Chapter 9: The Danger Zone And Moving Again

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So a few months later after I got out of jail. Mom would try to fight me about my social security. For those who don't know what that is. It's where when your disabled both mentally and physically or one or the other and you can't support yourself? Then the government would give you money to help you out. Well they took mines away because of my age. I was twenty now.

My mom wanted me to act stupid so she could get my social security money. That's all she cared about was the money. Every time I would take the test to see if I qualified or not. The test would tell my mom that I didn't need social security. So she made me do this thing where I had to willingly go back to the mental hospital. But I didn't want to go!

But my mom said if I don't then she would make me live on the streets because she couldn't take care of me anymore. So I gritted my teeth and I went there willingly pretending that I wanted to kill myself. Though to be honest? I really did want to do that. But I didn't so they took me back in. At least when I got in there I could read my books.

So mom gave me my books. But my mom made me stay there for two weeks! I didn't want to I wanted to get out so badly that I wanted to scream. But I had to stay there and I hated it. They made me watch football because it was the super bowl and I don't like football. But a lot of people wanted to watch it so I had to sit there. Every time I got sent to the mental hospital.

I would get hit on every time and it sucked and I wanted to smack them. They only liked me because I was the only one who was young there. Finally after the two weeks are gone I got to get out of there and I couldn't be happier about it. When I got home I just wanted to be left alone. But mom wouldn't leave me alone so instead we had to get ready to move. Mom wanted to move again.

Because our house is sinking. After all Florida is swamp land. So mom decides to have us move to Indiana. I had mixed feelings about it. Because it will be in a different state. I was only used to living in Florida. I mean I lived in Georgia but that wasn't far from Florida. So my mom started to have us pack up. My bedroom became my mom and sister's room.

Because my mom shut off the A/C in the house and my room was the biggest one. Because it used to be a porch before they made it to be a bedroom/ living room. Plus it had its own A/C so my mom would keep it running. Well I decided to stay in her room because it had the computer. Plus I wanted to be alone away from my mom.

Finally after a while mom started to get things packed more and I had to end up sharing the room with my mother and sister. Well one time while my mom was in the living room watching tv. My sister wanted to sleep so I went in there to mess with her. Well she threw my stuffed frog at me. It was dark in the room and it scared the shit out of me.

Because it came out of nowhere! So I screamed my sister laughed at me. So I ran over to the beds and she was on the 2nd bed. Since the beds didn't have that much of a gap. I tried to jump over one of them to get to the other. I ended up messing it up. I brought the first bed down with me and I ended up in the middle of the beds. I was stuck and my sister was stuck with me.

She tried to run away but she wasn't fast enough. I couldn't stop laughing about it. Finally we got free and we just messed around. Finally it was getting close to the move. Now my sister and I wouldn't be able to go with mom. Because she was going to drive the truck while having her car latched to the truck. So my sister and I would have to take the bus.

My mom didn't trust me on it. She kept threatening to hurt me. If I didn't take care of her baby girl. I couldn't help but roll my eyes. She never had confidence in me. She always put me down and doubted me and it sucked big time. She would even make fun of my weight and kept telling me to go on a diet. But I couldn't because I eat when I'm stressed or upset.

Well anyways. Finally mom and Ryan were going to leave. My sister and I were going to leave in a couple of days. My sister and I stayed at this old couples place. They were awesome people they would tell us stories on how they met and how long they have been together. They have been together for a long time. For like 50 years I believe.

Can you believe that?! I admired them for that. Because it's everything some people would dream about. On being together that long. They have been dating since she was in middle school and he was in high school. They were each other's first relationships and their lasts. I know that can't always happen but I hope it does for me.

The way he looks at her and she looks at him. Shows that their in love with each other no matter how long it's been. I really hope that happens to me one day. But anyways once it was time to leave they took us to the greyhound buses. We said goodbye to them and we loaded on the bus. To be honest I was really scared about going on the bus with my sister and I.

But I knew I could do this. So we got on the bus and I got to watch the view. We even had to spend the night on the bus when we got on our second bus. My sister almost went on the wrong bus she doesn't ever admit to it that she was wrong and I wasn't. She liked being right. So it was night time on the bus. But I didn't sleep at all because it's a new place.

Ever since I've lived on the streets. I've always had a hard time sleeping at new places. I'm always thinking about how someone is going to come out and jump me. So I always kept my guard up. I stayed up the whole night and finally we were getting close to our destination. But my mom decided to pick us up at Kentucky because she got to the new place faster than she expected. She didn't want us to stay on the bus a minute longer.

When mom picked us up there was a guy with her. Mom told me he is one of the works men who was working on the house. Mom decided to rent instead of own. It's cheaper that way. So we went to the new place and I knew I wasn't going to like it at first. But I dealt with it. The place didn't look bad. But what my mom didn't know until later? Is that the foundation is caving in.

For those of you who don't know what that is. It pretty much keeps the whole house up. Well our house was falling in. But my mom didn't know about it until a few months later. But the place was old it got really cold there as well. My room had pink in it and I didn't like it. I have nothing against pink just didn't like it.

But I had to deal because I couldn't paint over it. Well as we were settling in the house. My sister was going to school. But for some reason not a lot of people liked her. They were being mean to her. They would pick on her and she didn't want to go back there.

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