so happy about that.

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