Chapter 12: Drama and Changing Ones Self

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When I first moved to Indiana I made a Facebook to keep in touch with friends. Back in my old high school so I found them. Pretty soon I got added by others or I added new people and made new friends. Things were going good but soon a year goes by and then people started crap with me. So they started drama.

I know I shouldn't have let it get to me. But I couldn't help it. Because I wasn't used to it. So I would get upset over someone making fun of me. Or on someone dating me and then end up leaving. Without really giving me a good reason for it. So sometimes I would cut or claw myself. My mom never noticed it. Pretty soon it didn't bother me much.

Though Bailey did block me without saying it was over. I mean we weren't even fighting at all. We never did he just upped and left. We weren't even dating for that long. It wasn't even a month. So I stayed up all night crying over it. I couldn't sleep at all because every time that I tried? I saw Baileys face and it would break me all over again.

I tried to stay off facebook as much as I could. It worked at first but stuff kept happening. I just gave up and didn't care anymore. Soon it was getting close for me being able to move out of the group home. Because I did an application to get into the apartments I live at now. They were going to let me move in there. Well I was dating this guy named Joe at the time.

He wasn't a bad person at first but he would be really aggressive. I felt like all he cared about was sex. Because every time we would see each other that's all he wanted. Every time that we went out together. He always tried to get into my pants in public. I would always pushed him away. I didn't even get why I was dating him.

I mean I found out he was cheating on me. The entire time we were dating. I caught him and I would forgive him for it. I know that I shouldn't have. But he was the first person in a long time for me to be able to date in person. So that's why I stayed with him. But one day something he did made me break up with him. He almost made me lose my apartment.

I was going to let him live with me. But he went to the office and demanded to be put on the lease. He said he was going to move in rather they let him or not. When I heard about this I couldn't help but be upset about it. He shouldn't have done that. So I got mad at him about it. Then he raped me so I was completely done with him. This was last year.

I sometimes get scared about it. But I keep living and not let it get to me. He isn't in my life anymore. I made sure of it. Finally I found someone else who was way better for me. His name is Shay, he was really sweet and cared about me. He helped me out when I was upset about what happened with Joe.

Because Joe tried to get back with me. He was going to force me into it too. I got really scared and was crying. I didn't want him anywhere near me. So finally he left me alone after I threatened to call the cops on him. Shay was upset about it and wanted to move in with me. So I let him, he got his step dad to drive him to Indiana since he lived 4 hours away.

It made me happy I got really excited when he got here. As soon as he got here he attacked me with hugs. I couldn't stop laughing about it. Finally we get him settled in and things were going great. I was finally living on my own doing what I always wanted to do. I couldn't wrap my head around the fact that I have my own place now.

In a way I still don't have my head wrapped around it still. But I knew I was going to be happy. It only took me two years to get my life together and be able to live on my own. I'm now taking responsibility on things. My mom still tried to screw with me and tried to get me to do things she wanted me to do. But I wouldn't do it.

The same day that she tried to fuck with me. I got a message from my Ex girlfriend she told me to go and kill myself. Even her boyfriend who was also my ex as well. Told me to go and end my life. I just got upset about it, it was becoming too much for me. So I did something really stupid and cut myself. It wasn't deep but it felt good to me.

The next day I got better. I wasn't going to let anything else get me down. I knew I could deal with this. I knew I could move on. So I did Shay did help me out a lot. I was really grateful to him on it.

That's it on what I can think of on writing about my life. I'm going to write about good memories and bad memories. Then I'm going to end this bio.

So one time when I was in middle school and we had a pool in the backyard. One of my friends came over to spend time with me and go swimming. So my brother decided to be an idiot and show off in front of us. He climbed up the roof and jumped down and made a big splash. It shook the whole pool up.

He is a skinny thing too, then he climbed back up the roof and jumped down and did a belly flop. I could hear his stomach hit the water. When he swam back up his face was all red and his stomach had an angry red mark on it. Mom heard what he was doing. So she chased him around the whole pool with a broom.

I couldn't stop laughing about it. I got out of the pool to get me something to drink. When I got into the house I heard my mom and brother yelling. I turn the corner and see my mom banging on my brothers bedroom door. He locked mom out and soon she broke the door down. She brought the whole doorframe down as well!

I couldn't help but laugh really hard. It was so comical. Then my brother runs to the bathroom and he wasn't fast enough this time. He couldn't lock my mom out of the bathroom this time. She knocked the shower curtain. I left the house and went back swimming.
Then one time on my birthday I caught two of my friends making out on my bed.

It was dark in my room and I had this camera. That when you take the picture it brings out the picture out quickly for you. When I saw the picture and saw that they were kissing. I teased them about it. (They were both girls by the way cx) they chased me around the room for the picture. I have a pull out bed couch and the bed was pulled out. I fell on it and they both dogged piled on me.

So since we were all on the edge the bed went down. Making the couch get lifted with the bed. I couldn't stop laughing about it. Then one time while I was riding my bike I hit a rock. I got flipped over and fell into the sewer. I couldn't stop laughing about it. Despite smelling bad.

I could go on and on about these memories. I did have a fucked up life but I did have good memories. Like this other time when I got to drive my friends car. I didn't do bad until I turned into my driveway. Too late and ran over the mailbox. When I was walking home from school I saw that my mom was cementing our mailbox down.

I asked her what she was doing and she told me. That some asshole ran over our mailbox. I bit back my laughter on that one. Mom didn't know it was me.

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