Chapter 10: The Abuse Gets Worse And Then We Move Again

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So my sister got home schooled she got depressed because she wanted to go to school and make friends. But it didn't work out. Mom got worse because every time she tried to fix something. Something else would happen. So finally one day my mom got into a fight with me. I lost it and said mean and hateful things to her. I would laugh and ripped up my favorite wolf picture.

Which I regret on doing that. My mom got so mad that she threw me on my bed and wrapped her hands around my throat. I couldn't breathe I didn't even try to fight her off. Because to be honest? I didn't really care I wasn't afraid to die. So I looked her in the eyes and stared at her while she tried to choke the life out of me. I dared her to do it by sending the message through my eyes. I gave her a defiant look.

Finally as my vision got blurry and I was losing conscious. My mom let me go and I was able to breathe again. I smirked up at her and she slapped me. She left my room and I laid on my bed trying to catch my breath. All I did was laugh.

I don't know what got into me I just snapped and lost it. Finally I pulled myself together. Though every chance my mom got she would yell at me. See my mom would make me do the house work. Like cook, clean, do the laundry, and do the dishes as well. Also had to do the yard work. While my brother got to go out. It wasn't fair to me. I wouldn't leave the house much.

I didn't see the point mom wouldn't let me do anything that I wanted to do. The only time I would leave is when mom would drive me to therapy. She would lie to the therapist about my mental health. Pretty much she would put me down in front of people. Awesome right? Finally mom saw what was going on with the house. My mom tried to get into touch with her family in Michigan. They talked to mom but when mom told them what was going on with the house? They asked the guy who owned the house and believed him over my mom. Can you believe that? I mean my mom lies a lot but not about that.

Mom was hoping we could live with them. But that got blown out of the water. So mom looked for another place. A place I live at now. I live in Columbus Indiana. Mom moved us to apartments that were right next door to a cemetery. The cemetery is huge. It goes down for blocks. I thought it was pretty cool. I would go there to hang out at times.

My mom and family thought I was nuts. My mom is superstitious she would always hold her breath every time she drove past the cemetery. There is a old superstition where if you hold your breath while driving past a cemetery? The dead couldn't get in. I never did that of course. So things were looking up pretty good in a way.

Though my mom did make us get rid of lucky. He was sick and mom couldn't afford to take him to the vet. So she left him in front of the animal shelter. I couldn't stop crying about it. We already lost princess and shadow because mom couldn't take care of them either. So we only had honey and I wanted to make sure I would never lose her.

At first it looked like I wasn't going to lose honey. So I began to relax. So now my mom gets me into Centerstone. They help out people like me to be able to live on their own. Well Katie would come over and we would drive around and talked. I told her everything that was happening at home. Katie listened to every word I said. She said she was going to help me out on getting out of there.

I couldn't thank her enough about it. She would take me to my cooking classes and I had fun. Finally Katie came to me and told me she found something that would help me out. Because I couldn't take it anymore mom got worse. She would fight with us once or twice a week. It was getting out of hand. Even when I got my social security back finally.

I thought mom was going to get better but boy was I wrong. She didn't she still went off on me. So Katie told me about this group home. That Centerstone owns. It's to help people like me to be able to do things on my own of course. But they also help you find a place to live. I agreed to it so we went and met up with the person who's in charge of the place.

I told her my story and she said she was going to help me out any way that she can. I couldn't stop smiling about it. But Katie and I didn't tell my mother yet. I wanted to keep it that way until everything was getting ready for me to stay at that group home. So finally it came to the day where I had to tell my mom about this.

I was so scared out of my mind. I really didn't want to do it. But I knew I had to and Katie and Kristin were going to help me tell my mother. So we went to my appointment and we told my mom. When she found out boy was she mad! She told them a bunch of lies to keep me out of the group home. But it didn't work on them. So my mom got really upset.

When we got to the car you know that she went off on me. So I had to sit there and listen to her yelling at me. So when we got home I knew I would have to listen to her yelling at me the entire time. But I wasn't going to listen to her. I knew I was doing the right thing. So the entire time my mom got into a fight with me over going to be staying at the group home.

She told me that they were just going to take my money and that wasn't true at all. So finally I snapped and went off on my mom. She took my phone away from me when I tried to call Katie. Mom never wanted me to have my phone whenever her and I get into a fight. Including when I tell her I wanted to call Katie and talk to her mom refused.

So I left the place and started to cry but I didn't get far. Because I didn't know anyone around the apartments and so I sat at the pavilion and just cried my eyes out. Once I was done I had no choice but to go back home and when I did. I just went into my sister's and I's room. I laid on the bed and didn't do or say anything. Finally I fell asleep.

The next day when I woke up mom kept going off on me and told me I was being stupid about this. But I didn't care. I knew I was doing the right thing. So finally mom gave up being my payee and Centerstone became my payee. Things were starting to get better. Mom wanted to move back to Florida but I didn't. I even told her it was a bad idea.

But of course she wouldn't listen to me so I just gave up on it. One day my mom pushed me over the edge by going off on me again and then hit me. So I went into my bedroom and took a bunch of pills. 

I tried to swallow them all at once. But it wouldn't let me so I spit some of them out. But I still swallowed some mom took me to the hospital. They said I could either stay at the mental hospital or see a therapist and just go home. I didn't want to stay at the mental hospital so I picked seeing my therapist. I just knew I had to get out of there or I would die there.

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